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Posts posted by bigmomma

  1. My husband went to Panda Express Thursday, and he loved it! He likes Chinese food, so we thought it was just him. I like Chinese food, but not like him! :rolleyes: Tonight, he wanted my daughter and I to go to Panda Express and try it out. My daughter and I went, and Oh my gosh, that place is sssssooooo good! :wub: We got a take-out, so we didn't stay there for more than 10 minutes. It's not like your normal Chinese take-out place. It's like a buffet line, but it's not a buffet. A person behind the counter gets a plate, you tell him/her what you want on it, and they put it on there for you. The portions are so big!!!! :) It was very reasonably priced. We got 3 two items plates and a drink for $16. That's not bad for how much you get! My daughter doesn't even like Chinese food, but she tried the Orange Chicken ( :wub: ) and she decided she really liked the place! :lol:


    I highly recommend Panda Express!!!!!! :wub: The service was very good and the prices were wonderful! :D


    Bigmomma is happy with Panda Express. Bigmomma llllllooooovvvvveeeeeeessssss Panda Express!!!! :D

  2. Bigmomma, you've always been there for me. My own personal cheerleader! :wub:

    So, where's my cute little cheerleading outfit you promised, huh? <_<

    I am not going to do this anymore if I don't get my outfit ASAP! :lol:


    Yes, thank you. :p

    Well, you are certainly quite welcome! :) I know it is a small trophy, but small people get small trophies! lol! :lol: I'm just kidding with 'ya!



  3. My dear rollin'on,

    I remember when you made it to your 100th post! You were so happy! :D I have seen you grow into a little paulding.com member into a big 500 post member!! I am so proud of you! *wipes away a tear* Now, you just have to get an icon! You can do it! I did! :p


    Rollin'on: You are now a member of the t2dm club! :D :lol:

  4. Nothing good comes on Monday nights. :( Thursday night is the BEST!!!!!! :D I get to watch Survivor, ER, and My Name is Earl! Aaaaahhhhhh...those are the nights! :p I can't ever miss an episode of ER!! Nothing good comes on Mondays except for football. :( I only like college football. I couldn't give a flying monkey on what the Falcons do!

  5. Rollin'on, I know what you mean!


    About 2 years ago, my daughter and I answered the door and there was a man there trying to sell something. I said I wasn't interested and tried to close the door, but he put his hand on it and pulled it back open! He then STEPS into my house and we try to slam the door on him. I finally cuss him out and call the police. They cops came and told all of them they were not supposed to be selling anything! Come to find out, the product was auctually stolen! :ninja:


    Oh I know of a good one!!!! :D Get a unloaded BB gun and when they say they want to sell something...hold up right up right between their eyes! No, that's too mean for somebody like you! :wub: Take some advice from Kevin from Home Alone! :D

  6. My husband just called and told me this horrbile news!!!!! :angry: I am so mad!!!!! :angry: This is my daughter's favorite show and she is so upset!!! :( They also got his son, Leland, and his brother, Tim aka "Youngblood". :angry: OMG! I am just like so mad! My husband said that the radio station said to call your state representative because the federal goverment will not bail him out!! I am going to E-mail the representative later tonight! I hope he gets out soon! He is helping the country out, and look what he gets for it!!!! Where's rollin'on at? I need to talk to her!!!! She can probally understand my pain! :lol: OMG! Ok, enough her! I hope his 16 or so kids are okay. Well, one is in jail with him! :( My favorite of Dwane's kid, Leland. :( Oh so sad! :(

  7. Hey all you pcommers! I'm a newbie here,and this is my very first post. I just wanted to say hey. I don't know what to say yet, but later on I might. It was nice meeting y'all at Paulding Meadows. I had so much fun. The cotton candy was delicious! :wub: I had a cartoon caricature done of myself. It looks so funny! :p I'll post it when we figure out how...I got to go before my mom (rollin'on) gets ahold of me :o. It's way past my bedtime anyway. OOPS! Here she comes! Got to go!


    Goodnight everyone,



    Congratulations on your first post cottoncandygirl!!!! :) Bet the caricature is cutel!!! Goodnight and have very good dreams!!! :)




  8. Hey guys. My cottoncandygirl can't reply to topics until we finish validating her account. So here she is on mine...


    Hey friendly folks! It's me cottoncandygirl. I wanted to say THANKS for welcoming me to pcom.


    It was really really sweet!! :wub: I hope we all get along together!!

    Bye. :blush:


    You hope so? I know we all will! :D Remember, you better be a good girl, WE ARE ALL WATCHING YOU!!!!! :blink: :unsure:

  9. Dang it rollin'on...you beat me to it!!!! <_<


    She is such a sweet girl everybody! She is such a doll! She is going to be a hoot to talk to!!!! :D


    Love 'ya cottoncandygirl!!!!


    Edited to add: Wait, I forgot to say welcome!!!!!! Welcome cottoncandygirl!!!!!



  10. I had no idea either. :) BUT, I finally found out! It stands for "Big Brother Off Topic" -- an online discussion forum for fans of the U.K. version of the Big Brother reality show. Apparently a lot of those folks participate in Oceangram.com, which is where I kept seeing BBOT.

    Thanks for telling us! I saw 2 or 3 people after I read this topic type BBOT. I saw going "Huh? What in the world?" :blink: The people I saw were from the UK, so you are right!!!!


    Thanks again! :)

  11. Aunt Boo,


    my family and I think about you and your family every day. I look on here to see if anything about Daniel has been posted. I pray that nothing else terrible will happen to your family. I would Pm you to ask how Daniel is, but I thought that it might make it to hard for you. We love you here at paulding.com and if you need us for anything, please don't hesitate!



    Bigmomma and family :wub:

  12. I know what I did wrong! I WAS NOT CONNECTED! I am now connected and I should be getting messages!


    Thanks everybody! :D


    I just got one and I read it! I was so happy!!!!

  13. I wait until mine are near the shore, then click once & it pops itsself up on the beach & opens....

    Thank you so much for your help! I will wait for mine and maybe I will get to read it! Thanks again! :D

  14. have you tried closing it out & re-opening oceangrams?

    Yes, several times! Thank you so much for helping me out!

    Am I supposed to click on it while it is in the ocean?

  15. ohh.... I'm sorry, but don't worry, you WILL get more .... promise!


    what it's supposed to do : when you click, the bottle stands upright, the cork comes out & the paper floats toward the right side.... and opens for you to read....


    as long as you aren't in the process of sending one out, you will be able to get one sent to you.....



    Thanks! :)

    If I have a pop-up blocker, will that have to do something with why I can't read them?

    All it is doing now is just sitting here staright up,and that's it! :lol:

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