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Posts posted by bigmomma

  1. I'm a little out of step..... where is Rodney's?


    Rodneys BBQ is right behine Publix in New Hope. It's next to New Hope Daycare Center. It's where Phil's Place used to be after he moved from Paulding plaza. :)

  2. Well, there's a good sign to this, too! When my daughter was a baby, she cried forever! From 5 PM until she went to bed. She wouldn't stop crying. We tried everything. Finally, we took her to her pediatricican. He ran some tests and concluded that she had something good wrong with her. I forget the name, but he said that the few babies who do this, the become highly intelligent when they get older. He said his baby had this same thing, too. Well, she's now 13 years old and has always made staright A's through school and she's really smart! :) You might want to research this, too.

  3. Stop it! We did it again!!


    :lol: I took me a minute to figure out what you were saying. If youfeel confussed... :lol: .

    I have know clue what time it is. I mean, I know what time it is, but it feels like midnight! (I'm in between Paris and Eastern time= 3 hrs.) Everything looks different! I'm not used to driving to go somewhere! I was so used to walking to dinner and the store! Jet lag stinks! :rolleyes:


    I guess we think a lot!

  4. WOW! I knew that she used to be "chunky" a couple of years ago, but in Star magazine it says that she went on a diet and started dieting. Some diet. :blush: She's an Ok singer. See, right now I'm listening to Taylor's song, so I kinda favor Taylor, but this really doesn't change my opinion of her. I hope she gets through this. God bless her!


    Rollin'on: :lol: Katherine McPhee was on American Idol and she was the runner-up! Don't feel so bad!

  5. :wub: :wub: Hey Bigmomma!!! :D I'm so glad you're back! I'm glad you and "our girl" had such a great time. I still can't believe you wouldn't sneak me into your luggage. :angry: :D Sorry I didn't see this sooner, but, if you can believe it...........I wasn't on p.com yesterday! :o shhhh. Of course I missed you!!! I can't wait to get my postcard. I've NEVER gotten one from anywhere outside the south. Call me. I'd love to hear about y'alls run in with the law! :lol: :lol:


    Shame on you rollin'on! :ninja: I'm telling you, we had 2 carry-ons and 1 check-in and she had to sit on them to get them closed! :lol: But, we would have taken you, but we would get afraid that you would get lost! We were on 4 different airplanes and 2 airplanes on the same day, so we thought if we stuck you and Elizabeth in one or two of them, ya'll might end up in Hong Kong or some other place that you wouldn't know how to get out of! :lol: So, it was for "youe comfort!" The male flight attendant told me and "the royalty" that when we asked him why we had to close our window and he said "For you comfort!" :lol: Oh yeah, you postcard might not make it. We bought it and wrote it out on the day befoe we left and the post office was already closed by the time we had finished writing it out, so we gave it to the conceirge at the hotel for him to send. I just hope he puts the stamp on it and sends it! No hurt me if you don't get it! :ninja: I'll have to hide from you! :ninja: :unsure:


    Talk to you soon!

  6. where are the pictures? sounds like yal had a great time!



    We made quite a few pictures. I just can't figure out how to put them on the internet. Yes, we had a WONDERFUL time!


    I forgot to mention about the stupid tour we did! :rolleyes: We paid 91 Euros to tour the Vatican. Well, we thought that it was going to pick us up at the hotel , and also take us to the Vatican Museum, St. Peter's, and let us go infront of everyone else. We were supposed to be in the lobby of the hotel at 7:00 A.M. and they were supposed to pick us up right then. It was 7:30 before they picked us up and we had to walk to the end of the street. Then, we went to the Vatican and waited in line for 3 and an half hours! We didn't even like the tour.We thought that they were going to take us in St. Peter's, but they said that they weren't! The tour guide kept talking and talking and she had to show us every single thing and talk about it for 15 minutes! :unsure: Her voice was so annoying! :angry2: So we finally had enough. My daughter wispers to me "Momma, let's ditch this lady!" So, we did! It was better walking around my ourselves. We could stop when we wanted to and go where we wanted to. We also went inside St.Peters! It was beautiful! It was so much better than the museum and the Sistine Chapel! We also found out that the Vatican tickets were 12 Euros for a ticket and it was free to get in St.Peters! What a waste of money. But, that was the only bad experience we had in Rome. My advice: Do the tours by yourself! Don't go with the tour guides!


    We sure did miss sweet tea! We were drinking water like crazy! The water is so good in Italy! :wub: We also walked a lot. In Paris, there was a scale and my daughter weighed every day. She lost 6 pounds in 3 days. So, we were glad to get back home and DRIVE!!! :lol:

  7. As many of you know, my daughter and I went to Rome and Paris for nine days. It was my daughter's 13th birthday present and it was just a mother-daughter thing. We both had fun, but we are just glad to be back home!


    We left last Monday to go to Paris. Well, my husband and I were in Las Vegas for almost a week and my daughter was in Florida with my mom and dad. We picked her up on Friday around noon, came back home, and Saturday my husband had some kind of event he had to go to and he came back kind of late. Sunday, he left to go to Texas in the morning, so my daughter didn't get to see him much. When we got to the airport and we were just waiting, she got so sad because she missed her dog (Which is basically her brother to her) and her daddy. So, I called him on the cell phone and she talked to him and she just got even sadder. She was at the point where she wouldn't get on the plane. <_< Well, I was looking around and I saw this girl by herself, on the floor, in a corner, crying her eyes out. So, my daughter says maybe she could cheer that girl up and also get her mind off her dad and dog, and she goes over there to talk to her.So, we went to McDonalds in the airport and got her a cheeseburger and we found out that she was sitting near us, and we just all talked for a while. Then, she gives my daughter a CD that she made and her E-mail adress. Then, I let her use my cell phone to call her mom and sister. I then found out that she is like 24 years old, but I thought that she was about 19. She also tells us that she is from South Africa and flying to Isreal to go to college. She was a big believer in God and she told us that she wasn't afraid to show it and she was giving up her whole life to God. (I forgot what she was studing in, but I know that it has to do something with Hebrew and religions). So, my daughter talks to her the whole time during the flight and they are close friends now. We felt like we had known her forever. So, on our 9 and a half hour flight, I also met this kid who was from Saudi Arabia, was studing in Perdue University, and was royalty in Saudi Arabia because the flight attendant told him to turn off his cell phone and he wasn't used to having a woman tell him what to do, and he told me that his family had a lot of money. You meet so many people while traveling.


    We had a 4 hour lay-over in Paris. We went from Atlanta to Paris, Paris to Rome, stayed in Rome for 5 days, Rome to Paris, stayed in Paris for 3 days, and Paris to Atlanta. We had to seperate from Hayley (the angel we met!), and my daughter and her were just crying when we went the opposite direction. We had to go through security. We went through Atlanta security with no problem. In Paris, there was a big problem. :o When my daughter went through there, she beeped. We thought we heard a beep, but just thought it was someone else. When we turn around, a lady says "Miss, please spread your legs apart and hold your arms up." My 13 year old daughter, who makes straight A's, who would never hurt a fly, who would never hurt someone, got patted down! . Yep, I wanted to say no, but then I thought "Ok, if I say No they will throw both of us in the Paris jail. Just keep your mouth shut." My daughter, the criminal, patted down at 13 years old.


    We went to Rome and didn't have any problems! We Rode the train from the airport to downtown, and then got a taxi. We loved Rome! :wub: Especially my daughter! She was getting to know the streets and we would walk every where and feel safe! We loved it! Every night, we went to this Pizzaria Cafe and ate heavenly Italian food! it was funny though because the first night it was 39 Euros and we didn't eat a lot. The next night we got even more and it was 29 Euros. The last night we got a desert, Lasagna, and a borchetta (sp?)for all for 25 Euros. So, it was kind of funny! :lol: We also did the double decker, hop-on and hop-off bus which was really neat! The bus driver was funny one day! The bus driver was of sort of young and he was cursing the people who cut in front of him in Italian! The girl who collects and sells the tickets on the bus tells us "I'm going to kill him!" :lol:See, the traffic is horrific in Rome and the scooters whiz by everybody and everybody drives where they want to and how they want to. We saw a million scooters when we were there! NO KIDDING! My daughter counted over 100 scooters in 5 minutes! The people in Rome were so nice and friendly! Not a problem in Rome! I think that my daughter wants to live there! It is really fun, crazy, and outgoing! Our suite in Rome was beautiful! We had 2 bathrooms, a huge soft bed that felt like a cloud, a private terrace that looked over the Vatican and Villa Borghese (sp?) Gardens, which is like the Centeral Park of Rome, and a huge living room! LOVED IT! :wub:


    We did not like Paris at all! :angry: The only thing that we liked was the little grocery store down the street! The people were so rude! They said that they could only speak a little bit of English, but we carried on a 45 minute conversation with the bartender in the hotel who said that he could only speak a little bit of English. We walked an average of 6 miles a day! NO JOKE! We measured it on a map. We only ate 1 meal a day and that was at McDonalds. The room was Ok. We didn't have a terrace, so we didn't like that! :( But, we could open up our window and see the Eiffel Tower! It was so pretty at night. At the top of the hour for 10 minutes starting at 10 O'Clock, it would flash and twinkle white lights. On Monday night, we walked to the Eiffel Tower (7 miles) and went up to the second level! We could see all of Paris! It was really cool! The highlight of our day was going to McDonalds! We had free barfest...I mean breakfast. The breakfast was HORRIBLE! NOTHING WAS GOOD, NOT EVEN THE FRUIT! We ordered cold milk and we got warm, smelly, and chunk milk that didn't taste good! We named the waitress the parott because if you said hello to her in French, she would say it back to you in English. If you said Thank you to her in French, she would say it back to you in English. We had an interesting time in Paris.


    When we went to the Paris airport, I got patted down andmy daughter got patted down again!! They also used the wand on us! The security also went through every bit of our luggage that we had! The airplane ride on Air France was great. I really enjoyed Air France!


    Overall, we really enjoyed out trip! We had a lot of fun! We will never forget this trip!


    Here are some tips:


    2. GO TO ROME!

    3. BUY A SMART CAR! It's a little car that's 8 feet long and like 5 feet tall! They are GREAT on gas! Small and cheep!



    Oh yeah, sorry for typing so much!


    Rollin'on: Please be looking in the mail for something!!!! I sent you a postcard from Paris! :)

  8. :lol:


    You are right! Everyone is blaming something on somebody besides the person who is at fault. I try not to, but sometimes I do. We all do, but some people just do it WAY too much!


    Thanks for the topic!

  9. Hmmmmm. <_<


    My daughter is a straight "A" student and has always been one since Kindergarden, so I don't how you are feeling.


    Does she have a boyfriend? I've seen where girls get a boyfriend, they get derailed from their school work, friends, and family, and just have all the focus on their boyfriend. Do you think that this might be the problem. Now days, girls are getting boyfriend starting in about the middle school years. If she does have a boyfriend, you might want to try to get her away from him.


    It also might sound like she might like the more "hands on" work.


    Good Luck!


    Best wishes,


  10. I was thinking the same thing. That is why I am asking. I think it wants to know who the top ten in revenue are. The first thing that comes to mind is the school system because of the number it employs. I am not sure the intent of the question, but I do not want to be the only one asking.


    Well, my theory is "It is better to ask than not to know. You might look some-what stupid, but atleast you know.". So, if I were you, I would ask.



    Just a little bit of my opinion.


    But, for your question, I don't know where I would start! I think that Wal-Mart would HAVE to be on the list. The one in Hiram.

  11. -Roseanne (my favorite show!)


    -Amazing Race

    -Addams family


    The other day, my daughter was listening to the Addams Family theme song on Itunes and she found a different version...A VERY DIFFERENT version! :blink: Let's just say that there were a lot of innappropriate words and a lot of things they shouldn't have ben singing about! I told her "WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO! TURN IF OFF...NOW! So, there are versions of popular theme songs that you should be aware about!

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