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Posts posted by gregaperry

  1. Are you saying that most Illegal Aliens are hispanic? :unsure:


    I'll say it WT! Don't get me wrong, I would feel the exact same way if we had 20 million illegal Swedes, but yes, most are hispanic. The last number I saw was well over 90% (I'm looking for reference). This is for no other reason than proximity.


    The argument that there are illegals here from Europe is like saying that the pickle adds a few calories to a Big Mac.


    Also, people from Europe, Asia, etc. mostly come by plane, which means they had to get a Visa. While this is by no means air tight security, they were at least vetted once so that the criminals do not slip through as easily.

  2. Well your right it would be nice to know these things about people, but people want to assume that everyone that is illegal is hispanic and thats not true. We should want to know all these things about every illegal immigrant.


    M2, I have heard this argument before and I used to believe it. Now I feel that this is just more distracting talking points from the open borders crowd. My wife is Hispanic and has never EVER been treated in any way that comes close to someone suspecting she is illegal. It is the same with most of her family who is, by the way, pro immigration reform. Their stance is, if we had to take the time and expense to do it the legal way, everyone else should.


    I also hear people talk about how hard it is to become an American citizen. So what, because it's hard it should be done for you? Because it's expensive we should make it free? Sorry, American citizenship is worth the time and expense. If someone doesn't agree that it it's worth it, than this is someone who maybe should not be here. I know people say that this is easy for us to say since we were born here, and that's true. I am aware that we hit life's lottery by being blessed and born in the greatest country in the World. I don't, however, feel guilty about it to the point that we should allow every countries' vagrants and criminals to come here and transform our cities and culture. Just drive down South Cobb Drive in Smyrna. Would you live there? Does this transformation make our country better? Would you send your kids to school in this neighborhood?


    I am now going to say what I suspect most people feel, but won't say. Most of us feel that many (not all) of these people have no loyalty to this country whatsoever. Drive through some of these neighborhoods and count the number of American flags, I dare you. Go to a professional soccer game and listen to the people boo our national anthem (saw this firsthand in Chicago). If, God forbid, the U.S. ever had a conflict with Mexico, Argentina, or other Latin American countries, who do you think they would support? What do you think will happen when they have the majority in this country? Sound far fetched? 20 million is about 6% of our entire population. Do the math on how many children are born in this country to illegals, then add the additional ones that are crossing the border every day. Do you think that, with a majority, they will want to pass laws that are in line with your values and beliefs? Will this still be America?


    So, back to my original point. Why should the USA roll out the red carpet for the vagrants and criminals from other countries that have contempt for America, and are only here because of need, not because of any appreciation for this country?


    Off my soapbox now.

  3. WT strikes again with another thought provoking topic.


    WT, my biggest pet peeve with the pro-immigration crowd is how they make the case that, if you are against illegal immigration, you are hispanic hating racist.


    My problem with illegal immigration is knowing that 12-20 million people (right around 1 out of 20) people in this country are here, and we do not know anything about them.


    If you or I are pulled over, within a few minutes the officer knows if we are fugitives, have any warrants, have insurance or are on sex offender lists.


    With the illegals, we don't. You have no way of knowing if the guys mowing the lawn and building the house down the road (stereotyping, I know, but I need to make example here) are sex offenders, have committed violent crimes and fled their country, or are just hard working guys trying to support their families. If they are the latter, then why are they so opposed to being screened and going to the effort to show the people of this country that they respect our laws. I find it very tough to respect people whose very first thing they did when they set foot in America was thumb their noses at our laws.


    I, for one, would feel much better knowing that the folks wanting to come to our country had been adequately screened. We do not need other countries' criminals, we have enough of our own.


    This study proves what many of us fear. That Latin America is simply exporting their poverty and criminals to America.


    How many US citizens have committed the same crimes?


    This comment backs up my point that we have enough of our own criminals, we do not need to import Latin America's.

  4. First of all it just amazes me sometimes on here with all the dirty laundry that is aired on here.


    Say what you will, but threads like this stay on page 1 longer and get more responses than the ones asking about the best coupon for cat food :)

  5. My advise is for them to take their money and run. People can put up with sharks until they start taking to much meat off their bones. Then it is shark killing time. =@



    WT, if that is the way it happens, then so be it. As long as it is the free market, and consumers putting them out of business by changing their habits and/or finding an alternative enerty, then this is simply capitalism at work.


    I believe I read a similar story the other day about Poloroid no longer making instant cameras, due to them being obsolete. In my opinion, this is the way the product life cycle is supposed to work (and most economic professors as well). Government should not put law abiding public companies out of business just because the demand for their product went through the roof as supplies shrank.

  6. Exxon Mobil's Profit MARGIN is 10.85%. http://finance.yahoo.com/q/ks?s=xom


    If I am remembering my Econ 101 class correctly, an average profit MARGIN for a successful company is around 12%.


    You will not hear the media mention this, ever. I love that the new rumor in Washington is that they want to pass a law that REQUIRES a public U.S. company to invest THEIR profits into competing technologies.


    What would you say if you owned a business and the government wanted to force you to spend your money on investigating a competitive product that would put you out of business?


    I love how the hyper-libs spin these stories to make it seem bad that a company, God forbid, earns a profit. Don't we also hate the companies that fail miserably, then cause thousands of people to lose their jobs? So who are WE all supposed to work for, the Government?

  7. The death penalty was something that I struggled with for a long time when it came to "getting off the fence".


    I finally decided that I was against it, for no other reason than consistency. Something just didn't seem right about being pro-life and pro-death penalty. There is another part of me that is just uncomfortable with giving control of human life over to the federal or state government. This was a tough one for me, as a huge part of me sees the justice in ridding society of people like this forever. Don't get me wrong, you will never see me holding a vigil outside the gates of the prison for this guy, and I certainly do not get fired up in a debate with anyone who is for the death penalty, as I get it.


    I have NO sympathy for this piece of trash, and detest every tax dollar of mine that will go to imprison him. I would have no problem with him rotting for 23.5 hours a day in a cold, dark cell with no contact with the outside world whatsoever.


    Off my soapbox now.

  8. My wife and I have been looking for the deals this summer, with her being laid off. Here is what I have found:


    Sparkles - free admission on Thursdays, plus $2 skate rental. Went last week, had a blast

    Paulding Bowling Center - $1 games and $1 shoe rental on Thursdays (I think before 6pm, double check)

    Movies 278 has free movies for the kiddies on Tuesdays, it's mostly cartoons


    Let me know if you find something else on the cheap! I need some advice too.

  9. I tried Stars and Strikes (a really nice place by the way) but just can't justify their prices when the Paulding Bowling Center offers $1 games and $1 shoe rentals on Thursdays. PBC just seems like they are working a little harder for the family crowd, while Stars and Strikes are going after the teens. I don't have a problem with that, they can certainly run their business however they want. Just an observation.

  10. She can get this sock monkey tattooed on her....





    This tat would simply show that the gal has good taste in sports teams, and the nearest man should propose immediately. Geaux Tigers!

  11. Okay. Uhhh, no. This isn't right. In MY case, I have been a prude all my life. At least about certain things. I've also been able to be completely open with my children in regards to heavy matters that need discussing (Sex, drinking, etc.). The tattoo thing came up when our oldest son turned 18. He wanted one. I told him that if he could pay for it, he could get it. Then, I, at the tender age of 40, got my first tattoo to mark this step in my "journey of life". I plan to have another one when I turn 50. Our daughter also wanted a tattoo and we made her wait until she was 18. She got the asian symbol for 3 in black on her shoulder. No, it's not NASCAR!! She is the third baby of triplets born 21 years ago to me and their Daddy (DH). The oldest son got a lizard on his back shoulder.


    Our daughter's tattoo showed in alot of the photos we took at her outside wedding this past June. But, do I care???? No. If this is the "worst" that these kids have done, we consider ourselves enormously blessed.


    Off my soapbox now.


    The prude

    aka. Triplemom



    I'd love to be a fly on the wall for those conversations!


    I was referring to guys (this was me) who are 18 and going to clubs looking for other 18 year old girls. Of course, my little theory was not 100% accurate. Just saying that your "chances" were much better with a girl with the "trifecta" than with one who didn't have all 3. It really was all 3, not 1 or 2.


    I have no idea what 18 year old girls think of guys with tattoos. I would love to hear some comments.

  12. Hmmm let's see .. I have a tattoo ( nobody can see it ) .. I don't smoke .. but I do swear like a sailor :blush: Am I prude ? Hell no .. and honestly neither is my daughter. It's called reality and even if a girl isn't a prude .. that doesn't mean she can't say " No " :closedeyes: Guys can think all they want .. but the girl has the power.


    I couldn't agree with you more, and hesitated to make my post. I don't think guys are right, just giving some perspective into what guys think. I would go crazy if I had a daughter, as I know what pigs we can be.


    Sorry if I offended, that certainly was not my intention.

  13. I'm going to be Mr. Creepy here, but maybe some of you have never heard this before and can consider it a public service announcement. Please don't lynch me, this is just something that parents of daughters should know.


    When guys go out, there are 3 things they look for on a girl that he thinks will increase his "chances".


    1. tattoo

    2. smoking

    3 uses the F word


    The thinking is, if she is into these things, she's probably not a prude.


    I was one of those guys that looked for these types of girls. I'm sorry to say, this theory is true most of the time.


    I am, BY NO MEANS, saying your daughter is like this. I am just informing you of what guys her age are thinking.

  14. As a parent to two teenagers I am THRILLED to have this place here. :yahoo:


    I do agree with everyone in different posts about the prices of food and drinks. It is a bit high for what you are getting. ;)


    That is really my only complaint. We have been as a family 3 times already and the kids have gone at least 5 times more!




    I thought they did have a family package available without pizza?


    Daughter just corrected me...it's $25 for an hour instead of per game price. Not listed under family package.


    Good to know. The Manager that was there looked like he was 12, so it doesn't really surprise me that he didn't think to offer this. They'll get it right, just need to work through the growing pains.

  15. We went Saturday afternoon. We had fun but they are WAY over priced. $9 for a pitcher of Bud Light? I don't think so.


    I could not agree more.


    I went there on Sunday night hoping to give the new place some business. For my family and I to bowl (4 adults, 2 little kids), it was going to be over $50 for ONE game. They had a family package that was something like $60 for 2 hours of bowling. It came with a pizza. We had just came from dinner, so I asked the manager if he could exchange the pizza for the equivalent in game tokens for the kids. He said, "no, the computer won't let me". I asked him to just use common sense, it's about 6 or 7 bucks worth of tokens instead of a pizza. He wouldn't budge, and let my family walk out of there event though we were ready to spend over $60 for one or two games of bowling.


    We now going to start going to the Paulding Bowling Center on Thursdays instead. They are something like a buck a game and a buck for shoes, which is much more friendly on the bank account of a family.


    I'm not knocking Stars and Stripes, they can certainly cater to whatever crowd they choose. It just seems as though they are catering to teens who are all going to "chip in" for bowling, that way nobody really feels the big pinch. Nothing wrong with that, just an observation. I would go there with a group of friends to bowl, but won't be bringing my family back.

  16. We were thinking of moving to TN is the next 1-2 years. We want me to get done with school, and get a few things payed off. My SO would have to put in for a mutual transfer...so that could take another few years.


    Anyone else ever done this? How long did transfers take? How about trying to find a new job in the other state? Looking for a house while not living there?



    I have bounced around this country for the past 15 years of my life, and my wife and I ended up here in GA with a mutual transfer. I spent a lot of time in Tennessee and have to say that it is the place I call home, as it was my favorite place to live (we love it here too, just lived in TV longer).


    You will get an automatic "raise" when you move there due to their not being a state income tax. Depending on where you are looking to land, you should do pretty well with a lower cost of living, especially with housing. My sister just bought an older home in Winchester, TN, 3 BR 1 Bath for $39,000 in town in a great school district. This is typical in the country, my parents paid $60K for their 2200 sq ft home on 2 acres.


    As for job hunting, I always had better luck getting called in for interviews when I used a local address of a friend or family member. Many employers will "weed out" out of town applicants with the first cut.


    Finally, have a friend or family member that you can stay with to come up for interviews. Hotels will get very expensive very quickly with several trips.


    That's my $.02, let me know if you have any questions.

  17. Found the answer to my own question on their website:


    Thursday Special

    Join us each Thursday night from 7 to 9:30 p.m

    May 29 - August 14 for free family Fitness and Fun session

    Skate rental discounted to $2 per person (or bring your own!)

    All ages welcome.



    I don't know if Sparkles' owners and/or managers are on Pcom, but if they are, thank you! It's nice to have something like this for the kids without feeling like you are being fleeced, like they do at Six Flags. (of course, I will take this back if, when I get to Sparkles tonight, they want $15 to park :) )

  18. My apologies if this is a redundant thread. Is tonight still the family fitness night? My 3 year old niece and 9 year old nephew are staying with us, would love to bring them up there and blow off some energy. I promise to buy food!

  19. Mikil, I was with you up until the "if I'm following the law, what do I care" comment. Just because a particular law does not effect you directly, does not mean that it is not a direct challenge to your freedeom.


    I just can't see our founders thinking that a biometric national ID was what they had in mind when they framed our country.


    I come back to, why not train the DMV folks on how to check immigration status? That seems like the path of least resisitence from both a cost and logistical standpoint.


    Thanks for the clarification Mikil.

  20. The City of Dallas has already started working on plans for a downtown project just like this, but on a smaller scale.


    One of the positive side effects of the high price of gas, in my opinion, is that it has slowed the growth of Paulding. I know, as much as I like living out here, I would not commute this far if I worked in Atlanta.

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