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Everything posted by CitizenCain

  1. We don't owe the poor anything and having a large population of underpaid people is to our best interest as long as we want cheap fast food and other cheap products and services. Of course there will be a certain population that will not stand for working at these slave wages and figure it's just plain easier to take what they want rather than work 40 hours a week and still come up empty handed. Hopefully the Police will protect us from these people, until of course their numbers become so great that only an Army will do.
  2. Ex-Benghazi investigator: 'This has become a partisan investigation' “This has become a partisan investigation,” Maj. Bradley Podliska, an intelligence officer in the Air Force Reserve, told CNN. “I do not know the reason for the hyper focus on Hillary Clinton.” Podliska, who spent 10 months as an investigator for the Republican-led panel, says he was fired in June for resisting pressure to focus his efforts on Clinton. “I was fired for trying to conduct an objective, nonpartisan, thorough investigation,” Podliska said in an interview with Jake Tapper that aired on “State of the Union” Sunda
  3. There have already been seven investigations, 13 hearings, 50 briefings, and 25,000 pages of documents have been released. But that won't stop Republicans from re-re-re investigating Benghazi as a part of a crass partisan ploy to turn out the far-right base in November. On a side note you may be interested in a real estate investment I have available......
  4. When it comes to the new Republicans gutter politics are not being reserved just to slander the Democrats. Threatening to drag congressman McCarthy reputation through the mud on rumors of an supposed affair if he did not drop out of the race for Speaker. Peter King: Freedom Caucus wants to ‘hijack the party and blackmail the House’Centrist Republicans are palpably frustrated with a group of conservatives within the House GOP caucus who ousted Speaker John A. Boehner and likely sank Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s bid to replace him. “Basically they said they’re going to hold back their
  5. 10,000 Baby Boomers Baby Boomers Retire. Roughly 10,000 Baby Boomers will turn 65today, and about 10,000 more will cross that threshold every day for the next 19 years.Dec 29, 2010 Baby Boomers Retire | Pew Research Centerwww.pewresearch.org/daily.../baby-boomers-retire/Pew Research Center
  6. Okay dude we get it the only solution is to throw our hands into the air and do nothing because hey stuff happens. Just remember when these thugs come for you and your family they usually travel in packs these days.
  7. Here's a start ... MILWAUKEE Wis. (CBS News) -- A trial that could set a gun law precedent resumes Tuesday in Milwaukee, where two police officers shot in the line of duty are suing the owners of a gun store. They claim the owners were negligent in selling the weapon used in the shooting. Read More at: http://www.local12.com/news/features/top-stories/stories/Milwaukee-police-officers-sue-gun-store-owners-215087.shtml
  8. You said the war on drugs is a failure, you didn't say whether or not we should take your stance on guns and legalize all drugs.
  9. Should we start automatically classifying every crime committed by someone with a middle eastern sounding name an act of terrorism ?
  10. No one is suggesting there is a one solution to this. There have been several you just either ignore them or reject them. BTW you never got around to addressing your position on legalizing drugs given your admission that prohibition is always doomed to failure.
  11. 1. One more time. No one is calling for the removal of all guns from society. 2. We find even more curious that you conservatives keep wanting to compare machetes and baseball bats to an AR-15 with a 30rd magazine.
  12. We make murder illegal people still murder, people drive recklessly we still put up speed signs.Are you saying as long as people are going to break laws we shouldn't bother making them ?
  13. Just because you refuse to accept one of the root causes does not mean it does not exist. Look I get, I have a few gun, I know you two are not stupid you know what at least part of the problem is you are just so found of the 2nd amendment you are willing to let people die to preserve it.
  14. So you agree the war on drugs was a mistake and we should legalize drugs ? Pretty bold statement for a card carrying conservative.
  15. Again your refusal to explore any solution that involves the lunatics weapon of choice is tantamount to an approval of the status quo . Like Jeb Bush says "Hey stuff happens".
  16. Yes and there are stampeding elephants and pushing acme safes out of ten story buildings but the weapon of choice is a high powered gun with a high capacity magazine in fact in the past 7 years all 15 mass killings but one has been some lunatic with a gun.
  17. Let's just say it would be a lot harder to kill ten people in five minutes with baseball bat than it is with an AR-15 and 30 rd magazine.
  18. I would say the refusal to consider any solution that has the words "gun control " in the sentence says you either don't care or you think it's okay.
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