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Everything posted by TMMG

  1. I did and My equipment is old and run down I weeded my garden by hand and my legs/thighs are killing me today got a fix for that?
  2. Don't you know it. I hate to say it but I like that part when he is sick (my son) It is the only time now days I can still baby him and love on him mom is not cool anymore so I take what I can get.Kinda sad
  3. They are addictive but you can also lose your butt on some. (ask my husband)
  4. Congrats! That is so sweet.. Hope you enjoy them.
  5. I have one on the back of my neck under my hair so I can hide it when needed and show it. I had mine done at wacko's in hiram (GREAT WORK) I do not know if they are still there.
  6. This is so INSANE , My neighbor told me I needed to read some of this (I live in Reids Plantation) I can not belive how out of hand this topic has gotten.There is nothing anyone can do here but go to the meeting and speak, The Board has the final say.
  7. DeerSlayer do you know if the mother is still around?
  8. OMG!!! That is so sweet. Where is that?
  9. I LOVE MY CHILD MORE THAN ANYTHING IN THIS WORLD but his first few days he was a UGLY baby. Yes there are some ugly babies. I would never tell him that.
  10. Life is to short and you only live once, I SAY GO FOR IT the good thing is if you do not like it you can always change it back and take it out. Just a opinion.
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