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Everything posted by PastNFront

  1. Its called life and sometimes it sucks. You may unknowingly make a very bad decision and have to answer for it. Will it affect there short term plans? Maybe, maybe not. Welcome to the real world.
  2. Now your just being daft. When a laptop battery dies, it doesn't cost you 40k to replace it. Will Tesla's 'Brick' Issues Weigh on Its Stock Price?
  3. Huh? Seriously? Wasn't there a long and lengthy thread created by pubby about the very same thing?
  4. The man says: You've been warned many times about the A topic. You know it is off limits. You did it anyway. One bullet. Whats an "A"? A Donut? A Beer? A hole? Im confused
  5. Exactly! I would live to see what some of these gorgeous PCOM darlings like. They probably wouldn't be so quick to snipe at the looks of others.
  6. It is pretty sad indeed. There would probably be more help when needed if some didn't regard their neighbors as Little Grease Spots.
  7. Color me extremely skeptical as they still have yet to address their "BRICK" problem.
  8. Where were you from 2000-2008 when this was praised by the left?
  9. Why? I embrace it with a passion. Not for me, but for my daughters. Everything that is happening now will affect them. Or should we just roll over and let elected officials make decisions for them thinking "its going to be ok?" You should take every opportunity to voice your opinion regardless who or how the subject matter is portrayed.
  10. And thats exactly what im talking about. But then again maybe that just my lack of being properly "hometrained" and see people for who they are. Not some airy fairy utopian concept that never existed. You shouldn't take things so personal. Im sure your a nice person.
  11. Interesting, so where do you dispose of these "hometrained" people of yours who fall from grace and behaved badly? You don't trust hypocrites but by all assertions you work for one and share an office with him? How would your "hometrained" peers view you knowing that?
  12. Well then consider the subject matter. People should be pissed as hell over the government intrusion regarding healthcare. When such an important aspect of everyone's life is to be subject to political winds, its very disconcerting to a lot of people. So what?
  13. Bad behavior as deemed by whom? Who is this entity with superior moral values that should hold judgment over others?
  14. That's all in your head. Let me know when you find that elusive utopia when no one says anything offensive, everyone agrees on everything, and everyone baths in bliss. Until then there will be differing opinions and delicate little snowflakes will need to seek medical help for their ocular condition.
  15. It is important to note that discourse in politics is not something has happen in recent years. Its been there all along. Case in point, U.S. presidential campaigns in the 1800s: James Callendar (secretly hired by Thomas Jefferson) assailed then-President John Adams as a “repulsive pedant” and “a hideous hermaphroditical character,” whatever that means. Later in the 19th century, Martin Van Buren was accused of wearing women’s corsets (by Davy Crockett, no less) and James Buchanan (who had a congenital condition that caused his head to tilt to the left) was accused of have unsuccessfully t
  16. I do find it laughable that those who were gnashing their teeth for 8+ years screaming "KILL BUSH" and screeching "______ Palin" are now offended with any and all anti Obama ads. In my opinion, those are the ones who can "Go to Hell".
  17. No it is not. Read through the attached links and it is how Delphi was treated via the auto bailout. Has nothing to do with the prior Delphi BK.
  18. Another straw man argument? What you fail to understand that the Bankruptcy code was disregarded and some groups were expempted and others wiped away. If the code was followed then it would have been structured evenly over all. Look at the airline industry and their bankruptcies. Did it hurt for a lot of people? Yes but there was never a group that was sacrificed for the favor of another.
  19. Why is it you liberals have such a hard time staying on topic and has a compulsive disorder to break out into some ludicrous straw man argument. Bottom line is that the government intentionally and blatantly violated 200 years of bankruptcy law and curried favor to a group that played heavily into their support. The much beloved democratic bleeding heart for the working class only counts if you belong to a union. For the rest..not so much.
  20. This one of the biggest reasons why I am opposed to the way the auto bailout was done. Union workers were favored and non union workers were thrown under the bus. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kq_kgow_jV0
  21. No offense, but from observing your psyche from the postings you often make, you most likely have never left the state. Just an observation. Europeans also have stereotypes of Americans as well. Like being fat lazy and dumb. Not that any here would be like that...cough.
  22. What tha fa-fa? (moonwalks towards the exit, closes door silently)
  23. Mcdonalds in Norwary http://matadornetwor...e-is-no-escape/ I been to this one in Budepest as well. http://cherylhoward....dapest-hungary/
  24. One thing I have noticed in McDonalds in other countries is the interior design is much more inviting then in the USA. Almost award wining!
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