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About ThatGuyMo

  • Rank
    Paulding Com member

Previous Fields

  • Place of Residence
    Dallas City
  1. Does Paulding County have a Citizen's Advisory Board, and if so, what are the various reasons people are involved with such a board? What tasks do you get to get involved with? Why do they exist if Paulding even has one? Second, what are the reasons why people join the Chamber of Commerce for our county? What do you do with your membership? Are there meetings, and if so, are these mandatory? Are there dinners for meeting other business professionals? Is there a directory that your business name gets placed in for joining the local Chamber?
  2. I'm taking my boys on Friday. Again, just taking advantage of the situation.
  3. Ok. I am boiling water right now, can I have the rest of the recipe?
  4. Please add link to original post. Please wash hands before returning to work.
  5. I will. I'll learn more about the End The Fed campaign. I'll give my time and attention. I'll even click right about here...
  6. ThatGuyMo


    so where in the world is crossroads. and carmen sandiego?
  7. ThatGuyMo


    Be free in liberties already given to you.
  8. Even though we'll delete it? Hey, which reminds me, I have back hair like a monkey. What can you do for that?
  9. That's bazaar. I personally wouldn't buy the items because there is no need on my part, but I would not call these items bizarre in the least bit.
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