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Posts posted by TnT

  1. We have satelite and happy with it. Ours will go out every now and then if it is a really hard rain and storm but not for long. We would have took cable but being we live on a Path with only 3 houses they would not run cable unless we paid to run it out from the main road and that was going to be about a $1000.

  2. Well I sent one after reading that post and all of my co-workers sent one and we sent one from our company. My mother who works in a outlet mall took the address to work with her and they passed it around to all the stores and they sent one.

  3. You also should know that when you stop payment on a check it can still clear if it comes through the bank between 24 and 48 hours of the time you place the stop payment at some banks because of just getting the stop payment processed. If the check that has a stop payment on it was cashed then I would take that up with the bank which it could be their error and not the car company's. I hate to say it but banks do make errors more than anyone really thinks we just get them fixed most of the time before the customers find out.... I know that if they still have the hard copy of that check it can clear even if that check # has already been used. I also know that all banks are not yet set up on the check 21 yet but that is really not going to stop the mix up with check numbers it is just going to get the amount of the check out of your account faster. The whole purpose of that check 21 is to keep people from floating so many checks and the banks are going to see a increase in their fee income from NSF charges. Not that any of this will help but this is what I do deal with every day so thought I would put in my 2 cents.

  4. Well just to say a little about why I do not care for #24 but we can all have our drivers that we like and dislike. My son who passed away of cancer at the age of 15 was a die hard Gordon fan and for his make a wish he was given lots of things for his room which was done in nascar. So the FORD company was so good to him and gave him so much of most of the ford drivers which did not include his driver so I wrote and ask just for a picture signed by Gordon I was willing to pay for it but he would not do it because my son did not make it his wish to meet him. I will say the information we go was from the Gordon fan club. But I must add after a few of the other drivers got word of this my son did get the picture along with one from most of the drivers alone with a personal phone call from Rusty Wallace. So I must say Rusty will always be my man no matter how many races he wins or not.

  5. I agree male or female should be treated the same. A person who is found guilty of a sex crime should be punished to the fullest no matter the sex male or female. It is those bad teachers that you hear about on the news that give us good ones a bad name, but a few of us good ones are still out there.

  6. Does anyone know of someone that has a portable saw mill that will bring it out and cut up lots of trees. We will have the trees cut down and cut to the length we want just need someone to cut the logs up for us. Please PM us if you know of anyone or leave a message here.

  7. Speaking as a teacher in the county and the information is coming from the student handbook. The following items and or articles of clothing are prohibited.

    1. those which advertise alcholic beverages, sex drugs, or tobacco

    2. those which display obscene or suggestive titles, or profanity

    3. those which in the opinion of the school administration promote violence

    4. those associated with gangs or gang membership

    5. those which may be considered racially insensitive

    6. those which may be considered as weapons including, but not limited to, studded jewelry, chains of excessive length, ect.


    No cropped tops, halter-tops, muscle shirts, or any item exposing the midriff may be worn by either sex. Shoulder straps on dresses, blouses, and shirts must be at least two inches in width.


    And I am also one of those teachers that keeps my bible in or own my desk.

  8. Some people really take offence to spanking But I really believe it is the only form of punishment A small child understands. I spanked my kids when they were small It would do no good to do it now grounding does the most good now but I think it gives them a good foundation. Oh yea I was spanked a few times in my life it did not take many to make me know I did not want a spanking.

  9. Last I heard was that he was in stable condition at Scottish Rite.

    Our prayers and thoughts will be with this family as we know what it is like as we lost a 15 year old son one year ago tomorrow and no time is ever a good time but now the holidays will never be the same. May God be with them and comfort them during this time of need.

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