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Everything posted by gtfamily

  1. You didnt turn your children around until 18m WOW Are they small for their age? I mean my son is only 20 months now and he is small, only about 24 pounds, but his legs would be so incredibly squished that there is no way he could be comfortable. That is amazing!
  2. I swore the last time I went that I would never go back, the kiddos have suckered me, we are taking a 9,8,3,20 month old, any suggestions??
  3. Considering my 2 year old looked 4, and now she is 3 and wears size 6x, yeah I dont see it happin'
  4. </a>News: Keep Your Toddler in a Rear-Facing Car Seat Until Age 2 (Not 1) AAP comments on rear-facing car seats. There is a well known myth that toddlers in rear-facing car seats whose feet can reach the back of the vehicle seat are more likely to suffer injuries to their legs in a car accident, however these injuries are NOT common in rear-facing seats. New research indicates that children under 2 years of age are 75% less likely to die or experience serious injury when they ride in a rear-facing car seat and, toddlers between 1 and 2 years of age are 5 times safer than toddle
  5. Lots of them. I am one. The pay is great, ablut $16/ hr for full time drivers, the hours are great and so are the benefits. They are always hiring but you arent trained and handed a route, you have to go through training, get your CDL licence, and then sub for a while until a route comes avail. Lots of drivers put in for the same route, and only 1 gets it. It is a great job, and the hours are wonderful. If you have any more questions feel free to pm me.
  6. I know an AMAZING CAKE LADY!!!!! pm me if you are intrested, most all bakers include the smash cake for free.
  7. Mommy2two, your it this time!!! I have no idea why I dreamed about you last night, but you were in my dream. For some reason I was thinking last night when I got off of p.com late that I knew you and I guess that is why you were in my dream. Nothing bad, actually it was pretty fun. You and some other people, I couldnt recongize them in my dream, were all over at my house and we had a BIG pool, and we were having a pool party and acting like crazy people. And I was getting a new fence put up in the pasture and we were watching it go up, and then the police came and arrested us!!
  8. For me I perfer about 65 degrees, he bumps it up to about 75. Mama likes to be cold!!!!
  9. ABSOLUTLEY NOT< NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!! Thank you everyone for you responses and your advice. I belive this is very serious and with my symptoms it all points to diabetic, especially since my grandpa was severe diabetic. I will be calling my dr. Erica
  10. NORTH paulding Bartow county line, Pouring BAD!!
  11. Ok I know nothing about any of these, all I know is that lately I have been very very fatigued/tired/sleepy, very irritible, very VERY THIRSTY, very very hungry, and all of the above, and many many more symptoms of diabetes. My grandfather and grandmother who both died at 62 years of age were diabetic, my grandfather was a sever diabetic and it killed him. While pregnant with 2 of my children I was insulin resistant before pregnancy and while pregnant I was tested several times for Diabetes, both time negative. So what aI am wondering is what are the symptoms for Diabetes, and
  12. WOW!!! Shawna that was wonderful to read!!! I am so happy you wallet was returned, now just wait on that $600, it will show back up!
  13. Cute kiddos Myrlin!! So glad you got your pics.
  14. yeah I went in there one time and wasnt impressed and couldnt possible see how they could survive back there where no one could see them. Made me a little weary to bring in any items to consign, seemd weird that they would say that they were relocating and not let their consignors know where they were going. Hmmmmm strange.
  15. I live on Hey 61 and 2 of the crotch rockets come through here going over 100 I know at least. They go so darn fast, it is about the same time everynight, I have called the PCSD and told them to come out and do a zone patrol, and even told them they can sit in my yard where they cannot be seen and radar them to catch them, and they have yet to do it. Piss me off.
  16. I am glad she is home safe and not harmed. I cannot say that what I am about to say will be easy on you because I have 3 kids and if it was my daughter whom I love dearly I would be worried sick and want to hold her tight and want to kill her all at the same time if she did this, and I pray that when she is a teen that I will never have to experience this. But I remember being 17 and the more my parents tried to force me to come back home and stay home the more I wanted to leave, and the more determined I was to leave. I say pack her bags for her and sit them in the driveway, only give h
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