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About dubious

  • Rank
    Paulding Com member
  • Birthday 09/06/1975

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  • Place of Residence
    Dallas City

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  1. looks like it works for political and religion, but not marching left or the main/parent "Turn Me On"
  2. LOVE does not work for me either...
  3. http://www.westridge.com/events/surge Surge - week long summer camp put on by West Ridge Church.
  4. Thanks FreeBird. Were you able to self-service activate, or did it require any manual provisioning by support?
  5. just for closure, water dept guys flushed @ hydrant and water cleared back up!
  6. coffee on tap? where can I sign up?
  7. Do You have your own telephony eMTA/triple-play modem? Due to impending modem rental price increases,and some technical issues I'm having with current device (TC8305C - specifically, bridge mode not behaving properly), I'm exploring purchasing my own. Arris TM822G seems to be the optimum device for now, and is "compatible " on the comcast device page, but seems to be a mixed bag in success rates with local franchises or comcast support stating that model is not "retail". http://mydeviceinfo.comcast.net/ http://www.amazon.com/Arris-TM822-Series-Touchstone%C2%AE-Ultra-High/dp/B0
  8. Scheduled for a hydrant bleed today. I've learned a lot about line flushing since yesterday and have no complaints, just wish there was some advance notice so that we could prepare (schedule laundry ahead of time, etc..)
  9. Website indicated 8-4:45 business hours, but emergency/operations folks did note some hydrant flushing in the general area today that could stir up some sediment. No improvement after a 1/2 hour of running my water to clear up, so guess will follow up in the AM. thanks...
  10. was crystal clear until late afternoon today - now this orange/brownish tint
  11. Brownish water from all taps/toilets this evening. Don't suppose anyone else near white oak park/bent creek has the same?
  12. If there's anything I despise about election time, it's the dang robocalls. Looks like i'm up to 8 today alone. Does anyone actually listen to these?
  13. also interested in passability of dallas hwy to white oak park vicinity this morning (in a honda odyssey). Wife and Son thankfully made it to a relatives near w.sandtown/avenues last night. Would be fine with them staying, but they're about out of diapers/formula, which of course we stocked up in abundance at HOME in prep for a snow-in.
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