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Posts posted by lilgallowsmama

  1. How are they reaching in? That could be it, Rock Steady may not like the way he's being reached for. Open handed from above, from in front.. closed handed? It's possible he feels threatened by the way he sees the hands coming in his cage.

    It doesn't matter how they reach in...there are two different doors on two different levels - one from above and one from the side. Either way, he bites. If you leave a door open to do something, he'll pop his head *out* and bite.


    I have a cockatoo that will sometimes do the same thing to other people. He will lunge at them and try to nip them when ever they get close. He doesn't do it to me or my husband. Just people he doesn't know well or visitors. He is trying to test them and establish dominance over them....that's how parrots are.


    Does he usually bite you or only other people? It might be a dominance thing.

    He's never bitten me, but I've never really given him the chance. :pardon: He gets plenty of attention, just not alot of cuddles. :mellow: I get it with birds - we raised close to fifty throughout my childhood. I was also pretty good at putting that to a stop, or just dealing with it. This little suckers two front teeth puncture though....like, straight down into the fleshy part of the finger. HR bled for forever when he got her.

  2. I have snakes that always hungry...maybe I could help...






    These things are huge. I'm pretty sure they could eat my snakes if I tried to get rid of them that way...but I just so happen to be a little attached. ^_^

  3. Everytime he bites. Thump him on the head and put him back in the cage.


    See...I tried that, but he's a quick little booger. Almost every time he bites it's when someone is reaching into the cage - even if they're just reaching for the bowl. He'll leap up three flights, take a nip, and then take off back to his little hidey hole where I can't get to him.


    Maybe I should take out the hidey hole. ^_^ BeBop might get ticked though. :pardon:

  4. Okay...so BeBop and Rock Steady are a little on the aggressive side. BeBop has never bitten anyone - he's just a tough cookie. Rock Steady, on the other hand, scares me. He bit HR on Christmas, and she's resigned to just glaring at him through the cage. He doesn't bit the BF, or two of my other friends...just nips or bites HR, Dxh, and a few others. Selective biting? Seriously?


    Anyway...I want to fix it and I don't know how. I've read two different pet rat sites that I *used* to love, and they give horrible advice:


    'If a rat continues to bite for more than a few weeks after castration or continued gentle handling, you should consider having the rat put to sleep. This is a difficult decision which no-one apart from the rat's owner can make, but the authors believe that a savage animal, kept permanently in its cage because people are scared to handle it, is not having much of a life. We would rather offer homes to other rats which could enjoy their lives more.'


  5. Pffft....all 18 yr. old males are required by law to register. It has been that way for many years. It was back in the 80s when I was in High School but I registered and joined the Air Force the same year anyway.


    It isn't a draft. :rolleyes:

    It's actually how they keep up with men should we reinstate the draft. Straight from the www.sss.gov website:


    The Selective Service System and the registration requirement for America's young men provide our Nation with a structure and a system of guidelines which will provide the most prompt, efficient, and equitable draft possible, if the country should need it. America's leaders agree that despite the success of the All-Volunteer Force, registration with Selective Service must continue as a key component of national security strategy.


    Pretty sure they have to "sign up" before they can get there drivers licenses, but I could be wrong on that one.

    Nope. You can get your license at 16, but cannot register with SSS until you're atleast 17 years and 3 months:


    Early Submission: It is now possible for a man to submit registration information early, as long he is at least 17 years and 3 months old. Selective Service will keep his information on file and process it automatically later in the year, when the man is within 30 days of reaching his 18th birthday.


    I can't believe they had *all* of his information on there, unless they sent him the actual card. If it was the actual card, then they do have the SS number printed on them. All the info you need is at www.sss.gov. The above posters are correct in that you canNOT get Financial Aid for college without registering.

  6. Oh, I do that now. :wacko: I was up working on a paper all night Sunday night, and finished the closing paragraph/printed it just a few hours before it was due. I don't normally do that, but with HR being sick, Easter, work picking up, etc....I haven't had any time. I wake up all the time at 3am with my head on my Government book. :blush:

  7. We took food donations up for Helping Hands last month for scouts - turned in 324 pounds of food.


    I would give part to Helping Hands, definitely, because the need for help right is so great.


    I would also give part to the local animal shelter. I would love to be able to take in more animals of my own, but we already have six, so we have to draw the line somewhere.


    In addition, I would also make a donation to our Pack to help cover a couple of scouts' summer camp, because with times as hard as they are, I know that there are a few families struggling.


    THAT is what I would do. I would help cover sending some Boy and Girl scouts to camp. We didn't have the money for me to go when I was in Scouts.

  8. I do agree with choosing other things over spongebob if was a lot of tv watching. But if it comes on the tv and they want to watch it I would let them. My daughter has hit 7 and has turned anit princess :( But some people act crazy if it comes on. OMG change the channel. lol Obviousley too much tv is not good for anyone.

    If I walk into my mom's and she's watching it, I just make a face and let her finish the show. I don't flip out over it...I'd just rather not have to explain to her what a panty raid is and why Spongebob is on one. :nea:

  9. HR isn't allowed to watch Spongebob. :blush: First, we're rarely at home for her to even watch tv...when we are, I'd rather her watch something that's more than just brain candy. Her brain candy is Disney movies...her shows are educational. All around I'm anti-tv...I'd rather her play, paint, create and use her imagination than watch tv, and we pretty much stick with that. As I speak the tv is on (Enchanted is in the dvd player), but she's in her room playing with all of my old Littlest Pet Shop animals). 2nd, HR is a parrot. Spongebob and the characters on the show say and do some really off the wall things. I got sick of having to explain whatever crazy thing she said or did at daycare (or grandma's, or a friends house). She told a friend once that "Stupidity isn't a virus... but it's spreadin' like one!" and she ran around asking everybody if they wanted to see her underwear for weeks. When she's old enough to actually understand what they're talking about, she can watch it. I think it's geared more towards 2nd grade and up.

  10. Originally, it was all about everyone else. I lived and breathed to make my friends, family, and especially Dxh happy. Now, not so much. I come first. Now, 'I' means my work, school, business, and my daughter. Those are the things I enjoy, and the things that not only help me be who I am but are helping me to be the person I wish to be twenty years from now. Previously, I was simply existing...just pleasing others.


    I still do things for other people. I still go out of my way and often miss out on things I want to do in order to make others happy...but when it comes down to it, I spent 7 years self-sacrificing and doing nothing but standing in one place - going nowhere fast, and I refuse to do that again. ;)

  11. Love that song and I wish I could drum like that dude! B)


    My dad is a cop - we have a running joke. That's his ringtone on my phone and my ringtone on his is the sound of a waterbong and then coughing. :lol: Everytime I call him he answers the phone laughing at the faces of his coworkers...they all go :huh: :blink: and he just says 'It's my hippie kid.'

  12. You were standing next to Manson in it with a white dress?


    Yup. And my siggy said: I never said to be like me. I say to be like you and make a difference - Marilyn Manson.

  13. For those that remember my original avatar and siggy, ya might get a kick out of my uber excitement today. A friend just called and had me check ticketmaster ...MANSON is coming to town for my birthday, AGAIN!!!!


    :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:


    He came through in July of '07, didn't tour the US at all last year, and is touring again with the ROCKSTAR Mayhem Festival this summer. He and Slayer are headlining again with Killswitch Engage, Bullet For My Valentine, Trivium, All That Remains, God Forbid, Cannibal Corpse, Job For A Cowboy, Behemoth, Black Dahlia Murder and Whitechapel.


    All day event! :D :clapping: :yahoo:

  14. Hey that was a cool song! Did you notice all the smoke? LOL

    You should go to a Ben Harper concert in person - the lawn is one giant smoke cloud during that song. :lol:

    Well...pretty much through the whole concert, but especially through that song.


    They'll end up at Taco Bell later with the munchies


  15. I get so many compliments from my fake flower vines in my bathroom. I put it up around the top with small thumb tacks and across the top the windows. I got them from the $Tree and I take them down twice a year and wash them in the bathtub with warm soapy water. We have high ceilings in the bathroom and it really draws the eye up.

    I have also made my own curtains and made matching throw pillows. Quick easy and inexpensive.


    In one bedroom we took a big cork board, added some padding and covered with material for a head board. Then made a matching bedspread and curtains for a one of a kind look.


    I also enjoy collecting similar things like skeleton keys and tin ladles and using them in my design. I look for these online or antique stores and I never pay much for them.

    I'm working on something *very* similar to mine, but the headboard is material covered canvas with a form of artwork on it.


    I get most of my stuff from yard sales and thrift stores - even if I don't *really* like it, I can turn it into something I love. I hate the material on my dining chairs, so I picked up upholstery fabric that I loved from The Endless Yardsale Store for a couple of bucks...it'll completely change the look of the entire dining room. My biggest decorating favorite is pictures - I have a framed 8x10 of Nevaeh's eye as artwork on an angled wall in my entry way, and then I just buy nice/cheap black frames with white matting and arrange them artistically in groups around the apartment with pictures that go together. One of the 'groups' is huge, and everybody loves it...cost a whopping $8 when you add the frames and the photo printing.


    I also make my own throw pillow for a couple of bucks each - those really give a room life. Nev has an awesome canopy that I made just by draping clearance fabrics from the ceiling around her bed (she pulls it down though...little monster :lol: ). Alot of my decor also has organizational features - I'm an organizer freak.


    Google DIY Home organizing, DIY home decor, etc.

  16. I'm also a Type II with GERD. I don't really think about either very often anymore. I watch what I eat and take my meds. I still like to drive real cars fairly fast! :p


    How do you manage your GERD? I'm still learning. The doc's jaw dropped when I had my Upper GI - he said I'm the worst case he's seen. :rolleyes: Figures, right? Also said I'm the youngest.

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