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stercus tauri

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Everything posted by stercus tauri

  1. Not missing the point at all but you've missed mine. The point is the statues of people like Washington and Jefferson are about bigger accomplishments than those of Robert E Lee who led an armed rebellion against the US in order to maintain a system the thought black people were subhuman and we should maintain slavery. Big difference between the two situations. The pastor who is calling for the removal of Washington's statue doesn't see the difference between the two and apparently neither do you, and both are missing the point. So cost is the determining factor about whether racism and
  2. Celebrating those presidents for their accomplishments in the context of their time for their founding and leading this nation is one thing. Erecting statues to people who rebelled against the US, and when the morality of slavery was on the line these people chose the immorality of hatred and slavery. Those statues were erected not to celebrate history but much later to be an "up yours" to the US and to those who wanted to end segregation. If you don't see the difference, is really scary. http://www.npr.org/2017/08/16/543881696/fact-check-whatabout-those-other-historical-figures-trumps-questi
  3. In this case he showed the worst of himself and proved true every label people have placed on him: mysogynist; racist, bigot; prejudist; homophobe; bully; and most of all, dumb. He made stupid remarks on Saturday, read a prepared statement on Monday, then went back on everything he read and repeated White Nationalist talking points and showed himself to be unhinged from reality, or else he is a White Nationalist without the sheet. The fact that no one but the White Nationalists are supporting what he said is proof enough that he has some serious mental issues. He should have been standing up a
  4. Telepromter was like reading from a script in a hostage situation. Then he takes it all back and fails to understand the difference between those who are protesting against hate, and those who are protesting because they hate people who are different and want to return America to a time when bigotry ruled. By moving beyond this incident to "both sides," you are minimizing the hate of the White Nationalists, Segregationalists, Homophobes, and White Supremacists and give empowerment to the ideas that are revolting. There are two sides here and those are Right and Wrong. Only one side in this hav
  5. When only the KKK and other White Nationalists agree with you, you might want to re-think your position.
  6. We've actually got a president who chose his words so carefully so as not to offend the Klan and the Nazis.
  7. All he had to do is call it terrorism (like he should have learned after his failure with the MN mosque attack) and condemn the ideas of White Nationalism. Problem is, he didn't. And Steve Bannon is one of his chief advisors who, hah! is a White Nationalist himself. Hmmm. Makes you wonder why Trump won't condemn these groups and their ideas. Could it be that he has those same ideas? Could it be that by doing so, he would be condemning a good majority of his base? Just maybe? And the bigger problem is that many who support Trump don't even realize they are espousing the same ideas of the Whi
  8. Everyone except the White Nationalists disagree with you. But that is about par for the course.
  9. I believe you have that backwards the White Nationalists had encircled a group of counter protestors. And yet the counter protestors did not retaliate like you said you would do. Is that not a credit to them? Here is the link and the picture. https://virginia.liveuamap.com/en/2017/12-august-charlottesville-altright-has-totally-encircled
  10. I remember a thread about Berkley. The crickets over the White Nationalists is very telling.
  11. I think we've seen the real Donald Trump and his real base. http://www.cbs46.com/story/36123653/reactions-to-trumps-statement-on-violence-in-virginia - "I'm not going to make any bones about it. I place the blame for a lot of what you're seeing in American today right at the doorstep of the White House and the people around the president." - Charlottesville Mayor Michael Signer, a Democrat. - "Mr. President - we must call evil by its name. These were white supremacists and this was domestic terrorism." - Sen. Cory Gardner, R-Colo., on Twitter. - "Very important for the nation to h
  12. Many prayers for the people of VA. This is a horrific terrorist attack.
  13. HUGE difference between the protest of about the death of person by law enforcement (right or wrong) and the group of white nationalists calling for the implementation of policy the current administration is pursuing. All the difference in the world. Those people don't support anything about current policy, do they? Nooooooo. Never. Not those ideas. Not those. Never.
  14. Awful disease, for sure. Seen many a patients with it. Kills the person before it takes the body. ​Never heard of him but I have heard the songs mentioned above. Guess he was before my time.
  15. What is the sexual agenda they are pushing? That gay people are equal to straight people and can have loving families and be in devoted relationships, too? Just curious.
  16. This has been a long time coming. Can't wait! https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/new-doctor-who-essential-things-to-know-about-jodie-whittaker.html/?ref=YF&yptr=yahoo
  17. Another attack. This has to stop. https://www.yahoo.com/news/twelve-killed-nigeria-church-shooting-hospital-sources-131317075.html
  18. This sort of terrorism must be stopped. https://www.yahoo.com/news/bomb-explodes-minnesota-mosque-during-175923281.html
  19. Another one suspended. https://www.yahoo.com/tv/fox-news-host-eric-bolling-suspended-amid-investigation-205518196.html
  20. This sounds like what Europe has been doing for the last 70 years. Interesting idea to bring to the US.
  21. Now that you have a better comprehension of what the facts are, is there anything else about the "agenda" we need to hear?
  22. I read that! But they didn't vote. It was an illegal registration. Prosecute him to the fullest extent of the law. Still need that 4,999,999 illegal voters.
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