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Posts posted by davidj6

  1. Social and moral responsibilty....what a concept. B)


    Wait - social and moral responsibility??? By chance are you inferring that George Bush didn't single-handedly ruin our nation? I thought he forced the signatures on those loans after forcing the banks to go out and pull the people off of the streets and place them in overpriced properties. Oh, but all is well - the Messiah will arrive in January.

  2. :lol: :lol:Man handcuffs his wife to the bed, but loses key


    DEARBORN, Mich. — If you love something, set it free. And if you can't, call the police. The Detroit Free Press reported police responded to a call Thursday morning by a Dearborn man who handcuffed his wife to their bed but misplaced the key.


    Police used a universal key to free the woman.


    Sgt. Ray Patrick said the situation was "more of an intimate relationship than an unlawful imprisonment."

  3. Walker and North Cobb Christian will not take anyone who has been expelled from public school......I've heard Mt. Paran is the same. And, some of the private schools have waiting lists for some grade levels. That may change with the economy at this point. These 3 range from $11,000 to $17,000. or so.

  4. Let's see....

    A beautiful entertainment center purchased from Roberds prior to them going out of business, washed wood, holds large television has storage on the bottom, two tiers - was in storage because we only used it for about 2 years before getting a big screen tv. Paid $2500. Takes at least 2 men and a dolly to move each piece. Going to let go for best offer around $200.


    2 table lamps with matching standing lamp - $25 for all 3


    Set of China service for 8 - never used - $50 (worth more, but, in storage, what does that really mean??)


    Odds and ends like free standing tp holders $5 each, nice cabinet/shelf for bath, lots and lots of misc small items.


    Several pair of boys size 12 slim and size 10 levis hardly worn, lots of his shirts, jackets, etc.


    I need to make a list tonight and post tomorrow and, I have no idea how to post pics, but will try to figure it out prior to listing everything.


  5. We did the fried turkey from Popeye's last year. (It was good.) I'm thinking about a smoked turkey this year. Does anyone know if the turkeys from DW UMC are cooked locally or if they purchase them from a vendor?


    The men cook them......it's a fundraiser......everyone says they are delicious. We have an order in this year.



  6. UMM Smoked and

    Due West United Methodist Church - corner of Due West, Due West and Acworth Due West


    Fried Turkeys


    Reserve your Deep Fried or

    Smoked Turkey for your

    Thanksgiving Dinner

    Cost: $ 30.00


    Phone #:_________________________


    Circle Choice & List Quantity:

    Fried Qty___ Smoked Qty___

    Pick Up Tuesday, November 25tH from

    4:00—7:00 pm or Wednesday, November

    26th between 9:00 am & 5:00 pm

    Tear out slip and place in offering plate

    during the November 2nd, 9th, 16th or 23rd

    worship service. Contact Lee Williams at

    770-427-3835 or Jim Baker at 770-427-3488

  7. Oh, come on.....Our world is really broken. Good heavens......It's a haunted house we started discussing. God gave us free will. Free will to believe in him and follow his word - The Bible is the INSPIRED word of God, not something he penned himself. And, if we are to be true Christians, then follow Jesus' example and live right yourself. Luke 6:37 - "Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven." While I understand outreach, I don't understand why in the world you'd go and outreach at a neighborhood haunted house where participants exert their free will to attend. This is what is giving Christianity a bad name. By the way, we had a great haunted house in our neighborhood, too. Now, let's et over each other, coexist, and move on to the next part of HallowThankMas. Wonder what would happen if we all went wassaling at Christmas?


  8. They moved here from New Orleans after a hurricane. Hopefully, they will learn that Georgia is a better place and maybe stop the cycle of violence that is so common to New Orleans. Also, I hope that the son will learn correct use of the english language so that he may make a better life for himself. (davidjwife)

  9. PetSmart on Hwy 41 just south of Mars Hill had a sign today with several positions....said to go online to apply. Kroger at Dallas Hwy across from the Avenues had several positions open, Dairy Queen across from the Avenues had a now hiring sign, someone at Kohls mentioned they were about to gear up for the holidays ( I guess since WalMart forecast a good Christmas??) Just some ideas....Oh, and the Brusters on Acworth Due West has a sign looking for early release students.


  10. PS......stinging from being called "non-christian" by a good friend who says that if I don't vote for Obama, another friend will lose her families benefits. There are so many organizations that help those in need with charitable contributions who do not receive tax dollars - I volunteer/give to those and would give more if taxes weren't so bad - and, I'll quote the email I received.


    "The world is not black or white -- you and I live in a very sheltered bubble which only allows us to get an occasional view of the 'other side' -- a side which is getting so large that we are well on our way to resemble a third world country.....


    Here is my point: not every one that is needy is greedy or lazy -- in my opinion, it is the duty of Christians to help those who cannot help themselves."


    (obviously, this is davidj's wife posting this morning as he took the kids to the airshow today)


  11. There is no doubt that both parties and the independents/libertarian and no party at all is to blame as is just the plain ole greed for the dollar.......I'm not specifically blaming democrats - even though my previous posts indicate that - I'm just tired of being labelled a racist, out of touch person for being a conservative republican. Personally, I'd actually like to see more women in politics. They seem to steer clear of scandals - at least sex scandals - which I'm tired of hearing about - maybe the women actually know something the men don't....I don't know. Every time in our history we have a democratically controlled congress/President - the size of the government grows, new "departments" are created, new oversight committees, etc. You can't legislate morals or common sense. People are going to do what they are going to do - I personally just don't want to pay for it.


  12. The period of 1976 to 1980, known as “The Carter Years.”


    At a time when the Washington establishment was the target of widespread public disgust -- with the Vietnam war, Watergate and the Nixon resignation -- Carter’s campaign emphasized that he was an “outsider” and that strategy helped him edge out Gerald Ford in the 1976 race. Carter had huge Democrat majorities in the House and Senate. In 1976, Democrats held 292 House seats, compared to 143 for the GOP. Their lead in the Senate was 61 to 38 with one Independent. In 1978, the margin was reduced slightly: 277 to 158 in the House and 57/42/1 in the Senate. Getting congressional approval of his proposals should have been almost automatic. But Carter’s complete inexperience with the operations of the federal government were painfully obvious from his first day in the White House. His first priority was a package of tax, welfare and civil service “reforms”. He was unable to get it through Congress. He failed again when he attempted to get bills passed creating a consumer protection agency or an attempt to control rising hospital costs.


    In the wake of OPEC doubling and then redoubling petroleum prices, Carter’s energy legislation also failed primarily because it would have brought the nation’s oil and gas industries under a complex web of federal restrictions and regulations. He did succeed in setting up the Departments of Energy and Education but neither emerged as anything more than new add-ons to an already top-heavy federal bureaucracy.


    If the “proof of the pudding is in the eating,” the statistics on the Carter Administration were nauseating. Automobile prices increased 72%. New house prices went up 67%. In 1979 alone, gasoline prices increased 60%. The inflation rate went from 6.8% in 1977, to 7.6% in 1978, to 11.5% in 1979, to 12.4% in 1980. National productivity declined sharply. The unemployment rate was roughly double what it is today under President Bush. Interest rates soared. By the time Carter left office, the prime rate was 21.5% -- a new record.


    On July 15, 1979, the television networks aired Carter’s infamous “Malaise Speech” --written by Chris Matthews, currently the host of “Hardball” -- which declared that the nation had reached a “crisis of confidence.” It was widely criticized as being a “huge depressant” at a time when America needed encouragement and a pep talk. Three days later, Carter called for the resignations of all of his Cabinet members. To further underscore the crisis atmosphere, he symbolically lowered the thermostats in the White House and other federal facilities to 65 degrees in the winter, and raised them in the summer to 78 degrees. Promotional pictures showing the President in a heavy sweater were supposed to inspire everyone to “follow the leader”. The national Christmas Tree was not lighted in 1979 and 1980. But few were impressed and even fewer were motivated.


    In his first month in office, Carter cut the defense budget by $6 billion. He then proceeded to order a severe reduction in our forces stationed in South Korea to just 14,000 air force personnel. When Major General John Singlaug, chief of staff of our operations in South Korea, criticized the plan, Carter fired him. (Carter himself abandoned the plan after removing only 3,600 troops.)


    It is Carter’s signature on the Panama Canal Treaty of 1977 which surrendered U.S. control of that waterway to the Panamanian government.


    When the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in 1979, Carter flexed the U.S. muscle, declaring: “Let our position be absolutely clear. An attempt by any outside force to gain control of the Persian Gulf region will be regarded as an assault on the vital interests of the United States of America, and such an assault will be repelled by any means necessary, including military force.” To show the Russians that he meant business, Carter prohibited our athletes from participating in the 1980 Olympics in Moscow which, of course, enabled the Soviets to capture even more gold medals.


  13. Judge dismisses blonde's lawsuit over brown dye

    BRIDGEPORT, Conn. — A Connecticut judge has given the brush-off to a blonde woman's lawsuit claiming L'Oreal Inc. ruined her social life when she accidentally dyed her hair brunette with one of its products.


    Charlotte Feeney of Stratford says she can never return to her natural blonde hue, a shock that left her so traumatized she needed anti-depressants.


    She says she suffered headaches and anxiety, missed the attention that blondes receive and had to stay home and wear hats most of the time.


    A Superior Court judge dismissed Feeney's 2005 lawsuit Monday, saying she never proved her allegation that L'Oreal put brown hair dye in a box labeled as blonde. The company also had disputed the claim.


    Feeney referred questions on Wednesday to her attorney, David Laudano, who has declined to comment.




    Information from: Connecticut Post, http://www.connpost.com





    October 8, 2008 - 2:21 p.m. EDT


    Copyright 2008, The Associated Press. The information contained in the AP Online news report may not be published, broadcast or redistributed without the prior written authority of The Associated Press.

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