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Posts posted by AcworthDad

  1. A question for Georgians-----if you bought a tag and paid taxes in July and then sold the vehicle to someone whose birthday is in December. Do they have to pay the taxes again within the same year?


    You will be assessed ad valorem the year after your purchase.

  2. I have finally struck a deal that gives me a great location, and an immense chance at large scale expansion!! While i can't give you the exact address, let's just say it's right at the corner of Cleburne Pkway and Rosedale Road....right where the Bill Carruth Hwy extension will be coming through. I will post more details after licensing, permits, and other legalities are in place and business officially opens to the public.


    I am convinced my hard work has finally paid off, and I can offer great mower service to anyone in the area....the BEST SERVICE & QUALITY you'll not find anywhere else. ;)


    I should be in full swing by the end of this month. And it's not just mowers, folks....it's also Winter items, generators, blowers, chainsaws, and many other items. Please stay tuned!!!

    Glenn's Mower & Small Engine Repair will be the name, only in much bolder signage!


    I look forward to serving our community very soon on a scale I thought would take another 4 or more years. Not to worry though- it's on its way, and very quickly!! :)





    Please click my signature for additional details, rates, and services provided.


    Best of luck to you, Glenn. I know where I will bring our mower.

  3. I wonder myself Mrs G...I ask he said he hasn't actually put a price on it yet.I said ok, so I'm thinking he really doesn't (either have to sell or just dont wanna sell it)alot of these guys trade rides so maybe he's gonna do that..It is a NICE Ride very well kept car, and of course it's a Corvette so it could be in the teens I'm sure. :blush:


    To buy a 65 like that, you will pay 45K-70K.

  4. We no longer use our tub and would like to find a new home for it. It is an electrically heated above ground unit.


    The tub is a Leisure Bay 6-person tub and has been at our house since it was built in the late 90s. All equipment functions and almost all of it has been replaced and regularly serviced over the years. There is one bad jet that needs to be replaced by the new owner.


    You may have this 6 person tub including the electrical box to which it connects for only $200.00. As the new owner, you will be responsible for moving the tub from our house to yours and any electrical work required to install it. The more you can do yourself, the lower your costs will be. Here are my estimates:


    • Tub and all equipment - $200.00 (ready to move – electrical is disconnected)
    • Moving - $250.00 - $350.00
    • Electrical wiring and installation - $400.00

    This is a great deal for a hot tub. Please PM me if you are interested.





  5. This is my favorite wine! It can go with many different dishes and the Northwestern US (Oregon and Washington) have some WONDERFUL piniot noir wineries, whilst the French burgandy region also produces some first class wines.


    My Link




    I love Pinot Noirs but stick to those from Italy and sometimes France.

  6. Just had to have my Mother's Kawanski Mule rebuilt, mechanic said the ethanol was the culprit. It is bad that you can't really buy anything but the stuff. Thank you government regs.


    Ethanol being forced on us by the ignoramuses in congress and the EPA is just one more reason to evict the government out of our lives and our individually determined well being.

  7. What you're seeing Subby is part and parcel with what's going on with nearly all products made and sold today. It's becoming nearly impossible to work on your own car these days because they have been engineered to fail at certain points AND been machined to make it too difficult or expensive to either repair by the consumer or simply be cheaper to replace rather than repair. It cost me $2500 dollars to replace the transmission in my truck and come to find out that all the transmissions in my trucks brand fail at 75000 miles. They can't be repaired unless you pay triple the amount in labor, it's cheaper to just replace it. I can't even change the spark plugs or the break pads on my truck because you must have special tools to remove those items and they only sell the tools to licensed mechanics...


    Another gimmick that's coming down the line involves tires. The auto companies want to rig the lug nuts so people can't change their own tires, you'll HAVE to call a tow truck and take it to a tire place that has the specialized wrenches to remove it. Then the tire company (they do this with the spark plugs as I found out) will only replace your tires with premium tires (for your "safety" of course) or they won't change the tire. Just one more thing to make Americans wail in dispair...


    Now how about to the creepy crawly front. Bug spray. Anybody notice how the store brand stuff just doesn't work like it use to? That's because the people who make the store brand stuff also make the professional stuff. The Pest/Exterminator Industry got the manufacturers of the pesticides to water down the consumer stuff to the point of ineffectiveness so people would have to call the bug man more to keep the bugs out of the house. The average consumer can't buy the professional strength stuff in the store, they have to have a license. So either pay the pest guy his over inflated prices or get overrun with ants and roaches...


    ...and to add insult to injury. All of the aforementioned products are manufactured overseas at rockbottom/slave wage prices to insure maximum profits for these f*%king bastards... Insane...:angry2: :angry2: :angry2:


    I've never had a problem with lug nuts and while I have had tranny problems, they have always been after a lot of miles.


    Maybe your problems are unique.

  8. They cannot accurately recreate the past with their models, so why should we believe that they can accurately predict the future? The hockey stick graph that is still to this day being paraded around by the warmists like a captured enemy soldier's head is an admitted fraud. (excuse me, admitted "mistake" so that Mann could keep his job) I taught engineering research, prototyping, and proof of concept as a TA in the ESM Department at Georgia Tech many moons ago, and I assure you that when you start out with a foregone conclusion (man is causing global warming) and try to prove it, you will certainly find or unintentionally fabricate evidence in your favor. You will often confuse correlation with causation. You will ignore and suppress all evidence to the contrary as an "anomaly" or as being influenced by unknown outside factors. You will design experiments to prove your theory, build assumptions into those experiments, estimate data, and justify it all as surrogacy for the sake of expediency. You will criticize and ridicule all competing scientific research. I can also assure you that this is not the Scientific Method. From my experience, when government is involved intimately in science, the problems of government creep into the science. People point to the Manhattan Project and NASA as examples of Government Science at it's best. In those cases, Government did not guide the science and did not campaign for any single solution. It is also interesting to note that after the Apollo program, when NASA was becoming a branch of government and not a research facility, we had bureaucratic problems creep in that led to the deaths of 14 brave men and women.


    I tell you what though, lets assume for just one brief second that they are 100% correct (they are not) and that man's CO2 contributes to global warming exactly as the warmists claim. Lets use their own math on the subject. Proposed solutions (Kyoto and Waxman Markey) would lower the global temperatures by eight one hundredths of one degree by 2050. That amount is totally insignificant. It is in fact immeasurable. For this we would give up significant portions of our economy to global carbon managers and remove trillions of dollars of productivity from the world GDP. In this case, there is no money in proving that global warming climate change is cyclical and materially unaffected by the actions of mankind, but there are literally billions of dollars annually in AGW.


    Here we go again!


    Global Warming has no credibility, especially when a man like this is involved:



  9. Got our assessment today, value remained the same.


    Curious to see what the assessment of the rest of the county did.




    I'm in Cobb. Mine has been the same since I bought the house in 2004. I should have appealed earlier and this year I did. I requested that they lower my assessment by about 12% which is the median value that houses in our neighborhood have dropped. I included comparable houese and their assessed values plus current listings and sales. I am optimistic that they will approve my appeal.

  10. :drinks: :clapping:


    When will people understand that!


    I bought them years ago and they would last such a short time it was truly not worth the money.


    I put them places that were a pain to put in a new bulb ....that is the reason I was so aware of it. In fact I thought I might have an electrical problem and started keeping a log of what date I replaced the bulbs in my house.


    I stopped buying the CFL's - they just were not what was promised on the label! I was lucky to get 4 months on ones that claimed three years!


    I had planned to start hoarding incandescent bulbs this year so I would not be forced to use them.


    Good plan to overcome idiocy.

  11. I think that this should be a personal choice. I think that the government should encourage and promote economical choices, in matters such as this, but not mandate against all use of them altogether. There are some things that you can only use an incandescent bulb in, such as a light timer, or some of these nightlights with sensors, for example.

    Sometimes, it's not what you do, but how you do it. I think, the government should take a more subtle approach on things like this, using encouragement, facts, reasoning, ect., instead of making it seem like they are "forcing" people and taking away their "choices". This latter approach makes them seem overbearing and then I think people actually become more resistant.


    I agree with what you're saying. The way they handled the Healthcare bill is very disturbing as well.

  12. I'm glad they are trying to get rid of this ridiculous requirement. Since when is it better to have mercury in your house and landfills than to be a watt watcher?? I don't like CFLs, they even make your skin look wierd. LOL


    I hope everyone realizes this "requirement" put another business out...............the last facility that made incandescent bulbs in the US closed last year, those jobs are now in China. Good move idiots!!


    My link


    Yeah, but doesn't it make you "feel good" to be "saving the planet"? Liberals!? :fool:

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