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Posts posted by bigmomma

  1. Ingles for my meat...ONLY MEAT!!!


    Publix for anything else!! I love Publix! Everyone who works there is so friendly and the store is ALWAYS clean! They also have everything that I need! So, I only shop at Publix....and Ingles for my meat.

  2. My husband and I are thinking about eating at Folks tonight, but we were iffy about it since it is new. Has anyone eaten there before? If so, how is the food and service?



    Bigmomma :D

  3. Ya'll are making me hurt by talking about it! My mom had a hand surgery about 4 years ago. When she had to get her stiches out, she cussed the nurse! She says that she was saying some replacement words, but she said the real words! He made her buy him a Mr.Misty at Dairy Queen before her next appointment. I had stiches when I was a child in my foot. I can't remember how it felt. I guess it wasn't that bad since I can't remember. Good Luck trying to take them out! :) I surely couldn't do it! :blink:

  4. Yep! I watched it! I loved Tina! I have never heard of a lumber Jill! I can't believe they voted her off! Good-Bye old women! :lol: I kind of like the Older Men. I don't like the Younger Women except for Sally. She makes a lot of sense! I don't like the younger men. So, there's my opinion. What's yours?

  5. I diasagree with you 100%. I am not a bus driver. I am not related to a bus driver.My daughter just simply rides the bus. Our bus drivers in Paulding County are the best you could ever find!

    For the amount of money they make, they go way out of their way for the children.

    I can't believe you called bus drivers lunatics! I am just speachless. Words cannot describe how much I disagree with you. Please explain to me why you call them lunctics.


    It is not a bus driver's fault that accidents occur. Hmmmm...wonder why we call them "accidents"? With as much traffic Paulding County has today, I don't think that it is uncalled for them to have accidents. Paulding County has a lot of traffic and it is hard to drive through it. I have a hard time driving through it in my personal vehicle when it is just me. I couldn't imagine driving through it with 50 kids!


    Like I said, our bus drivers are the best you could ever find! They care about the children and want to take care of them. It's not their fault that accidents happen.

    Accidents are called "accidents" for a reason.


    I am supporting the bus drivers 100%. Paulding County cannot have better bus drivers! :D


    If parents want to help, they should go over the bus rules with their children. I have with my daughter. Make sure they know to sit down ,try not to get up, and not to throw things. So, if parents really want to help, instead of getting on paulding.com and fussing about it, go review the rules with your child.

  6. Thanks, SG Jr


    As Ryan's grandfather I totally agree with you on the need for monitors, even more than seatbelts. When his mother was growing up, her ultimate punishment - and she knew it - would be for misbehaving on the school bus.


    As for Ryan, he is making small improvements. Today, I am told, he opened his eyes momentarily and I saw him move his arm slightly last night, and his mother thinks he was momentarily aware that his sisters were there. He still has miles to go to even leave the hospital, and therapy will be needed to bring him back completely.


    As for help, there are multiple needs and a fund is in the process of being set up where tax deductible (I think) contributions can be made at any Bank of America branch. It was just started today and may not be complete for a day or two. I will update when it is operational.


    To all out there, thanks for caring and for your prayers.




    Thank you for the update. I just pray that Ryan is going to get better real soon and be able to come home. I Know that this is a very hard time your family. I can't imagine if this ever happened to my daughter. Ryan, you, and the rest of his family are in my thoughts and prayers.

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