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Just Me Again

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Everything posted by Just Me Again

  1. They are more optimistic. Control of Congress is changing.
  2. Too many hair dressers out there to put up with that crap! How a teen's hair is cut is very important to them. Hair Razor just opened a new shop and I doubt she would treat him like that.
  3. Glad you asked some question about this. It is odd that more have not been asked.
  4. There has been a thread on it already. You might want to check it out. http://paulding.com/forum/index.php?/topic/257327-for-those-who-have-issues-with-casey-cagle/
  5. Do you think they are entering into a contract to be groped in private places. Last time I checked that was against the law.
  6. Might want to look up Mark Taylor (D). He was stripped of the powers that went with the office. When Cagle was elected to the office the first time they were restored. Cagle will still preside over the Senate but he will not be able to appoint committee members or chairs.
  7. I'm telling your Hubby that you are talking about him on P.com.
  8. If you say it often enough maybe folks will begin to believe it. I was in Georgia when all of this went down. He lost because we had had enough of King Roy. The state had district lines thrown out by the courts, the teachers were thrown under the bus, and he acted like he was king of all he surveyed. Once was enough. I want a Governor who will take a stand against unconstitutional bills like the Health Care Bill. I do not think GA would be one of the 20 states challenging it if Barnes were Governor. Flag was NEVER an issue with me.
  9. We know how well loved the KKK is. There aren't that many members to be found in the state of Georgia. Not enough to elect a Governor.
  10. Care to tell how you know this other than guessing?
  11. I guess that is why Barnes is apologizing all over Georgia to the teachers. It had a lot to do with his defeat.
  12. Not among those I know either. The teachers had some real issues with Barnes that had nothing to do with the flag.
  13. I am going to take a wild guess here and say that no matter what she does or does not do it won't change your mind one way or the other. You just are not going to vote for this lady.
  14. I was speaking of the one 2 years ago between the gentleman who won (and chose not to debate) and the gentleman who lost (and had the stage). The debate for Commission Chair.
  15. Are you one of the Republicans that went to Avery's event last evening? The Commission Chairs did not meet in a debate in the last election and it did not seem to matter.
  16. The Black Panther Party is in front of that church now. They are opposing the burning of the Koran. The Muslims are protesting in huge numbers in other countries already. This could get ugly. Not sure we need this kind of conflict.
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