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Posts posted by brewha

  1. WHEW !!!!!!! i feel better now......i was about to blow a gasket !!!!..lol...

    i still think that they get a lot of money to retire on though........only if we were so lucky.........oh well........





    edited to add: just had an idea.........i think i'm gonna run for senate.....heck ...if i'm gonna do that why not go all the way.......PRESIDENT......WOO HOOO


    OR.....BREWHA FOR U.S. SENATE......sure to cause a big ... BROUHAHA !!!!!!!


    i know......i'm a dork......but gotta amuse myself somehow.......

  2. HOLY CRAP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i did not know this....how did you find this out???....if this is indeed the case, something needs to be done about it ...like...NOW !!!!!!!! how can that possibly be fair???? just because they were a member of congress...or senate........what makes them sooo special.....it doesn't take a rocket scientist...... no wonder they are saying that there might be no s.s left for us......because ..THEY will have it......what a crock....i hope this is not the truth......i'll tell you what....i feel betrayed and used...this is sooo non - american....

  3. like i said in the post...one is a jack russell...and one is a miniature pincher......not sure of the ages or sex....i will be talking to him today, and let you know........i already promised someone the min pncher...if he's going to give them up........and if her friend still wants it....but i will let you know.......i was hoping that whoever lost them ...would find them....but it looks like thats not going to happen.......i'll post when i hear something..

  4. a friend of ours found 2 dogs/ puppies..i'm not sure....a few days ago.....they were near the bull arena.......(he bucks bulls ..practice pen etc...) it's also near bunkhouse b-bque.........one is a miniature pincher...and the other is a jack russell

    they think they are full blooded, but can't be sure......they are also thinkin that they were dumped there....he said it happens out there a lot.....so if you know of anyone who is missing them...(.i'm assuming they lived were together) let them know they've been fpound...and can cantact me .....or if you know someone who had them, and does't now, and is not looking for them.....give them a big ear lashin' and let authorities know...so they can get what they deserve......this family has taken them in, but don't really have room for them....since they already have

    a yellow lab ...choc lab...chow mix...and 2 corgies.(that are indoor dogs)..and a new born baby......sooo if the owners can be found ...that would be the best for everyone...

  5. there's a place in town center if you are willing to go that far.....

    i think it's called comic cuts....but don't quote me on that...it is totally directed to kids...the decor and all....it's an awesome place for little ones....to me worth the drive....

  6. i had talked to the guy that worked in there all the time......i was telling him he need to get more of a selection, that i had heard of more than a few people complain of the lack of stuff there........

    he told me that not soon after the owner opened the store ......his child got REALLY sick...i'm not sure with what, but it was a small child or baby..........and since then the owner had not been to the store , ordered anything , or kept in contact with anyone there........i also understood that he was piled down with medical bills........


    so that is the reason it is closing...we need to pray for this man and his family............i can't imagine the pain he must be going through.....

    i prob would have done the same thing...some things in life are more important than others...........just wanted to let you know.....didn't want anyone to start bashing him or the store.........

  7. oops.....didn't see the parasailing....i guess i should have marked more than one instead of just the bungie jumping.......i bungie jumped over the delaware river when i was about 22 yrs old....when i lived in jersey........it was fun after i actually did it......they had to do the count down from 10 5-6 times before i actually took the leap....we were at a beach bar... so obviously i had a few drinks in me.....lol.....and everyone else was half lit too........so they were chanting for me to "jump"........when i finally did the place went nuts....lol....


    my hubby and i parasailed in deestin, on our honeymoon......i was a little weary at first, cause the cord kinda clicks and jerks alittle as your going out , but once we were at full height....it was great.....what shocked me the most was how quiet it was once you were up there...we could talk to each other almost in a whisper.....very relaxing....and you could see dolphins and other fish under the water..........they also "dipped" us in the water up to our waist as we were coming in.....

    it was unexpected , but fun.....

  8. he is a little doll !!!!!!! how old is he??? i thought he was about 3 ....but maybe i misunderstood.......he's a big boy.........ya know lacey.....he may be non- verbal, but you can tell he is happy ....just the look on is face says it all............at least he smiles.......i'll bet seeing him in person , you would be able to tell everything he's thinking or feeling.....

    what an awesome kid..........

  9. ENJONES= Elizabeth nelson jones


    Pretty boring, huh?  I want to change it to KATSMOM but don't know how.


    I am also a huge fan of Anne of Green Gables.



    enjones.....you have to contact pubby and ask him if you can change it...... :o

    thats the only way it can be done..... :unsure: ...i don't know if you have to have a good reason or not.......but i assume it's to hinder people from posting in threads that they want to comment on , :p (like something controversial etc) but, under different names to conceal their original screen name... :ninja: ..but i guess you could still do that if you have more than 1 e-mail address you can use... :blink: ... :ninja: .....oh well.....my other guess would be...so everyone is not constantly changing their names, :huh: i guess it would get pretty confusing... :wacko: .and we'd eventually run out of names to use.....or would end up with someones old name....etc...etc...anyhoo....i hope this helped ya...good luck... :D

  10. HAIR MATTERS......it is an awesome place......i have very long hair too.....well used to up until 2 days ago......but i have never had a good haircut since i moved down here away from my friend........myself and both of my girls went there and we each had a "style"cut....not just a touch -up........they did awesome....the one that did mine and my 5 year olds was...anita enterkin......and the one that did the 10 yr olds was....i think stacey something.....i also know a few people that have used another girl there.....she's great too...her name is christy porter........they don't actually work for the shop ...they are independant contractors, and they rent their booths from the owner ....they get to keep ALL of their money....so from a picky , scared to have my hair cut, wuss....i would recommend them.....

    oh....they are located, at the corner of macland and bobo.....where the gas station is, the deli place.and sew it seams.....good luck

  11. my friend has a toyota sienna....and it's awesome....it's prob 4-5 yrs old now....and runs like new...very sturdy car, if ya know what i mean....looks nice inside too....leather seats etc....and they're prob even better now.......more bells and whistles.......ie- dvd...& screen plugs for headsets for all passengers......etc....i think you can't go wrong with that one.........there are other nice mv out there....but they prob don't have the quality that toy has......prob cost more money in the long run...with repairs and all....not to mention they usually resale for more than the others too.........good luck

  12. there's one on 381....dallas acworth hwy....coming from crossroads towards mt tabor church rd....it is on the left....it's called................ high country stables.....i know someone who boards their horse there ....and they love it.......they also do alot extra fun things too.....they also have a camp t....

    then there's the one off of due west....laura leigh farms.........i believe

    theres also another place i know of that a couple people go to on dallas hwy....

    120...sort of across from boots ward rec ...on the left....i forget the name of it......

    there's also one off of harmony grove church rd......moonlight stables....very nice facility.............

    hope this helps......i had found out about the prices before, but for the life of me...i can't remember.......it isn't cheap though.....i think its about 100.00 a month ....for 2 hours per week...i think thats the average price range....it may vary a little ...

  13. i want to say thanks to everyone that replied to this topic.........thanks for your advise, and comments........i will definately pass the info on to my mom....they live in mcdonough.........but i'm sure he can go anywhere.....right now, i think the only thing that will work is an inpatient rehab......so i'm going to call the numbers that you all gave me.....your advice is very much appreciated........your an awesome group of people...........mom my said to me last night ...she just didn't know what to do anymore......she was soo upset....i told her that i would post on here(she has no clue what this is)..........that i knew someone would have some great advise and info that might help....so again...tks sooo much......
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