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Posts posted by CrownApp

  1. If you ever wish to pay for music, JW Pepper is online and they have a very extensive selection for the piano (or whatever instrument you may play for that matter). Most of their sheet music is reasonable. I've been able to find some music for free on line but most of the time it's classical. Just google "piano at pepper", you'll find it easily.

  2. I hate to say this but I had to LOL on this one. I know my mom will probably call me after saying this but, My parents didn't have sex until after they were married. i knew this when I was a teen. I was taught morals and that you should wait until after you are married to have sex. My parents took me to church every Sunday, Monday, and Wednesday. I prayed in school. I was also very involved in church activities. My parternts were very good examples when it came to sex. But, I still had sex before marriage. I don't think it matters what religion you are it matters what the parents are saying. I find it rediculous that you turned this into a religion thing. I did the complete opposite of my parents. I love them and I know that they did an awesome job in raising me. Just because I had sex without being married doesn't make me or anyone else a bad parent.



    I started to reply to the same post but I just couldn't. I know people who were the worst examples of how to be HUMAN, much less parents, and their kids turned out to be WONDERFUL people.


    We can't bury our heads in the sand and tell ourselves that our children learn from our examples, they'll be okay if I am a good example....you have to stay in their business and KNOW what is going on with them all the time.

  3. Here is my two cents...


    You reap what you sow -- sorry, but when you take God (and the moral foundations that are found in Christianity) out of schools, work, government and society - this is what happens. I'm not trying to get this thrown into the religious forum, but the reason that this was considered wrong "back in the day," is because it is morally wrong and we have stopped teaching our kids that and we freak out when anyone else tries to do teach it.


    Not to bust on you but I was in church every day the doors were open....was a believer then and still am now. When I went to school, we had prayer in the morning and before lunch (in elementary school). My parents did their best to instill values and morals.....I had my own plan. Now, I know better, but don't think for a minute that just because you come from a Godly home and environment, that it will insure that you don't make bad choices. Thank God I am forgiven!

  4. I was also a pregnant teen. I knew of several other teens at my school that also had babies in HS. I don't think that it is more prevelant now than then, but then again, I have not researched the percentages. I wish I had waited but the person I am now is a direct result of the choices I've made throughout my life. My 26 year old daughter is now pregnant with her first child. Thanks to Facebook, I am friends with many of my high school friends who managed to become grandparents before me, hehehe!


    It was a bad choice but we all make bad choices and deal with the consequences. I grew up in a hurry. I wasn't the best mother I could have been, but we're all still alive, productive citizens, rolling with what life has to offer.

  5. Bought ours from Sams, is similar to the one that they have now. It is SOOO worth every penny we paid for it. It took my husband one week (in the evenings) to put the thing together but I'm sure that you could find someone to put it together for you for a price.


    My girls love their playset and it has held together quite well as ours has been used now for about 2 1/2 years.

  6. not as of now... Like I said..He is cutting hay beside Nebo Elem...Across from Ingles, and Across from Nebo Elem.


    You never know..I may be out there on a tractor with him some days. He has 2. So...HONK at me.. :ninja:


    My bad...chickee! :p I scrolled right past the first post, but I did read this one....LOL....I'm was still workin' on the first cup o coffee then. My eyes are not so cloudy now. I still can't figure out how to resize my picture of the beautiful pole in my front yard. Just drive down Bob Hunton....you can't miss it.

  7. I think the dude is bushhogging the fields, there is no hay this time of year.


    I got one of them there hu-mun-gus monstrosities in my front yard....lookie here!


    oh well, I can't get my pic to attach quickly...too large. I'll work on that.

  8. My grandfather (whom I never knew) was a coal miner. My mother was born in Wheelwight KY, a few of her siblings were born in Butcher Holler. She was one of 11. They all lived that life of moving all over to the different camps, whatever camp their Daddy was sent to for work, until he died of Lou Gehrigs disease. After he died, Consolidated Coal Mines kept my Grandmother in camp houses and that's where she finished raising her kids (In Paintsville). They did not have running water but they had a place to live that they could call home. My Grandmother eventually married a retired coal miner and they lived in Paintsville until he died. All of the 11 kids graduated school, 2 of the boys went in the marines and 1 into the Navy. All 3 fought in WWII. All of the sons were sucessful and the girls married and all 4 became housewives.


    Education is the key and the only way that these people will lift themselves up.

  9. Anyone know if the Osmond boy made it?

    no, he got canned last week. His voice totally gave out during the week last week. He said on some morning show that they thought it was because of his MS....but not they were sure of that. I didn't realize that he is the son of Jimmy, the youngest.

  10. Mawmaw and Pawpaw, and I, too miss them very much.


    I've found that the first grandchild born gets to 'name' the grandparents. Of course you can give them suggestions. My mom is very proper and somehow has gotten my kids to call her "Grandmother". But when my son was little she was "Grandmudder". Thank goodness my dad was a lot more layed back and didn't force them to be proper. He was PePaw.


    Congrats btw!~


    Thanks! Just when I thought my "wild ride" of a life had slowed down....whee, here we go again! :lol:



    I called my grandmother on my dad's side NINNIE, i have no idea why

    My grandmother on my mom's side was BUBBA.


    Didn't see that one coming! :rofl:

  11. Technically Grandma, but it actually ended up being pronounced and heard as Gramma.


    No offense here, but my son has threatened to have his future children call me "Meemaw". It's kind of a north/south thing - I was never Mamma, I was either Mommy or Mom, which was the way I was brought up. My husband calls his Mom "Mother" and his Dad "Daddy". I call her Mother and him Pa because I just never could seem to get the Daddy to be comfortable rolling off the tongue.


    Anyway, like I said, I think it's a north/south kind of thing. My Mom was always "Mom", Dad was always "Dad" and I'll be danged if as Grandma I'll be called Meemaw. (note to add that my best friends Mamma is known by her kids as Meemaw, so don't slam me.)


    Stepmom (New England gal) is Nana and my Dad was called Grandpa (not Grammpa, although technically spelled that way, just not pronounced that way. He was Grammpa, God love him and I miss him very much.)



    Funny...I call my parents "Mother" and "Daddy". I have no idea why. Born and raised here in ATL. See both sets of my grandparents were quite old by the time I came around. They were also far away and we visited every so often. So, both of my grandparents were Grandma and Grandpa with the location designation behind it like Kentucky or St. Joe.


    My grandbaby will be local so I need a nice term of endearment that I can live with on a very frequent basis. :D

    There are MANY great ideas here!


  12. VOVO, but that is Portuguese for Grandmother.


    I have a friend that her son calls her mother MEME

    It's crazy you just posted this. One of my cousins grew up part time in Brazil (his mother's family is from there). I just sent him an email asking him what he called his Portugese grandmother! Freaky!

  13. Tell me what you called your Grandmother. No ugly comments please. :p


    My oldest is going to have a baby in August and I'm shopping for something nice for my grandbaby to call me. Let's just say that this has been and continues to be an adjustment time for me. I'm in my early 40's and I'm not sure that I'm gonna like the term GRANNY. So, anyone have any nice alternatives?

  14. I'll take Sephora - that's awesome! they should just put the jcp in linens n things or circuit city old buildings!

    I knew you would be in this conversation! :lol: Isn't Sephora that store you took me into when we were in Vegas? If so, that was a VERY cool store!

  15. Best dog we ever raised is a pound pup. It's like they are so appreciative for busting them out.


    yes, they do seem to be grateful and loyal. I got a 2 yo lab from the pound 8 years ago. He was somewhere between 1 and 2 yo when we got him. He was surrendered to the pound because he could jump fences. They were right, we've never been able to keep him in a fence. He's perfectly happy here on the farm where we have fences for the horses but not the dogs. He stays home...he's a porch dog. Never had an issue with him running off. He's fat, old and happy.

  16. If you think of breeding pure breed anything, there is a fair amount of inbreeding that goes with it. Breeders want to carry specific bloodlines and traits. This is true in cats, dogs, especially horses. With this breeding of bloodlines and traits there is a price to be paid. Genetic disorders eventually abound. Dalmations tend to be deaf, German Shepherds are afflicted with hip dysplasia, pugs are plagued with respritory problems...the list goes on to common ailments to each specific breed. So, people who are allergic to dogs but love Golden retrievers could be better served with a dog who is bred with a standard poodle which would make it more alergy tolerant (poodles don't shed or have dander). The good traits of one breed bred with another good breed would lessen the chances of the bad traits passed on by the pure bred and hopefully incorporate some of the good traits of both breeds to make a unique dog to your liking.


    I ramble.......

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