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Everything posted by CitizenCain

  1. HYPOCRISY ? ... We have on one hand a president elect that is being applauded for cosying up to and praising a murderous dictator saying that cooperation and friendship is the way to solve our differences. On the other hand a president that is being condemned and ridiculed for wanting to open a dialogue with a similar nation. The difference is one has invaded and now occupies a European country, tried to influence an American election and is committing genocide in the tiny town of Aleppo. The other regime threatens to flood our nation with fine cigars, vintage cars and salsa
  2. If Congress purpose of obstruction was a noble cause then why was Obama's plan to rebuild the infrastructure blocked and Trump's seems certain to be approved ?
  3. Cuba lost a dictator and we gained a dictator wanna be, so it all evens itself out.
  4. How about those Birds today, it looked like it was going to be close at first. Arizona 19 Atlanta 38 Play Off's ?
  5. You may have yourself and your Hwy posse fooled with this "free thinker" BS but believe me ain't nobody else buy'n it.
  6. In 20 years I'll be dead and you young folks (not you personally) can pay the price for not getting involved now. That is if you even have a habitable planet by then.
  7. By the time that has happened the GOP will have made it impossible for anyone that's not a card carrying Republican to cast a vote.
  8. Now that everyone has them if a crook does not have a gun yet all they have to do is break a car window and help themselves. Georgia 2nd in reported gun thefts http://www.wsbtv.com/news/local/georgia-2nd-reported-gun-thefts/241962709
  9. Well it sure looks like Governor Deal's "Guns Everywhere" legislation is working out great.
  10. It's not just GD though he does it well, the Republicans have been doing it for decades taking their failures and projecting them on the Democrats. They gave away billions of tax dollars to the one percent then blame Democrats for the deficit, gave tax deductions for corporations to move overseas then blamed Democrats for the flight of manufacturing . Ruin economies and blame Democrats, start unnecessary wars, then blame Democrats for the mess that's left behind, the list goes on and on. I have even lately been hearing the new Republican catch phrase, the "alt Left." But here's the thi
  11. Not as sad as I am that you shamelessly use both to prop up your agenda.
  12. It's too bad that this site does not allow for a little background mood music to play as we read about your selfless and noble cause. Perhaps something like America the Beautiful to play softly as an American flag waves quietly in the wind .
  13. Did anyone happen to catch David Blaine on TV the other night ? Here's an excerpt. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHO6PPAyY5c
  14. That's because he's Right and because the Right is always Right he can't be wrong. Now back to the topic. The power that gerrymandering has brought to Republicans How do conservative Republicans maintain so much power in the House, even though Americans reelected a liberal president and polls show that the GOP suffers from high disapproval ratings? Salon editor David Daley’s punchy, though overstated, new book lays the blame for Republican power in the House on partisan gerrymandering, the byzantine process through which state legislatures draw district lines to favor incumbents from
  15. There's Chester Glassdogs now ! * I crack me up. ( I'll be here all night, don't forget to tip your waiter and waitress )
  16. If I were you or your buddy Glass Dog I might say something like you just had your butt handed to you. But I won't because I am above such childish immature comments.
  17. All I want to know is will this end that ridiculous fifty year old embargo and when can I vacation in Havana .
  18. You're against Paulding's airport, you're against free international trade are you against progress in general or is it change of any kind scares you ? Who's arguing ? I just figure after eight years of Obama bashing I'm due my turn, that and the direction this country is headed is both sad and frightening. And to be honest right now criticizing Republicans is like shooting goldfish in a barrel.
  19. se·man·tics səˈman(t)iks/ noun the branch of linguistics and logic concerned with meaning. There are a number of branches and subbranches of semantics, including formal semantics, which studies the logical aspects of meaning, such as sense, reference, implication, and logical form, lexical semantics, which studies word meanings and word relations, and conceptual semantics, which studies the cognitive structure of meaning. the meaning of a word, phrase, sentence, or text. plural noun: semantics "such quibbling over semantics may seem petty stuff" ----------------------
  20. When I went to the polls this year the first thing I noticed was my lack of any choice . If the Country has not abandoned the two party system Paulding County certainly has. Either you cast your vote for a Republican, wasted your time and the voter waiting behind you to write in a candidate or you didn't vote at all. Is this because no Democrats live in Paulding, is this the will of the People or has voter restriction and gerrymandering made it such an improbable venture that no one outside the GOP will waste their time. OPINION NEIL BUCHANAN: ARE WE WITNESSING THE END OF DEMOCRACY?
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