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About pjames

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  • Birthday 09/20/1962

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  • Place of Residence
    West of 61 not Dallas

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  1. Nope, that was proven so not right. Cell phones in the 1920"s give me a break ! I heard on the radio this morning, it was an i-pod. Once again another hoax busted !
  2. The most common thing I here when it comes to politics is the educational background of the canidate. Well we should all be able to look at where the educational concern has brought us. Give me someone qualified, someone that has actually had to work for a living, and had to make ends meet with limited funds. Someone who can apply simple logic, durived from common sense without over complicating the issue. This is only the begining of things to come, education will secondary to our families need. The people that are lucky enough to be born into a business or atleast into money seem to be the o
  3. Man you even have the "Winchester" logo you should be able to think this through. If they keep the money intended for taxes that means more money has come out of the tax pool, and less will go back in. When there is not enough to cover what government spends then it raises taxes on all who pay them. And if you do not think government employee's already think they are above everyone else, just remind an officer you see that taxes you pay helps to pay his/her salery. We need the Fair Tax, then all your drug dealers, prostitutes, and criminals will pay their fair share every time they buy somethi
  4. We need to take a close look at the rules, who makes them and why. Rules should be based on right and wrong. Our current law structure has too many gray areas driven by money and name sake of the legislators. Every day new laws (rules) are being created, the person creating it is hoping that it will pass so they can have their name attached to it. Some where some day a hard working, over taxed person will break this rule not even knowing it exist and become a criminal, plus pay what ever the tax is for breaking it. And think about this, how freaking stupid is it to have motorcycle officers gi
  5. From what I hear Shannon Morgan has become involved with the 4-h youth shotgun team. He is a really great shooter, a friend of mine took lessons from him several years ago and he is now one of the top shooters in the state. Good luck guys, it really is a great sport!
  6. Like puling people over on busy roads and highways and making conditions even more dangerous to give a ticket for a much lesser violation. Officers have become tax collectors for local government. To make things worse they see themselves as being above the law, the next time you see one of them setting on 278 at night with all their lights off just take a second to think how dangerous that is for all drivers. Doing that is illegal so setting up speed traps on steep grades but who is going to be able to do anything about it.
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