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Harbor Bay Landscaping

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Everything posted by Harbor Bay Landscaping

  1. This is a lot of good info on community events. I'm sure a lot of our B2B members would like to know about these as well.
  2. My girlfriend can't wait to get her Miche Bag.
  3. Darn! I was really hoping no one would reply so my girlfriend wouldn't drag me to do this. I guess it's too late now!
  4. If your lawn has circular spots that are about 8-10 inches in diameter and are straw-brown to yellowish in color, the cause is probably dog urine. The salts in dog urine damages grass from slight discoloration to killing the grass completely. This is especially damaging in dry, hot weather. The solution? Water the affected areas thoroughly to wash away the urine and as much as possible, keep dogs off of the lawn. Sorry, Spot.
  5. Make sure your family knows your wishes or they can change your intentions after your gone. They have the final say
  6. This is a great opportunity, especially for elementary school PTAs, little-league sports teams and churches!
  7. We have approximately 30 sq ft of reddish/grey pavers. Some are 6"x6" and some are 6"x9". If you would like these pavers, please PM us with your phone number. We will call you to determine a time for you to pick them up and give you the address. Thanks! Tim
  8. We're looking forward to this event and hope to see lots of p.commers there!
  9. Did you know... - An acre of grass acts like a seventy-ton air conditioner. The grass returns over 2,400 gallons of water to the atmosphere on a warm, sunny day. - A twenty-five sq ft patch of grass supplies enough oxygen to support an adult. - Grass takes in some of the worst atmospheric pollutants--carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide, ozone, hydrogen fluoride and peroxyacetyl nitrate--and turns them into pure, breathable oxygen! So, the better you take care of your lawn, the better you take care of the environment!
  10. This is a great deal to have someone else doing the work for you!
  11. Call Tempest Roofing instead! Their number is 770-443-3073. They are commerce members and are locally owned and operated. They're replacing my roof and helping me with my insurance company.
  12. You're certainly on the right track. Unfortunately, there's no quick-fix for weeds. And, they're especially bad this year with all of the rain we've had. But, here's a couple things you can do that will help: - Spraying the soap is safe for the lawn. And if you do this first, the chemicals you're using to kill the weeds will be more effective. - Use liquid weed killers--they're more effective. - Spray the weeds between 10am and 2pm (the hottest part of the day, and ideally over 70 degrees). This will help the chemical dry on the weed and kill it faster. - Cut your grass reg
  13. Thanks, John! I really appreciate that. Hope business is going well for you!
  14. If you're a reputable company doing business in Paulding, you're welcome to join us! Hope to see you there!
  15. This is a great opportunity for family-oriented businesses!
  16. Surface tension, or stress, can be caused by dry winds, hot or cold weather, pollution, traffic compaction and static electricity. It can be mistaken for poor soil and can be eliminated to a large extent with dish soap. Fill a hose-end sprayer with half water and half dish soap--the cheapest liquid dish soap you can find. Spray the mixture over about 5,000 sq ft of law and most of your problems should be resolved. Dish soap also helps keep fungus and diseases at a minimum and helps hold moisture in for sandy and dry soils. You can spread dry laundry soap over your lawn as an alternativ
  17. You were a close second and only missed it by 3 minutes!
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