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Everything posted by thedeerslayer

  1. Market hunting killed off all the deer in Paulding.But in 1948 restocking began with deer from Texas.
  2. CRAP|!!!!! I did not even look at the date Pubby-please accept my no toll road,no more neighbors,mud road loveing apology
  3. nope If two people are of like mind,one of them is not needed. But,we've had the meeting.Pretty obvious nobody wants another road.And now pubby wants to drag out the dead horse and beat on it again.
  4. No connector,if you want to live near a connector move there,if you want more traffic for your website,come up with another idea.
  5. From 11/17-11/20 Buck only first 2 days,either sex last 2 Check in hunt-you must go by check in station before you hunt and check in.If you kill a deer,bring it back to check station where it will be weighed and aged and a tag issued.
  6. Par boiled for 20-30mins,then rolled in your favorite rub and fried till brown........good eatin
  7. I did send my post commisioner a message asking him to not support the toll road. Now,when Jerry was on here,I blasted him for the airport(and I voted for him)....even after I blasted him,Jerry still had an open door for me at his office,anytime.
  8. I voted for JS as well.......and was highly pissed at the airport and courthouse.But the way the tollroad was brought about and with private investors reminded me exactly of Jerry.
  9. Drive thru our subdivision,the way the ground percs here,you'd think we were on outhouses.
  10. Austin ran because Jerry told him the taxpayers would not pay for sewer lines in David's subdivision that was planned....You remember the subdivision?the one that Jerry sent the blueprints out to the voters,proving that David was a builder/developer.
  11. Yep....It would be a safe bet to say that will be the biggest deer killed in Paulding this season....I don't know who got the rack,my wife said several guys were standing around waiting for the deputy to finish the report.
  12. This big boy was killed by a bus this morning on Bob Grogan Drive.That's the access road to the North Paulding school complex. Main frame10 pointer with 3 kickers.....Upset me so bad,I'm gonna go sit in a tree for a week and grieve with his kinfolk.
  13. What I don't find funny is all the taxpayer money that was wasted by OUR elected officials. How much did they pay the engineering firm to draw up the map? How much gas wasted going to each county and giving presentations?
  14. Can't rightly say,but me,my wife and 2 daughters would be there........I can't stand rude behavior....won't tolerate it.
  15. If somebody tries to take someones property,that doesn't want to sell,give the deerslayer a call.I'll stand side by side with anyone against this. It's high time the government started fearing the citizens.
  16. Barbwire Thank you,Thank you,Thank you. I used that site to get permission for relic hunting
  17. I posted this in another thread on the same subject. Wesley Shipp has +/-40 acres up here in North Paulding in the powerline transmission easment,......He hosts mud bogs a few times a year.He requested the priveledge to host more,but was denied......I assume it was complaints from neighbors close by about the noise and yet the same commissioner who denied that is wanting to run a freakin hiway.VERY,VERY close to the same tract of land. Now,at one time Paulding had a website that you could go to and click on every tract of land in the county and see who the owner is,for free...............
  18. Some programs for big landowners to get tax breaks are found here. https://etax.dor.ga.gov/ptd/cas/cuse/index.aspx
  19. Nope,they don't have to pay taxes like the rest of us.....The big landowners enroll their property in state wildlife programs or land conservation programs and get huge tax breaks.
  20. If they want to buy out everyone within 5 miles on both sides of the road,I'd say yes......But they are only gonna buy from the folks that lie directly in the right of way.You can not tell me home values will not drop even more because they are within sight and hearing of those loud stinking diesel trucks. And everywhere new highways are built,traffic gets worse,not better. From what I have read,all the other counties have abandoned the idea now,why are Austin and Swafford still pushing it.
  21. Paulding County buys it's water from Cobb County Marietta Water Authority,and signed a 30 year contract to continue to do so....David Austin is on the water authority board
  22. Just because you don't see the Austin name on a parcel of land,doesn't mean it's not in the family......This guy is worse than Shearin
  23. That's where we differ,....mine are on the back deck. ..just pokin at ya.We gonna disagree on this one Doug,but then if we all agreed all the time,this world would be mighty boring.
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