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Everything posted by CitizenCain

  1. I think the consensus is off camera he was a giant A Hole who held grudges and had a propensity towards revenge.
  2. I will resist the temptation of making a comment, or as Johnny Carson use to say " I wouldn't touch that line with a ten foot pole".
  3. People cannot choose where there born and cannot be blamed for the failure of a nation anymore than you can take credit for the success of this one.
  4. You have no clue because in your wildest imagination you have no idea what life is like in some of these third world countries. Where people haven't access to even the most basic of necessities like clean water and electricity. Some of these countries have fewer doctors in the entire country than we have staffed in a single hospital. On top of that many of these countries have been suffering through decades of civil wars and genocide. You might try being a little less arrogant and condescending even in the best of times most Americans wouldn't last two weeks in the conditions they live in.
  5. Disappointed, I thought this was going to be joke about flatulence .
  6. Your interest in another county's affairs is reminiscent of the flood of Northern Carpetbaggers into the South after the Civil War.
  7. Would it kill you to pick up a phone and call your Mother every once in a while ? Elderly Rite Aid Patron Stretching Out Conversation About Toothpaste To Prolong Human ContactWESTBROOK, ME—Marveling aloud at how many varieties of the product were available before vocalizing his preference for “just the regular mint one,” 82-year-old Rite Aid patron Calvin Wight reportedly stretched out a conversation about toothpaste with one of the pharmacy’s employees Monday in order to prolong his contact with another human being...... At press time, Wight was purchasing the toothpaste at the fron
  8. Can I help it if you and most stuffed shirt conservatives have such a hard time distinguishing between a joke and a serious statement ? However in the interest of tranquility I will try to use the Joke font from now on. Is there a sarcasm font ? ( I'll ask cmorg he should know),
  9. A late night move I happened to catch the other night. "Fair Game" with Naomi Watts and Sean Penn "CIA operative Valerie Plame discovers her identity is allegedly leaked by the government as payback for an op-ed article her husband wrote criticizing the Bush administration." Very depressing movie about the corrupt Bush administration and his lies to get us into a war with Iraq.
  10. Remembering the Good Old Days... Elderly Lobbyist Always Droning On About How Little Legislation Cost In His DayExxonMobil lobbyist Hank Foraker is constantly droning on about how much cheaper legislation was back in his day. The longtime Washington power broker is said to rarely miss an opportunity to hold forth on “the good old days” of the 1970s and ’80s, often repeating the same long, rambling stories about a time when lobbyists and their clients reportedly received a lot more political influence for their dollar than they do today. “It was just a simpler time,” Foraker added. “A qui
  11. Well it certainly seems all that lead you ingested years ago had no effect on that quick wit of yours.
  12. I am going to ride it out and pray that St. Peter comes to get me before the sheeze hits the fan.
  13. And yet you still don't get it or have a clue as to why so many hard working, fully employed Americans have had to turn to food stamps to feed their families.
  14. No one is interested in your little nest egg NJ unless you are a member of the one tenth of one percent that is looting this country, buying off it's government and making a mockery of our Republic.
  15. Personally I don't think America has seen anything yet.... Could We Have Civil Unrest and Riots in the U.S. as a Result of Extreme Inequality?There is also, of course, a positive feedback loop between the concentration of income and wealth, and the concentration of political influence. Extreme income inequality allows a few wealthy members of society to effectively capture the political process and push through an agenda that is in their favor. If inequality continues to increase relentlessly, it seems likely that major social disruptions are inevitable. We see this in Europe and the
  16. Sarcasm seems to be your SOP for every response. Have you a secret aspiration of becoming pcoms own version of Bill Maher ? I like a nice plate of sarcasm every now and then, but not for every meal.
  17. No it's not, you just want to play the game without putting any of your money in the pot. Ride the train without buying a ticket. Plant your garden in another mans yard. Have your cake and eat it too.
  18. Well if you don't live in Paulding and not paying Paulding taxes it does sound like you're planning to ride another mans horse to the Rodeo.
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