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Posts posted by drosser

  1. I had a co-worker convince me to check mine today. I'm glad she did!! I've lost a little over $20,000 since my last statement. I immediately took all but 10% out of stocks and put it in bonds. I am just sick over this. It took me 14 years to get what little I have. The lottery is my only hope of retirement!!!

  2. I can't believe this has happened to so many people!! I got mine in the mail yesterday and sat down and cried!!! Ours only went up $75.00, but we don't have an extra $75.00 right now. I am just sick over this. I might have to refinance again. I don't know what else to do.

  3. I sympathize with your frustration. My husband's truck got stolen in Douglasville in June, 2007. All they did was take a report and told him it was either in Alabama on in Atlanta. We only had liability on it because it was an older work truck, so we had no insurance coverage. We got a notice from a tow truck company in Lithonia at the end of August, 2007. They had our truck!!! Dekalb County had pulled the guy over for a traffic violation, and that's how our truck was found. We got the notice 16 days after the truck was impounded!!! Douglas County never called to let us know the truck had been found. Neither did Dekalb County.


    We had 16 days worth of storage fees to pay, but we got our truck back. Of course, all the tools were gone and it had been spray painted.


    It just ticked me off the the police did basically nothing and then didn't notify us when the truck was found.

  4. I have two grandsons, ages 3 and 17 months, and a granddaughter who will be a month old on the 7th. I see the boys at least twice a week, sometimes more. I see the baby about the same.


    I wish I didn't have to work so I could see them ever day!!!

  5. My biggest issue with Daves plan is that any homeowner that took a bad loan basically gets a new loan without any plenty. Why should they get off without paying any plenty? Sorry, I pay my bills on time, but because I did that and you didn't you now get a potentially better loan then those that have been paying their bills? Thats BS. Why is it that we are not going to hold people responsable for the poor choices they bad? If you are going to allow them to rewrite their loans EVERY homeowner should get that same offer - not just the deadbeats that didn't make their payment.



    I agree!!! I have no sympathy for those who took out loans (ARMS, etc.) knowing they couldn't pay them back. I pay my mortgage every month, no matter what else doesn't get paid. If the deadbeats get a low percentage rate, then everyone with a higher rate should be allowed to get the same low percentage.

  6. Every gas station from work to home was completely out of gas. I have to go to Tifton tomorrow and am worried that I can't find any gas to get there. I'll really be upset if I can't find enough to get back home!!


    Where in Paulding has gas? Hubby said the Kroger on Ridge Road was out.

  7. I am a WC adjuster and deal with pain clinics on a daily basis. Someone mentioned Dr. Kornfield. I'm not sure that he's a pain management doctor, but he does a lot of things that have helped quite a few of our WC claimants. He has a whole team of professionals in his office. He is located on Canton Road in Marietta. He seems to be a good, honest doctor, and he doesn't prescribe too many pain medications.


    I don't know anything about Dr. Hurd, but the burning of the nerves that was referred to in another post is called radiofrequency ablation. It works for some and doesn't for others.


    I don't know too much about pain management outside of the WC arena. I do know that for WC patients, 9 times out of 10, the doctor will prescribe extremely addicting narcotic medication and that's about all they do. The other problem I have is that most of the people I deal with are not really hurt that bad. They are mostly looking to get a big, fat settlement with some TV attorney telling them what to do. A lot of the attorneys and doctors are in cahoots, so the idea is to draw out the treatment and run up the bills in order to make the claim more valuable.


    I know that back pain can be horribly debilitating. I do wish you luck in finding the right doctor and getting positive results from your treatment.

  8. I'd never been to this sale before, so I went on Saturday. I guess because it started on Thursday, all the good stuff was gone. A lot of the stuff they had was all wrinkled and dirty looking. I've bought better and a whole lot cheaper at yard sales. I was very disappointed. I was looking for stuff for my two grandsons and didn't find anything.


    Next time, I'll try to take off work and go on Thursday.

  9. I am so very sorry to hear of your loss. My daughter had the same thing happen at 16 weeks. It was absolutely devastating!! Exactly two weeks later, my DIL had the same thing happen at 8 weeks.


    My daughter gave birth to a beautiful baby girl on 09/07, after several years of being scared to try again. My DIL has decided to wait a while longer. She's only 25 so has plenty of time.


    You have a wonderful doctor so, hopefully, she can find out what the problem is.


    You will be in my prayers.

  10. I still say the grandparents know more than they are telling. I believe they're covering for their daughter. JMHO... <_<



    I feel the exact same way, especially the grandmother. First, she says the trunk of the car smells like a dead body and then turns it around to say it was spoiled pizza. I don't buy her innocence act at all.

  11. My job took the office there on a "retreat" about four years ago. It was very nice! Of course, it didn't cost me anything. We stayed at the hotel on the estate, and it was beautiful. We toured the Biltmore House, which was amazing!! The food was good, too!! We didn't get to ride the horses or do much outside because it was right after some flooding in the area. We didn't get to go into town for the same reason. I'd love to go back, but it's very expensive!!!

  12. Finally---Paris Callie Marie Smith is here!!! 7 pounds 1 ounce. 20 1/2 inches long. Born at 11:49 this morning by C-section. She has a whole head full of hair!!! Mom and baby are both doing fine. I haven't got to actually see her yet, but daddy brought the camera with plenty of pictures. I'm just glad it's over and we have a beautiful, healthy baby girl!!


    I'll post pictures when I get home.


  13. The midwife just broke her water and placed inernal fetal monitors on the baby. The baby's heart rate drops after every contraction. The doctor is here. She's dilated to 4 and 80% effaced. Doctor just said they're going to monitor the baby and if Kelly doesn't progress quick enough, they might end up doing a C-section.

  14. She's taking after me and not after her sister. We are at Northside with no baby yet! She got her epidural at 6:30, but she was only dialted to 3, so they gave her some pitocin. They haven't checked her since 6 a.m. She's getting an injection of something because the epidural has made her blood pressure drop a bit and the baby doesn't want to wake up.


    I was in labor with her for almost 48 hours!!! Her sister has babies in about 8 hours!!


    The nurse said the doctor is on her way in and will check her when she gets here. The contractions are showing really strong on the monitor. I hope she's made some progress. The nurse just said she's turning off he pitocin so that the baby will be more active. Almost immediately, she said it was better.


    Thanks to everyone who's thinking of us.

  15. I've been trying to post picture, but it always says my file was larger than the available space. I tried to downsize my picture, but it didn't work. I'm just not good with this kind of stuff.


    Everyone else has beautiful kids!!!

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