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Posts posted by bigmomma

  1. I'm waiting for one to come in, so I can type it out step by step - but basically, if you click on it once, it should open towards the right so you can read it.


    if you click on the white paper it will look blank so that you can add to it before you send it out again.


    geez - does that make any sense??

    See, when I clicked on the bottle and cork, it didn't do anything! I was clicking and clicking, but it wouldn't do anything. :( It was my very first one, too! -_-


    Ok, I just got one. I clicked on it and it sat up straight on the sand. The foghorn went off and they light flashed, but I CAN'T OPEN IT!!!!! :( What am I doing wrong?

  2. if you see that a bottle washed up on shore, click on it & it should open.


    was the bottle you saw washed up on the shore? as if it were in front of you?

    Yes it was. It came onto the sand.

  3. Ok, I have just went on the oceangram site and I am confussed! I have sent SEVERAL messages and I think I got one. When it came onto the sand, I clicked on it, but it didn't do anything. Can anybody explain to me how the oceangrams work? I know a lot of ya'll go on oceangram.com, and I am so confuused after reading the instructions! :wacko: I can't figure out how to pick-up a message, is it spam, is it hackers/viruses, and who gets the message!




  4. bigmomma,


    When I was her age I wore an 11, havent grown much until I got pregnant kinda like my boobs!! :lol: :lol:



    When I was her age I found cute shoes at steinmart at Barrett Parkway down near the new walmart. * KINDA PRICY* But we wer happy to find them!! Other than that walmart and payless. Maybe check the Lanebryant catalog. Good luck If you find somewhere new please let me know.


    Payless.com never thought of that!!! Thanx

    Thank you so much! We went to DSW on Barret Parkway and we didn't find anything. I will have to try out Steinmart. Famous Footwear, Footlocker,and Rack Room Shoes are all hopeless for my daughter. My husband wears a size 13 in men's and it is so much easier shoe shopping for him! We just go to Kohl's, get the kind he likes, get the correct shoe size, buy them, and go! With my daughter wearing a size 12, we have to go online, pull of the Payless site, look through everything in her size, make sure they are appropriate for her age (NO HIGH-HEELS!), if we are lucky, we might find something that we like. I bought her 2 pairs of sandals and a pair of tennis shoes for her birthday, so when we buy shoes online, we buy 2 or 3 pairs at a time! It's so much easier buying for my husband!When we go to Wal-Mart, we don't find anything! :rolleyes: They don't relize that most people are tall?


    Anyways, thank you so much for telling me this! I will pass it on to my daughter, so we can go shoe shopping when we are in the Barrett Parkway area. If I see anything new, I will send you the website!


    Thank you,

    Bigmomma :)

  5. gtfamily,


    My daughter is 13 years old and she wears a size 12 like you. We have such a hard time finding "stilish"shoes for her to wear. We can only find some on paylessshoes.com. Where do you get your shoes from? All she wears are boots in the winter (dressy) and sandals in the summer. It's so hard for us to find tennis shoes! She has 1 pair and she is saving those for when it rains, running, yard work. If you wouldn't mind telling me where you get your shoes from, please tell me! :)



    Bigmomma :)

  6. I love Jacksonville! I lived there for several years and so did my husband. My daughter wants to move there when she gets older, but I hope she doesn't. I don't know what I'll do! Yes, Jacksonville is a GREAT place to live! In my opinion it is!

  7. I know. I'm such a klutz. It's a good thing I didn't break my pinky. (arthritis eventually. ewww) But I would have been better off if I'd actually broken my ankle last year. weird :glare:


    No, you are not a klutz! Ok, maybe you are, but we all fall and hurt ourselves.


    I'm just glad you didn't hurt yourself any worse than you already have! :p

  8. yeah, it hurts like ****. but I bet some fudge would make it all better...j/k. y'all have a good day.


    DEAR LORD, I thought rollin'on could never curse or use such horrible words! :o :p .

    I'm glad it's not broken! What is it with you and almost breaking parts of your body? :lol:


    Anyways, I am just so glad that it's not broken and I hope your pinky gets healed fast! :)

  9. I saw her I think the weekend before last up at the light where Checker's, Sparkles, and Ryan's are. So, she's Ok! :)


    Edited to add: MamaJess, Ms.Jessie is a touchy subject here on paulding.com. People have disagreements about her, so don't be offened if you see some people on here who don't say some nice stuff about her. :)

  10. How's your boo-boo today, rollin'on? :wub:


    Ok, before you go to the doctor, you need to just drink down a bottle of tequila and when the doctor will most likely pull your finger back in place, it won't hurt as bad!


    I have something funny to tell you, so I will just tell you when I see you. :D Please don't be like my mom when she got her stiches taking out of her hand. :lol:

  11. This is VERY serious! I was watching CNN, and I couldn't believe it! :o I was listning to all the things that the UK airports will let you have, and it's scary. You can't take basically anything. :o I hope people are going to start taking this seriously. I know am! I seriously think we are going to have a World War III. This is starting to get very scary, and people need to be aware of what's going on! I have been watching all of the CNN and Fox's news shows, and so far they have all been right! :unsure: It's going to be more chaotic soon!


    Hope everybody has a great and safe day!!! :)

  12. She looks a lot better! :) Yes, she does look like her sister, but I think that she might be prettier than Jessica now. The gothic clothing and make-up wasn't just working for her. But, the new nose and fuller lips are looking great on her! She looks a lot better as a blond than a brunette! Ashlee is looking really good!

  13. This is very confussing!


    I'm going to keep my same name, so you don't have to worry about me! I'll still be Bigmomma! :p


    We could all just feel like paulding.com is just a brand new website and, we can just meet each other all over again! No, that would be too confussing. The situation now is confussing. Whatever happenes, it's all going to be confussing! :p Just nevermind, all of this name changing stuff is getting to me! :mellow:


    I agree with you, LisaG. if you change your name, you should put your old name in your signature!

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