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Everything posted by doglegarms

  1. Why don't you join the klan then if seeing them makes you so elated?
  2. I actually know who she is and where she worked. I didn't know her though, I think I talked to her a couple times when she started and then I moved to another department. I guess you can say she had a low paying job, that's relative though. Well now she has no job....
  3. Sorry to hear this happened to you. It's never happened to me but it has happened to my sister, brother-in-law, and co-workers. Except for my sister, the criminals lived in the same neighborhood or the one next to it. Besides taking your property, the burglars take your security and privacy. If you reported your gun as stolen to the police and have a copy of the police report (which you should keep for life as a paper trail), you really shouldn't worry about what happens as far as legal issues if the gun is used in a crime. IMO yes the bad economy has increased crime. I copied this from
  4. I live off Ridge Rd near South Paulding HS and I didn't hear any sirens. Come to think about it, I don't think I've ever heard sirens while at home!
  5. I hear what you are saying and respect your opinion on personal property. It makes no difference if you owe $100,000 or $0 on your property, the laws/ordinances/code applies to everyone. You seem to be jumping to conclusions that I don't want to talk to my neighbor b/c I don't want to be told to 'mind your own business'. In my OP, I said I haven't had a chance to meet my neighbors. I never said I was going to call the Marshal's office on them, I wanted to know if there is an ordinance on this. And I'll call BS on anyone who says they don't care what they neighbor does. You don't care
  6. Thanks!! I've seen Paulding County Marshal's cars driving before but didn't know they were code enforcers. I'm glad others see where I'm coming from. I care about my neighborhood and our homes are an investment (well they were). Hopefully the housing market will bounce back in the next couple of years. I'd love to live on a piece of property and not in a subdivision. Someone asked what type of cars are in the yard, Ford Focus and what looks like an older Chevy S10.
  7. I have some new neighbors that moved in. I think the owners moved out and are renting the house. I haven't had a chance to go meet them yet. For whatever reason, they park two of their cars in the middle of the front yard and one in the driveway. I think they are trying to show off their cars. I didn't want to take a picture of their cars so I made this very technical sketch. Please note everything is to scale. I don't care what you do to your yard but I don't want my neighborhood looking like a dump. Now my other neighbor parks on their lawn too but they have 3 kids who drive and
  8. I hear you, so it's not just you......
  9. Congrats on your new home! I always get boxes for moving from retail stores. Just ask the manager to save you some large enough for moving and stop by each week. I think the last time I got boxes from some sporting goods store. Used furniture, try Craigslist is the cheapest. New furniture...IKEA?
  10. I too have comcast. If you switch, make sure you aren't downgrading your speed unless you're okay with that. Test your download/upload speeds at http://www.speedtest.net/. Mine is 12 mbps/3 mbps and wouldn't want anything too much lower than that.
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