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Griffith like Andy

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Everything posted by Griffith like Andy

  1. Thanks, I just wish I was swuft enough to think of it. Go grandma!
  2. My five year old has developed a fear of zombies and won't go alone to use the bathroom. I credit this new anxiety to an "imaginative" older cousin. I have been dealing with these zombies in the bathroom for about a week or so. I've tried to convince her they are not real time and again, to no avail. After telling my mother about the situation, she suggested I get her some zombie spray. I wish I'd thought of that. I got an empty spary bottle, put some water in it, and gave it to her. My little one was excited to use the spray and went to try it out right away. Success! All the bathroom zombie
  3. Clara Barton, founder of the American Red Cross.
  4. I like it. Way to think outside of the box tops.
  5. I don't know why its called blue but it refers to the number of full moons in one season. Pictures were good.
  6. Its supposed to be a blue moon tonight. Third full moon of four in a season
  7. I forgot how much I loved to play board games as a kid. Sent my hubby for some. Thanks
  8. I'm pregnant with my second child and have been sentenced to bedrest. I have a very rowdy five year old. Does anyone have any ideas on how to keep her entertained while I'm stuck being stationary?
  9. I do know it takes about seven donations to make just one wig. It is a great thing you and your friend are doing.
  10. I'm sorry I wish I knew the answer to that.
  11. I have donated mine a couple of times.
  12. Info from the CDC http://m.cdc.gov/en/HealthSafetyTopics/LifeStagesPopulations/TeenPregnancy/about http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/databriefs/db123.pdf
  13. Teen pregnancy is at 40 year low. According to an article I read on msnbc. I was kind of shocked to hear it myself.
  14. I don't think we should be so quick to judge. She is a young girl that was put in a horrible and tramatic situation. I believe there is no "correct" reaction.
  15. I used to live in an apartment in dallas. One morning i stepped outside with my coffee to the sight of a man taking a poo in the parking lot. My coffee and i retreated quickl y back inside. Oh how i wished i could unsee that!
  16. The Outsiders, The diary of Anne Frank, To Kill a Mockingbird
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