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Posts posted by TnT

  1. The waterfall and graveyard is off of I think it is called Snote Jones Rd. But my directions are good enough to get there in the previous post.

    It is a cool graveyard and waterfall.


    Somebody else help me out on the name of the road..


    Is it High Shoals Rd. or Snote Jones Rd.? It is way before you get to Brazil Mount. Rd. and the Citgo.....

    It is off of Chastain Rd. When you are going down 61 north and you go over Pumpkinvine Crk, going up the hill ,there is a new dirt road called Snote Jones Rd. on the left, right after that road it is the next one on the left.



    Thanks I am sure my husband knows where you are talking about...

  2. I was wondering if anyone remembers a post that was put on here within the past couple of weeks about a unknown cementary on Hwy 61. I have looked but can't fine it but while talking with family they read it and I was looking for the post. Thanks for your help in advance.

  3. Sneeze

    They walked in tandem, each of the ninety-three students filing into the already crowded auditorium. With rich maroon gowns flowing and the traditional caps, they looked almost as grown up as they felt.


    Dads swallowed hard behind broad smiles, and moms freely brushed away tears.


    This class would not pray during the commencements ----- not by choice but because of a recent court ruling prohibiting it.


    The principal and several students were careful to stay within the guidelines

    allowed by the ruling. They gave inspirational and challenging speeches, but no one mentioned divine guidance and no one asked for blessings on the graduates or their families.


    The speeches were nice, but they were routine.......until the final speech received a standing ovation.


    A solitary student walked proudly to the microphone. He stood still and silent for just a moment, and then, it happened. All 92 students, every single one of them, suddenly SNEEZED!!!!


    The student on stage simply looked at the audience and said," GOD BLESS YOU, each and every one of you!" And he walked off stage..


    The audience exploded into applause. The graduating class found a unique way to invoke God's blessing on their future with or without the court's approval.


    Isn't this a wonderful story? Pass it on to all your friends.........and



    In God We Trust, United We Stand.

  4. Nanny,

    God Bless You....

    No parent should have a child go before them but we know God has a plan and a purpose. This is just one thing that is not meant for us to understand but we have to trust that he does know best and one day we will see them again. Seth would have been 17 on the 19th of May so trust me that is going to be a sad time but I also have to think where he is and I am sure he is celebrating everyday.

    Just know I am thinking of you.

  5. TNT: i knew your son, and he was truly a blessing to all that knew him: he was a strong fighter, and  never gave up:  he was my inspiration, when i did not feel good, or was having a bad day: all i had to do was look at him and know that if that young man could go through what he was, then who i was to complain:


    i will be thinking of you and your family this coming up week: :wub:


    Thanks so much....You probably saw him at his happiest time and that is when food was around... He really enjoyed his time at EPHS.

  6. I must say this topic really touched me. I miss my son so much who passed away a year ago. I wonder everyday what he would be doing. His birthday is coming up and he would have been 17 and this would have been going to the prom this year. Just little things always come to mind and bring back memories.


    We never understand why some things happen the way they do but we have to trust and believe that God has a purpose.

  7. I drive a 2004 and love it. I must say the only thing that bothers me is the gas mileage. I am sure it could be worse but at the price of gas these days it seems that I stay at the gas stations. Over all it has been a good purchase on my part.

    Oh and I forgot the first week I had it got a speeding ticket so watch out for that.

  8. She does not bother me for the most part but I do feel that she is going to get hit one day or she is going to cause a wreck and hurt someone else. We seen her one day last week lying down asleep on the side of the road. I have often wondered what she does with all these things she picks up and puts in those buggy's she always has with her. I do feel she needs some help but not sure their is really any help out there for her, no one wants to deal with her.

  9. Thanks ButterCup and Tranquil Kangaroo for your comments.


    I am not going to say who is going to go to hell because that is not for me to judge but I do know that the BIBLE gives us the instructions and if we follow those we will all see each other again for everlasting life in Heaven.


    I also want to comment on another comment that was said about the Reverend believes you are going to Heaven. He is not the one that is going to be there to see if your name is written in the book or not. I think lots of people are going to be suprised when they get to hell to see how many Reverend's are going to be spending eternity burning in hell. I am not saying this about any certain Reverend or Preacher or anyone else for that matter but just because someone calls themselves a Reverend does not mean that they are SAVED AND GOING TO HEAVEN.

  10. I feel that we can be Christian's and go to heaven with out going to a building every Sunday but the CHURCH is the believers that do gather in a place to worship and I feel that we need that worship of other believers to make us stronger Christians but that is in no way going to save a soul. We also have to remember that lots of the people that attend church every time the door is open is going to bust HELL wide open. If you are not a born again believer no matter how good you have been or how much you attend church you can not enter into Heaven. Just my 2 cents worth....

  11. I spoke with someone the other day who does sub at the school and said her and a friend are going to open a skate park. She did not say when but they are working on the idea. She did not say just where it was going to be. I will try to talk to her and get her to post more info on here about what she is doing and when she thinks it is going to be open.

  12. I know that several have come and gone in there over the past year and nothing seems to last. We really need a good place to eat on that side of Dallas. The Hickory Hut does get the business, Maybe they should upgrade to that building that Brother-In-laws just left because that would be a big improvement I think.

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