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Posts posted by lilgallowsmama

  1. I am sorry HR is sick :( I hope she feels better soon!


    I'm 99% sure that it's just allergies. She's never really reacted to pollen, so we let her play outside Saturday and then kept all of my insane amount of windows open yesterday. She's coughing so bad she's getting sick. :(

  2. I don't have diabetes, but I was diagnosed with GERD several weeks back. I had to change my diet, and it helped a little, but it's pretty much just something that I'm stuck with. It hurts, and it really sucks...but what can ya do? I'm too positive of a person to let it get me down. Like you, it really hasn't effected my life other than having a few extra meds and having to watch what I eat. I did the same thing when I had cancer, though - just said 'Alright...what next?' and went about my life with a smile.

  3. I'm home with a sick kiddo today. :( Not only do I hate having a sick baby that I can't fix, but I hate missing a day of work/pay.


    On the bright side: I have time to go through the room full of storage boxes Dxh dropped off last week. :yahoo:

  4. Here's the deal: You'll know it. I guarantee.


    And once you have heard THIS KIND of whistling train coming from miles away, you'll never be conflicted again about diving for a ditch.


    I've actually been in several tornados...never once heard a darn train. :pardon: I just saw it and went 'Oh !%^&!' and ran for cover...once I was unconscious in surgery and didn't hear or see a thing until I woke up later that day.


    I just heard of a possible tornado on Baker Road.


    From where?

  5. Of course they are!


    There was a tornado watch issued an hour ago, there's no severe thunderstorm warning, or active tornado warnings, and just a light rainfall with thunder.


    What do you expect? For them to actually sound them on a timely basis, like when the watch is first issued, or a warning is being issued? Pfft.

    What cracks me up is that I'm supposed to listen for a train, or heavy rainfall....but I live next to a train, and my a/c kicking on sounds JUST like rainfall - so much that it wakes me up at night.


    God forbid anything *actually* happen - I won't realize it until I'm missing walls. -_-

  6. Oh lord me too. I only publish about 1% of the quizzes I take. I don't want to spam my friend's pages with my quiz results.

    That's why they have that cute little 'Hide' button. lol.

  7. I just started checking out Farm Town. I tell you, don't take the which body part describes you. It's pretty bad.


    ooooh, I haven't taken that one. :o

  8. Gotta love that answering 6 whole questions will make anyone think they are a genius. :lol: (IQ test)

    I intentionally avoid the IQ tests. I know my real IQ, from a real IQ test....I'd much rather be told I'm going to die doing flips off of a flying purple dinosaur when I'm 92 than be told my IQ is incorrect. :lol:

  9. I know this. lol...


    We both have throat. :)

    We do, indeed, both have throat. :D


    I get way too many girly answers to those.

    Between that and p.com over the past year, I think the girly gods are hinting something. :ph34r:


    so you dont publish them. :p

    I dont' publish all of mine, either. :lol:

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