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Everything posted by CitizenCain

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UjZufT7RPDA You really need to expand your horizon past all those Right Wing propaganda sites you get your news from. Trump's bromance with Alex Jones has been commonly known since before the election.
  2. If their was ever any doubt that Trump would use the office to enrich himself last minute changes to the tax bill should erase any doubts. The Corker Kickback: “Republican congressional leaders and real estate moguls could be personally enriched by a real-estate-related provision GOP lawmakers slipped into the final tax bill released Friday evening, according to experts interviewed by International Business Times. The legislative language was not part of previous versions of the bill and was added despite ongoing conflict-of-interest questions about the intertwining real estate interests
  3. Really ? https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/07/us/politics/virginia-election-democrats.html https://www.msn.com/en-nz/news/world/democrats-see-lesson-from-alabama-win-compete-everywhere/ar-BBGIIwh
  4. The article Einstein, was written by Associated Press Yahoo only serves as a link. BTW I value your advice about as much as I would a case of the run's.
  5. Then again you guys don't believe Trump ever lied or sexually assaulted a woman or that Roy Moore ever chased after little girls.
  6. Hell no. "Fake News" is the Right's new WMD that they now lob every time they find themselves backed into a corner with no other way out. It's the equivalent of a grammar school kid's "I'm rubber you're glue" or "It takes one to know one". Here's a list of Trump latest "fake news' or as we use to call it lies. https://www.yahoo.com/news/ap-fact-check-trump-denies-knowing-women-met-133248654.html
  7. On yea, so tell me where is the conservative national convention going to be held in 2020 ?
  8. Krystal's chili is great if you like almost meatless chili soup that taste like it's been on the stove cooking for 3 days.
  9. You're not a Republican .... You just get sad when a Democrat is elected ?
  10. From our courts to City Hall to the State Capitol to the Nation's Capital corruption seems to be the new normal these days .In the past countries have gone through bloody revolutions for less.
  11. Newsweek is reporting sources that claim Trump is planning to fire Special Council Robert Mueller while congress is away on Christmas vacation. I wouldn't put it past our reality show president to have floated the rumor himself to see how it flies and because he craves attention and drama. But if he does goes through with a Nixon Saturday night massacre 2.0 will the Republicans ignore it the way they ignored and supported the pedophile from Alabama or will they suddenly find they do have a conscience after all ? http://www.newsweek.com/trump-fire-mueller-next-week-750432?utm_source=yahoo
  12. Where do you suppose the millions of dollars to pay off the thousands of lawsuits filled against Law Enforcement come from , the tooth fairy ?
  13. Considering the caliber of Judges Trump is trying to send to the courts it's not going to get any better.
  14. Not according to a half dozen witnesses and police reports, but the charges were all mysteriously dropped once he threw his weight around at the police station reminding everyone who he was and where he worked,
  15. It's probably a great time to be a political satirist or the host of a late night talk show. These days all you need to do is open a newspaper and I suspect the jokes seem to practically write themselves. Head of Congressional Ethics Office Sued for Abusing Position, Accused of Assaulting Women https://www.yahoo.com/news/head-congressional-ethics-office-sued-192711888.html
  16. I kept thinking where have I seen Roy Moore before then it dawned on me.
  17. Kerosene heaters work great if you can find kerosene these days.
  18. This guy cemented a microwave to his head for a YouTube video, and had to be rescued by the fire brigade the stunt backfired so badly that he almost died http://www.businessinsider.com/tgfbro-jay-swingler-buries-head-microwave-cement-west-midlands-emergency-services-2017-12
  19. I have zero attachments. Where is this upload button I don't seem to have one.
  20. What does the bed do that needs electricity ?
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