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Posts posted by chandlersmom

  1. My crazy driver complaint comes from my daily near death experience from this morning. I have to say daily becuase it seems that I have one of these near death experiences everyday. Anyway, I was at coming up to the stop sign on Scoggins Rd. at Buchanna Hwy, when this idiot flies onto Scoggins from B. Hwy, crossing way over onto the middle of my lane....way over the yellow line. I slam on my breaks and blow my horn and he gives ME the gesture! The audacity!!!!

  2. T.K--thank you for being a responsible parent by teaching your son to be a responsible driver.


    Another p.com member and I are working on a real surprise for the speed demons on Bob Hunton--nothing illegal, but hopefully a real attention getter. This "surprise" will be my courteous public cry for folks to slow down, but if it doesn't work, I am requesting the S/O set up a dragnet, speed check or whatever it is called. Like someone said, sometimes ya gotta get'em where it hurts--in the pocketbook!



  3. Hey all:  Just an fyi, I am taking orders for Tasty Batters premium frozen cookie dough (for my cousin's cheerleading squad).  There are 7 varieties and come in 3lb tubs.  If you are interested just email or pm me and I can make arrangements with you to receive payment.  I have to turn the money and order forms in by May 2nd.  Thanks for your support!  :D

    Varieties and prices are:

    Sugar $12

    Double Chocolate Chip $12

    Triple Crown (milk, dark and white chocolate combo) $14

    White Macadamia $14

    Chucky Chocolate $12

    Peanut Butter $12

    Honey Raisin Oatmeal $12


    Publisher---could we use the p.com office as a money drop off place---it could be a dough for dough transaction--hehehe :rolleyes: ?

  4. I just wanted to remind everyone to read Armymom's thread. There are some really great tips posted on the thread. Also, this week on Good Morning America, they are doing a special on Stranger Danger and Self Defense for Children....try to check it out. Some of their tips are posted below. Also, share this info with your children. Who knows something you read and teach your child(ren) tonight, may actually help save them during a dangerous situation.

    April 26, 2005


    "Good Morning America" continued with its "Stranger Danger" series by talking to self-defense experts about how kids can protect themselves if faced with a dangerous situation.


    • Learn how the bad guy thinks. Find out what the common scams are and tell your kids. The Internet and books are good sources of information.

    • Give kids "do's" instead of "don'ts." For example, if a stranger knocks on the door, give them things to do: Call a parent or trusted neighbor before opening it.

    • Make safety a game. Start early and give lots of praise.

    • Teach kids to fight back if grabbed and roll under something (a parked car, for example) instead of running away.

  5. From Good Morning America--Stranger Danger will continue the rest of this week.

    April 26, 2005


    "Good Morning America" continued with its "Stranger Danger" series by talking to self-defense experts about how kids can protect themselves if faced with a dangerous situation.


    • Learn how the bad guy thinks. Find out what the common scams are and tell your kids. The Internet and books are good sources of information.

    • Give kids "do's" instead of "don'ts." For example, if a stranger knocks on the door, give them things to do: Call a parent or trusted neighbor before opening it.

    • Make safety a game. Start early and give lots of praise.

    • Teach kids to fight back if grabbed and roll under something (a parked car, for example) instead of running away.

  6. Hey all: Just an fyi, I am taking orders for Tasty Batters premium frozen cookie dough (for my cousin's cheerleading squad). There are 7 varieties and come in 3lb tubs. If you are interested just email or pm me and I can make arrangements with you to receive payment. I have to turn the money and order forms in by May 2nd. Thanks for your support! :D

  7. Another one I have heard is to teach children and especially teenagers, is to NEVER give their address out to anyone on message boards, chat sites, phone chats etc. even if you think someone is across the globe from you, they could be lying. Now with reverse phone searches, don't even give your number out to someone you "meet" on a board or site. The internet have become a haven and goldmine for predators. Internet safety is a neglected area in safety instruction and predators are taking advantages of this. Parents, don't worry about if you are disrespecting your child's privacy, KNOW WHAT YOUR CHILD/TEEN IS DOING ON THAT COMPUTER...know the sites they visit, screennames of chat patterns, message boards they post on, etc. Would you rather your child have his/her privacy or life? I know my choice.

  8. With the expansion of more businesses on this side of Paulding we can expect that Bob Hunton and many other side roads to have increased traffic. With the opening of the new middle school that is almost directly at the end of Bob Hunton traffic next school year will probably be double. When the new high school open in 2006/07 traffic on this street will increase even more.

    This road is expected to be repaired as soon as the weather improves, but will need to widened or at least have shoulders built very soon.


    Trafic seems to be increasing daily. I understand that is unavoidable. And even though the road is curvey, drivers can quiet easily handle the curves while on the proper side of the road if you are driving 35 mph.


    I know I keep nagging, but with all that Chandler has been through this year, it makes me madder than all getout, that every time I drive up and down Bob Hunton road, I feel scared and nervous b/c of all the idiot, craazy drivers racing like bats out of hell. Driving recklessly is like playing russian roullete, the only difference is you'r not just endangering your life, but my life and my child's life (and everyone else who I love and care about). While stupidy may be your ordained right, endangering other's lives is not!

  9. I heard about that Bill. So many teens take to the road without the driving experience and education they need. Ya know, improving the safety on our roadways is another great way to help protect our children...this can be done so easily if folks would just slow down! Also, The GA passed the booster seat law, but so many people are still letting children ride without boosters. One of the news stations did a great job on a story covering the importance of a booster. I will try to find it. Anway, all being said, these are all simple things we can do to help protect our children. Also, ya'll take a peek at Armymom's thread on safety tips. I hope the schools are drilling safety tips in children also... grades k-6 these needs to be emphasized year after year.

  10. Thank you so much for posting this, Armymom. These tips are great. I am going to print them and share it with my sis and other family members. One thing we did when we were children was to have a "secret word" with our parents in case someone other that our mom or dad tried to pick us up from school or came up to us and said, "come with me, your mom is sick". Mom and dad drilled in us that under no circumstance were we to share the secret word with ANYONE, and we were never to do with anyone who did not know the secret word. We never had to use it, but to this day, my sis and bro remember that "secret word".


    Another tip I have heard recently, is teaching your child that if a car pulls up and someone tries to lure them, or pull them into the car, run in the opposite direction than the direction the car is heading. By running in the opposite direction the driver must turn around or make a u-turn--doing this gives the child a few more minutes to get away.


    Maybe law enforcement officers on this site can offers some tips....



    Community Watch


    Community Watch is a free service that will e-mail you anytime anyone in your neighborhood has been added to the Georgia Sex Offender Registry or, the Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles' Parolee Database (regardless of where in Georgia you live) or has been admitted to either the Gwinnett County Jail or DeKalb County Jail.


    After signing up, anytime a neighbor has been admitted to either the Gwinnett County or DeKalb County Jail you will receive an e-mail containing their name, address, and their charges. E-mails regarding people added to the sex offender registry contain names, addresses, their photo, and a link to additional information on each individual. E-mails regarding people released on parole include their name, address, their primary offense, and a link to additional information on each individual.


    If you have any questions about how to use Community Watch you can send an e-mail to CommunityWatch@scangwinnett.com.


    See... this is what I am talking about and would definitely be a stepping stone. Also, I think the S/O will do the prints and photos of your children. Can the schoolboard implement this county wide so that everyone child is school is fingerprinted and has a current photo. Also, what about some type of annual "Protect OUr Children Safety Big Day" in which the community could come out and get safety tips, resources, demonstrations, etc.

  12. Thanks, dancingranny. P.com has really developed into a powerful tool in our community---let's rally the troops. I am sure if we all get together on this then we can do something to make a difference. I just feel like sitting back and watching this happening across the nation, and thinking that it will never happen here is like hitting the snooze button over and over---no matter how many times you hit it, you are not avoiding the inevitable. And if it did happen here, wouldn't we all be a little responsible for not proactively trying to better protect our children? Granted, this has to start at home--but isn't there a public responsibility too. And we all know there are plently of irresponsibile parents out there not taking care of there children--shouldn't we step up and report it to law enforcment or DFACS when we see a 4 year old out roaming the neighborhood by himself for hours on end day after day, or when we see that parked car at the grocery store with the 2 and 5 year old sitting there with no adult in site. I have gone off on a tagent, but it seems like day after day I see children that are practically being sit out as targets. C'mon folks, I am serious about this...what can we do to make a change in P.C and protect our most valuable asset????

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