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Everything posted by jennilyn77

  1. I like falling down. and I completely forgot about Mean Girls and Joe Dirt. Drowning Mona is another good one.
  2. I admitted it bothers me, honestly though, it's not a big deal. As far as bringing it up 5 years from now, That was just a joke. I think women have a tendency to bring up the past during arguments (I do). I asked him about it, he admitted to it, it's over. we are having a nice evening together eating chinese food. and no, since we have been married (10 years) he has never given me a reason not to trust him. In all honesty I just wanted to see what others would have to say and how they felt about the issue. I don't want him going to strip clubs without me. That's my stance on the matter.
  3. I guess I don't really see it as lying. More like witholding information. Still not great but not as bad as lying IMO. I started this thread to get opinions. I figured it would be a good pcom conversation, same as the "is this a man thing" thread. I'm not mad at my hubby. I genuinely like to hear others opinions and thoughts.
  4. Not many people like it. It's my favorite. I always cry at the end.
  5. Steel Magnolias Sixteen Candles Truman Show Christmas Vacation Dirty Dancing Goonies Carrie Troop Beverly Hills
  6. I've never been to a male strip club. I assume i'd have the same reaction.
  7. haha! no, he dosen't know I know yet.
  8. oh lawdy! I need a few more months to tone up my post baby body before thats gonna happen!
  9. I have gone with, but i've never bought a lap dance for him. nor would I ever.
  10. I also agree with her so it's ok. I know he didn't tell me for fear I would get mad.
  11. I can't say it dosen't bother me. It does. but it WAS 2 years ago and like I said he was with my friends husbands, I know them all well. I might feel differently if it were friends of his I didn't know very well. Idk. The secret keeping part bothers me more than the fact that he went.
  12. It has come to my attention that my dh attended a strip club with his friends (my friend's husbands)a few years ago and didn't tell me about it. I wasn't looking for this info or snooping around, it simply fell into my lap. I'm not hysterical about it or anything, I just wish he had told me. He dosen't know I know. In the greater scheme of things it could be worse so i'm not gonna make a scene. I'll just bring it up in later arguments like us women like to do. THIS IS NOT A WHAT SHOULD I DO THREAD, i'm not going to DO anything. It simply got me wondering what everyone else thinks. Do y
  13. here is a review/description of the book- A unique accomplishment, this is history never before told, an epic novel of four generations of African-American women, a work based on one family's actual meticulously researched past--and a book with enormous implications for us all. Lalita Tademy had always been intensely interested in her family's stories, especially ones about her great-grandmother Emily, a formidable figure who died with her life's savings hidden in her mattress. Probing deeper for her family's roots, Tademy soon found herself swept up in an obsessive two-year odyssey
  14. I admitted to watching certain movies more than once in my original post.
  15. and they have smooth roads... My husband and I have talked about moving. I was thinking Tennesee would be nice. Maybe Nashville, he can be landscaper to the country music stars. After all he did do work for a back street boy. Plenty of meth though...
  16. ok, I left the room & thought about my post, I need to clarify. I was never pro-slavery. It (the book) just made me look at things differently. for some reason I can't articulate what i'm trying to say.
  17. I agree. I once read a book called "Cane River". It's historical fiction based on fact. It forever changed the way I view black people and slavery. In fact it changed my views on life in general. I recommend it to everyone.
  18. wow! I think maybe I should PM you my husbands number. Ya'll can go on movie watching man dates.
  19. I don't watch em, and for those who do, I doubt they watch the same episode more than once...just sayin. Don't get me wrong, us women have our weird things too. I was just curious if it was just my husband.
  20. I should look into this, I wanna see the tonk.
  21. oooh yea, I forgot about Steel Magnolias and The Goonies. My husband also watches sopranos reruns. out of order when they come on A&E. Right now he's watching Batman Begins...again. He also quotes lines from movies he's only seen once. Then he'll look at me like I'm supposed to know what he's talking about. If I don't see a movie at least 5 times I can't quote it. My brain dosent"t work that way.
  22. I notice that they are on sale at West Metro a lot, I've bought one before and made BBQ with it in the crock pot but what else can I do with one? Recipes?
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