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Posts posted by chandlersmom

  1. I know 99.99999% of you are all more tech savvy than me. I keep hearing about blogs and how they are web journals or something like that. Anyway, from another post on this site, I got the idea of starting some type of site or "blog" to chronicle Chandler and motherhood. I am lazy or I would just start an old fashion journal...but I have tried that about 100 times over the last 10 years or so, and give up after about the second page....typing I don't seem to mind as much as writing. So anyway, with all that being said, can someone out there in p.com land tell me/teach me/ whatever how to start one of these on-line journal, web-blog thingys. And I know, I am probably using all the "tech language" wrong.........

  2. I am with TBAR; and IMO the poor fella(s) is the baby and the parents. Even if the snake was not large enough to "eat" the baby, it still could have harmed the baby. What if the snake had chosen the baby's face to "settle-in"...it could have suffocated the baby. And I many be wrong, but I think all snakes have some type of venom, so a non-poison snake bite could have possibly made a baby sick from a bite.

  3. Chandlersomom&dad, My daughter-in-law may have an opening at her home. She is wonderful with children and she has a 4yr.old and one on the way. She lives between New Georgia and Dallas. She lives about 2 miles from SaveRite as your going into Dallas from New Georgia, on Campground School road. Its a new home and she may be interested. If you would like anymore info just PM me.


    THank you, would you mind pm'ing me with her name and info. Thanks, again, for your help and suggestion.

  4. Hello:


    I know you p.com folks are very resourceful and helpful, so I am seeking recommendation for great in-home child care providers for babies and toddlers. I would perfer the New Ga. area if possible. You may pm me or just post on this thread. THank you for your help :)

  5. Meth is top drug problem for most counties

    Survey shows it's heading east after taking root along West Coast

    Meth's spread has reached small towns like Pratt, Kan., where Sheriff Vernon Chinn regularly patrols for signs of production.

    Larry W. Smith / Getty Images file



    The number one drug problem for many counties across the country is not cocaine, heroin or marijuana but methamphetamine, according to a survey released Tuesday.


    A synthetic drug that's easily manufactured, meth has spread from the West Coast and is moving east, according to the survey by the National Association of Counties.


    Of 500 law enforcement agencies surveyed in 45 states, 58 percent cited meth as their biggest drug problem, dwarfing cocaine (19 percent), marijuana (17 percent) and heroin (3 percent).


    Story continues below ↓






    The highest meth percentages were along the West Coast and Upper Midwest. In the Northeast, on the other hand, only 4 percent of counties rated meth as their biggest drug problem. Forty-six percent cited heroin as the top problem, followed by cocaine at 21 percent.


    A form of speed that is usually smoked, snorted or injected, meth quickly becomes addictive.


    Robberies, domestic violence links

    Other findings indicate how quickly the drug is spreading:


    87 percent of agencies report increases in meth-related arrests starting three years ago. Arizona, Arkansas, California, Florida, Indiana, Louisiana, Minnesota, Nevada, New Mexico, Ohio, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, Washington and Wyoming reported 100 percent increases.

    70 percent say robberies or burglaries have increased because of meth use.

    62 percent report increases in domestic violence because of meth use.

    In a report with the survey results, the association described the spread as an "epidemic ... affecting urban, suburban and rural communities nationwide."


    The federal government still considers marijuana the top drug problem in the nation, citing a 2003 survey estimating 15 million people who had smoked marijuana over the last month, compared with 600,000 meth users over the previous month.


    The counties association, however, said that "county law enforcement officials have a different perspective on this ranking. With the growth of this drug from the rural areas of the western and northwestern regions of this country and its slow but continuing spread to the east, local law enforcement officials see it as their number one drug problem."


    Small and large labs

    Meth is imported from Mexico, Canada and Asia, the association said, as well as produced in small or large labs across the United States using household ingredients like cold medicines and fertilizer.


    "The small lab methamphetamine production and market was originally dominated by motorcycle gangs and local producers chiefly in California and the Pacific northwest," the association said, "but has grown now to include major producers in Mexico who are responsible for the organized trafficking of meth and by the thousands of small producers in nearly all areas of the country."


    "Meth can be manufactured in barns, garages, back rooms of businesses, apartments, hotel and motel rooms, storage facilities, vacant buildings and vehicles," the association said — and even a suitcase.


    The full report is online at www.naco.org.


    © 2005 MSNBC Interactive

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  6. We have stayed at the Choo-Choo and the Comfort Inn and Suites . We prefer the Comfort Inn. It is at the base of the Mt. and not far from Rack City and directly down the street from the Aquariuam and other attractions.

  7. Good afternoon and happy 4th of July weekend to all. I am trying to locate fellow Paulding County High Class of 1996 graduates in order to help start with planning our 10 year reunion. If you are a 96 PCHS grad, or no someone who is, please pass the word. You may pm me or send your contact infomation to Michelle (Landers) Groom at jmichellegroom@yahoo.com. Michelle is heading up the reunion plans and already has some great things in the works. I know this may seem a little premature, but we are starting early so that we can locate ALL our fellow classmates, and so that we will have the BEST 10 reunion ever! :D Hope to hear from some other 96'ers soon :p

  8. I just wanted to bump this in order to get the word out to all the afternoon and evening p.com folks. Please if you are a 1996 PCHS graduate, or know someone who is, help spread the word. :p

  9. Jamie---be sure to email Michelle or pm me with your info. Michelle is planning an awesome reunion! Also, please pass the word around if you are still in touch with anyone else we graduated with. BTW this is Chanda (Hunton).

  10. Class of 1996

    10-Year Reunion


    Reunion? We aren’t having a reunion…

    we’re having a party!! And we want

    you to be there so please e-mail your

    contact information to Michelle Landers at

    jmichellegroom@yahoo.com or leave it on

    my voicemail at (321) 258-1177.



    :) :D :p :rolleyes: ;)

  11. Talk softly but carry a big stick


    This was a famous foreign policy stance by one of America's leading Presidents. It was at the time and remains the most American of positions when confronting other nations and peoples.


    Now I know who coined this position but I wonder how many others know if it was a Democrat or Republican.  I also wonder how many care.




    Wasn't it Theodore Roosevelt ® that said that (POLS 101 was soo long ago)

  12. My point for supporting the suejennifer campaign is that she needs to be held responsible for her actions. I understand that she did receive a fine and a little slap on the hand. This little slap is comparable to the little slap she received when she shoplifted, which was not much of a deterrence, because she shoplifted again. This is not a girl who made a little mistake. She planned her "disapperance" then made up a very detailed story becaused on innocent bystanders to cover her own butt, and then checked in a mental facility in order not to face the press and to establish that she was not mentally compotent at the time. Again, remember she was too distraught to face the local media and could only "apologized" through her attorney....but now since she had a

    couple bills waved in her face, she suddenly wants to face the entire nation with "her story". WHATEVER. I am sure Natalie Holloway's mother wants to hear how Jennifer Wilbanks abused her community and community resources all because she felt a little overwhelmed.


    Now back to the lawsuit, yeah, I support it, I would love to see Jennifer have to forfeit her profits to local charities and civic organizations. Yeah, I would love for this case to establish a precedent so that some other whacko doesn't pull the same stunt. Yeah, I think the volunteers, police, businesses, and other people involved in search should be compensated (not neccessarily monetarily) but at least on principle.

  13. Great precident . . . Someone makes a stupid decision and just put together a giant lawsuit.


    Maybe we should sue parents for raising a daughter who will get drunk and go off with strange men at risk to her own life. Then causes a world-wide specticle in the search for her.


    It's the principle. You know what, never mind, you are not going to get it even if I try to explain, so why waste your time or mine.

  14. Check out this site. I am usually not an advocate of lawsuits like this, but as for this case, something should be done to preventing Jennifer Wilbanks from profiting. Someone posted that J. Wilbanks needs to be in Aruba helping to search for Natalie Holloway rathering than doing interviews...I AGREE!!!!


    :angry: This chick makes me absolutely sick!!!! :angry:

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