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Everything posted by pcs-charli

  1. Hey there! I Pmed you with a question-hope you can help
  2. Thank-you, that was very gracious of you.
  3. HUMMMM! Testy aren't we? ( notice the ? mark ) NOt a statement made with anger or bad intent- a question. No need for offence. I am new- to this site and computers in general. I don't have your skills or experience with this. Just somebody's friendly old grandma looking for "goods and services", some local new and events, and maybe a little chit-chat on a certain topics. Then, there are those people who jump to conclusions, look for the worst in everything, and generally get their shorts in a bunch. I'm not one of them. Sooo- relax, put your feet up, and breath in the crisp fall air! Life is
  4. No, I was refering to GRAB BAG-GOODS AND SERVICES. The posts there start with 2006 and go to June of 2010. I got interested when I saw a post for a small 4-wheeler ( wanted to buy ) my grandson has outgrown his and is ready for a full sized one so we want to sell the one we have- it's in excellent condition. I started to call the # and then noticed the date-the people would have thought I was crazy! There just aren't many recent posts, and I wonder if other people are just overlooking the site for that reason.
  5. maybe more people would use this site if the latest postings appeared 1st. Can you guys over there do that? After reading several posts, I noticed that they were from 2006! Even the latest posting was from June. Lets turn this thing around.
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