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Posts posted by davidj6

  1. For years, I bought into the Cobb is so bad on taxes, etc. idea. Moved to Cobb a few months ago. Bigger/nicer home/newer home, $600 less in homeowners insurance, $97 more on car insurance (3 vehicles combined), and - the 2007 property taxes were $247 higher than what we were assessed in 2007 for 800 less square foot home in Paulding.

  2. Maybe if we weren't spending 3 trillion dollars on this war in Iraq, then they (police,fire, military) could already be getting decent pay. I don't think its that there isn't enough money, it is just being spent on other things.


    The Fair Tax isn't a pipe dream, at all, it is rapidly gaining momentum and support, from what I can see.






    Not that I'm pro war, but, the police/fire/teachers, etc. have NEVER made what the private sector makes, so, the war has nothing to do with it.

  3. I'm Sorry, I understand how you feel there are certain time we need a little extra help and I have 4 never once have we been able to get anything.

    But I think some of you may find this interesting I was at Ingles one day and the lady in front of me payed with WIC and then went and climbed into an escalade. <_<


    Wife worked part time at Ingles years ago.... Alot of what she would see would be what appeared to be affluent parents with pregnant teens/young mothers using their WIC or whatever the cards are caled for the whole family or the times she complained that she'd love to have an $8 manicure when women were handing her these with freshly manicured fake nails, talking about shopping places she couldn't afford. It's called living a web of lies - you have to lie to live like that, then it puts a bad light on families who really are doing right. She also tried to report someone who she knew (the woman spoke openly about it) was getting assistance from several areas including Peachcare, food banks, WIC - she had names of all children, husband & wife, address, but, of course, no social security numbers. She was RUDELY told that she shouldn't butt into others business and that she couldn't report without those numbers. She even knew some of the ways they were working around the "system". All this while they built an inground pool in their backyard, took vacations, had gym memberships, etc., etc. Sad. So, we're very tainted when people ask for help.

  4. will look into replacements.com......never heard of it before. This isn't a "big name" china, but, after researching a little on ebay, it's not half bad. She's mainly just wanting it out of the way. thanks for the ideas

  5. Not the country! We've moved and wife has a set that's never been used - wedding gift (1980) she didn't care for - was in the original box until box was damaged. She wants to find a place to consign it because she's afraid of trying to sell on ebay and shipping it an it being broken. Any ideas????

  6. Wife walks the Atlanta 2 Day every year...... www.2daywalk.org ...... Was started when Avon pulled out of sponsoring the 3 day and there was no Atlanta walk. She walks with a team that adopted her three years ago when she was walking alone. Has been talking about putting together her own team this year. She's had no trouble raising more than the requirement - which at the time I can't remember what it is - I know she usually raises around $3000. Alot of former 3 day walkers walk this one. Most of the team she's with are former 3 day walkers. PS....you sleep in a hotel. The Atlanta Parrot Head Club raises the money for the hotel and the food is donated so a great amount of the money goes to the cause and all of the money stays in Georgia.

  7. A-1 Gutters out of Acworth.......dependable, reasonable, go the extra mile. Will change outside lights that you'd need a ladder to change. Make minor repairs during cleaning. Had them set up for every 6 months cleaning......moved last Thursday, they've cleaned the new house gutters and I found out they do two of my new neighbors.

  8. We were talking about how the tree near the feeders looked like a Christmas tree this afternoon. There were 4 - yes 4 PAIR of Cardinals. The vivid red of the males was incredible. We had Goldfinches, Tufted Titmouse, Dark Eyed Juncos, 1 Wren, several Doves (which we refer to as Chickens 'cuz they're so large), House Finches and a White Breasted Sparrow. I had to look him up in the book to be sure!! They cleaned out the feeders I'd only 1/2 filled - I didn't want the food to get damp from the rain.

  9. My sons private school has a few gender separated classes in middle school........the faculty, staff, kids and parents love it. The boys are allowed to be a little more wild and the girls seem to speak up and participate more. I've witnessed the classes from the hallway. Kids are split for sports and no one seems to mind. So, it's ok that they play the same game differently, but it's not ok to learn differently??

  10. Praising you for handling the situation the way it should be handled......Have a mother of a girl in my son's class - girl gets into car every day (and has for the 3 years we've been in school with her) and relates what every child in the school has done or said that day. Of course, this child would NEVER stretch/bend the truth - as a matter of fact, the mom always says - Now, why would she make somthing like that up?? (could it be to see the reaction of the mom??) Anyway, this mother has a history of calling parents to tell them what her daughter has heard their child say or seen them do, etc. It's useless talking reason to the mother - she accuses all parents of being in denial of what their children are "really like" other than herself, of course. And, she can't understand why many of the children have been told to stay away from her child and why her child is never invited home with others, etc.


    WASHINGTON — The $146 billion stimulus package intended to jolt the economy by giving taxpayers rebates up to $1,200 includes cash returns for illegal immigrants who pay taxes.


    Under the plan passed by the House, illegal immigrants who qualify as "resident aliens" and earned a minimum of $3,000 would be eligible for rebates of between $300-$600, FOX News has learned.


    Only those illegals who have been assigned an Individual Tax Identification Number that allows them to file income taxes would be eligible. Resident aliens are defined as people who spend a "substantial" amount of time in the U.S. and have not been deported.


    The provision has irked illegal immigration opponents, who say the assigning of TINs and collection of taxes from illegals sanctions their presence in the country.


    Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Colo., told FOX News that the bill will certainly stimulate "more illegal immigration."


    The stimulus plan met with overwhelming bipartisan support Tuesday, passing the House 385-35 with little debate after House leaders and White House negotiators came to agreement last week.


    Opponents of the illegal immigrant eligibility provision point out that the House considered the bill under "suspension of the rules." Suspension provisions allow the House to expedite bills and don't open them up to the usual amendment process.


    The plan, which would send at least some rebate to anyone with at least $3,000 in income— with more going to families with children and less going to wealthier taxpayers — faces an uncertain future in the Senate.


    Senate Democrats and some Republicans support a larger package that adds billions of dollars for senior citizens and the unemployed, and reduces the rebate for individuals to $500 and $1,000 for couples.


    The Senate version written by Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus would deliver checks even to the richest taxpayers, who are disqualified under the House-passed measure.


    Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid blasted the proposal to send rebates to those with higher incomes, saying it "causes me to want to gag." The feeling is widespread among Democrats, he added, saying the "the gag reflex is coming upon everybody" over the plan.


    President Bush and House leaders urged the Senate to take the bipartisan agreement and pass it quickly, even as Baucus, D-Mont., planned a Wednesday vote in his committee on a larger package that could face a slower path.


    "We need to get this bill out of the Senate and on my desk," Bush said in the Oval Office.


    Congressional leaders are aiming to send the measure to Bush by Feb. 15. But the divergent plans — and bids by Senate Democrats and Republicans to swell the package with more add-ons — could drag out that schedule.


    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said she hoped the Senate would "take this bill and run with it."


    Reid, D-Nev., said that was unlikely in the freewheeling Senate, where members have elaborate wish-lists for adding to the bill, including food stamps, Medicaid and heating assistance for low-income people and spending on infrastructure projects, among other things.


    "I think that there's 51 Democratic senators without exception who believe this package can be made better," Reid said, adding that he also expected to have enough GOP support to change it.


    Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., the minority leader, said reopening the deal would be inappropriate.


    "This is not a time to get into some kind of testing of wills between the two congressional bodies. This is a time to show we can rise above partisanship, do something important, and do it quickly," McConnell said.


    The House plan brought together Democrats and Republicans, both of whom surrendered cherished proposals to reach a deal and cautioned against adding items that could hinder an economic recovery or scuttle the agreement.


    "It's important that this bill not get overloaded. I have a full agenda of things I would like to have in the package, but we have to contain the price," Pelosi said. "We made a decision, because that's where we could find our common ground."


    Americans "expect us to find ways to work together, not reasons to fight with each other," said Rep. John A. Boehner, R-Ohio, who forged the agreement with Pelosi in consultation with Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson.


    "The sooner we get this relief in the hands of the American people, the sooner they can begin to do their job of being good consumers," Boehner said.


    The measure would send rebates to some 111 million people, including roughly 35 million families who don't make enough to pay income taxes. Individuals with adjusted gross income of $75,000 and couples making $150,000 would get rebates equal to the taxes they paid, up to $600 for individuals and $1,200 for couples. Those making more than that would see their rebate go down by 5 percent of every dollar of income over the limits.


    Taxpayers would get at least $300, even if they paid less than that in taxes — or $600 for couples. That's also the case for those who don't pay income taxes but earn at least $3,000.


    All eligible people would get an additional $300 per child.


    In the Senate, Baucus' proposal removes the income caps and would send rebates to some 20 million senior citizens not covered by the House plan because they don't have income. Baucus' plan also extends unemployment payments for 13 weeks for those whose benefits have run out, with 26 more weeks available in states with the highest jobless rates.


    The Senate measure would restore a business tax break dropped during the House negotiations that would permit corporations suffering losses now to reclaim taxes previously paid.


    Both packages include roughly $50 billion worth of tax incentives for businesses to invest in new plants and equipment.


    To address the mortgage crisis, the House bill would raise the limit on Federal Housing Administration loans from $362,790 to as high as $729,750 in expensive areas, allowing more subprime mortgage holders to refinance into federally insured loans. To widen the availability of mortgages nationwide, it also would boost the cap on loans that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac can buy, from $417,000 up to $729,750 in high-cost markets. Those measures would expire at the end of the year.


    Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y, said Tuesday that he plans to ensure those changes are part of the Senate stimulus bill.


    FOX News' Chad Pergram and The Associated Press contributed to this report.



  12. Interesting info on what has been on the "Pork" spending list that Bush wants out:


    By Drew Griffin




    In our Behind the Scenes series, CNN correspondents share their experiences in covering news and analyze the stories behind the events.



    (CNN) -- Most members of Congress call them earmarks. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi tried to get them called "legislatively directed spending." But for almost every American taxpayer I've run into over the last year, it's called "pork" and it's not very tasty.


    Earmarks are those nearly secret pet projects that are added onto the government's spending bills year after year. On Monday night, President Bush will announce what are being called "unprecedented changes" in the way lawmakers earmark money for special projects that benefit their districts or campaign contributors.


    White House spokesman Tony Fratto said, "The president will say that if these spending items are worthy, Congress should debate them in the open and hold a public vote."


    Over the last year, I have traveled from Cape Cod, Massachusetts, to San Francisco, California, to Alaska uncovering the secret pet projects of Congress.


    Here are some of the highlights:


    National Drug Intelligence Center in Johnstown, Pennsylvania

    Cost: $39 million

    This earmark request by Rep. John Murtha, D-Pennsylvania, pays for 200 federal jobs in the depressed steel mill town of Johnstown. CNN couldn't find anyone who could say what goes on inside a former department store where the National Drug Intelligence Center is. A government accounting office report says the center provides information on the drug war to police departments across the country. The same report also found 19 other government agencies doing this work and has suggested the $39 million-a-year center be shut down. The White House Office of Management and Budget in 2005 said the National Drug Intelligence Center "has proven ineffective in achieving its assigned mission." Taxpayers continue to pay for it.


    C-17 cargo plane

    Cost: $2.4 billion

    The U.S. Air Force wanted the C-17 production line to be shut down. The Air Force has asked for two more of the C-17 cargo planes and that's it. The earmark is for an additional 10 C-17 cargo planes to be built at a whopping cost of $2.4 billion. Who is asking for them? The seven members of Congress who have signed on to this earmark all have a piece of the C-17 being built in their districts -- Reps. Todd Akin, R-Missouri; Russ Carnahan, D-Missouri; Kay Granger, R-Texas; Rob Bishop, R-Utah; Kenny Hulshof, R-Missouri; Ken Calvert, R-California; and Dana Rohrabacher, R-California.





    Here are just a few of the 63 museums that will receive earmarks for 2008 spending bills.



    Mule Museum, Bishop, California -- $50,000 to begin the planning of a museum dedicated to the mule.



    W.A. Young and Sons Foundry, Rices Landing, Pennsylvania -- $150,000 to spruce up a foundry museum open two days a year



    National First Ladies' Library, Canton, Ohio -- $130,000 to prepare a catalog of the original White House library books bought by Abigail Fillmore during the administration of her husband, President Millard Fillmore, in 1850.



    International Museum of Women, San Francisco, California -- $600,000 for a museum that exists only on the Internet. Its Web site reads, "Think of it as a museum without walls."





    Nantucket and Barnstable, Massachusetts -- $8 million to replace the control towers at the airports in Barnstable and Nantucket, Massachusetts. These are the home airports for the two Democratic senators making the request. Sen. Ted Kennedy has a home in Hyannis Port, near the Barnstable Municipal Airport on Cape Cod. Sen. John Kerry shares a vacation home with his wife, Teresa Heinz Kerry, on Nantucket.



    Rice Lake, Wisconsin -- $2 million to improve a runway in rural Wisconsin used primarily for two or three corporate jets. There are no regular commercial flights at Rice Lake.



    Akutan, Alaska -- $3.5 million to build an airport on this remote Alaskan island, requested by Sen. Ted Stevens, R-Alaska. The airport would be used primarily for a large seafood company that gives money to Stevens' election campaigns and political action committee funds.


    Here are a few others:



    $500,000 to renovate a ski lift in Alaska




    $96,000 to help upgrade a luxury hotel in Florida



    $500,000 for Barracks Row in Washington. This request was from Rep. Jerry Lewis, R-California. Lewis owns a townhouse in the nation's capital near there.

  13. This is wife of davidj6


    To start this - I do not work at the shelter - I do, however, take supplies from time to time. As a former rescue person, I've been in some pitiful excuses animal shelters - including DUMP BINS where you actually pulled an opening similar to a mailbox and dropped the animal in and it slid into an area with other animals - an some people thought it was funny to drop cats in with dogs - these were unmanned, hopefully checked daily and were deplorable....enough of that mess.....


    What I want to point out - Cobb County puts more funding into that shelter. It is a newer facility. There are many, many more trucks on the road and there are many more employees/volunteers and has been active for a much longer period of time. It ain't always pretty there. It wasn't really that long ago that the Paulding facility was TINY, the animals were killed and dumped into the landfill and there were NO caring people there. The people at that shelter DO CARE and they are doing an excellent job with what they have to work with.


    Until you have worked in a shelter or paid some dues with a reputable rescue organization taking in the unwanted/uncared for disposable lives hearing every excuse from my fiance doesn't like it to it doesn't match the new sofa and until you have been overworked, underpaid and having your heart ripped out each week you euthanize - KILL - a living creature, don't do what you are doing here. Research, find the facts, then step up and make a difference instead of doing what you have done.


    Why did your dog run away??.



  14. I'm not sure if we should blame the State or County DOTs yet. When I travel on 61 at the posted speed limit I have two or three cars pass me (even on double yellow lines) before I get to Cartersville or back to Dallas. I'm not going to say anyone is breaking the law but at night and in bad weather conditions drivers these drivers on 61 need to slow down.


    I gues if you want to blame anyone you could get the different police departments for not having officers out there in the bad weather to slow cars down, but even that can cause an accident, that's why they are not out there.


    Please put the blame of speed where it belongs - not with the DOT, county, different police departments - The person passing you made a decision to pass and/or speed. Pray their decision does not take someone you know/love. If the police are there and stop the person, that is simply a consequence of the decision. I don't get it with speeding and passing. The minute or two gained is such a small amount of time in the big picture of your life.

  15. We've been wondering about the crosses also.........they appeared, but do not look as if they're new crosses.......Hadn't looked at the dates and just thought maybe the prisoners who were picking up trash found them and stood them up, but I guess they've been there longer???? Wouldn't think it would be the woman at the west end of Dabbs Bridge as the crosses are over Pumpkinvine Creek on the east bound side just before the Flower Farm or whatever it is now.....

  16. Acworth has First Fridays, free concerts, a farmers market in season and Henrys Louisiana Grill. Cartersville has the Etowah River Walk - you could do Clash soccer for your child and walk the riverwalk......They have free movies shown at Dellinger park during the spring/fall/summer and there is a little bitty putt putt there that is very cheap. They have the Grand downtown that draws in alot of decent concerts - John Berry comes every year. They also have the Pumphouse Theatre with excellent plays - very reasonable and fun for adults. I know the free movies are held in one of the parks here in Paulding, too. Of course, there's the Silver Comet Trail. Hope that helps....

  17. Have you thought about looking at Senators Ridge?? It's "behind" Bentwater and is districted for all three of the new schools - McClure, North Paulding and whatever the new elementary is named (Burnt Hickory??) Nice amenities, nice homes, still building new, but several beautiful resales. The neighbors are very nice, many planned activities along with things like womens tennis, swim lessons in the summer, Bunco groups (ladies), etc. Great communication with an email distribution list, neighborhood watch, gated community. www.senatorsridge.net is the website.


  18. I also went to school with some Watts and Weddingtons.


    I'm white, too, but Prudence Watts and Karen Weddington were two very good friends........In those days (mid/late 70's)....if McEachern had a race problem, we didn't know about it. (davej's wife)

  19. Wife was second on scene this morning......man was already up on the road and on the phone calling it in. He told her he knew he'd be bruised but didn't think he'd need an ambulance. Black gentleman stopped and said he'd stay with him until tow truck/police arrived. He'd dipped off the side, then hydroplaned and flipped. That's a bad curve and most people either tailgate or speed. That was about 9:30 a.m.

  20. Went to bed at 1:30 - kiddo still semi awake.........Santa came at 3 a.m..........We didn't know that kiddo had set ALL our alarms for 6 a.m.!!!!!!!!!! We came down and saw what Santa brought, took pics, left him playing and crawled back into bed! Didn't last long before he and the dog were wanting breakfast.......InLaws arrive this evening.......Gonna be a LOOOOOONG day

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