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Posts posted by CrownApp

  1. That is a nice deal. I couldn't use it though because I have to work out after or before their business hours. This is why I love 24 hour gyms.

    I'm pretty sure that you have 24 hour access to this gym. I went in there for a tour a while back and they mentioned that you get a door pass and an emergency button thingy that you push in case there is an emergency when you're by yourself.

  2. It's been my experience that tax records are *generally* 20-40% lower than actual value. I have also never had a lender accept a tax record as a valid comp. Just my own experience.

  3. Which I understand, but they don't want to even talk to us about a refi without comps so they know what ball park it's in.


    That's a tough call. I've tried to find comps on my own home to no avail. I'm not actively pursuing a loan but am concerned about it because I am considering refinancing if I can find a loan in the 4's!

  4. When purchasing or refinancing, you will get a good faith estimate from your lender. Usually, you will have to put some money down to start the refi/purchasing process. Your lender will then order an appraisal which they have chosen. If you have an appraisal, the lender will (most likely) not accept an appraisal from an outside source. Be careful so you don't pay for two.

  5. When you refinance/purchase, the appraisal order will be ordered by the lender. The appraiser will have to complete the appraisal within the particular lending instutition's guidelines for comps.


    The only suggestion is to ask your lender what they do in a situation where there are no comps.

  6. I have wondered this myself. I guess no one likes to play. A few years ago, I used to play on a league in Douglas county at Deerlick park. I don't know if they still have the league or not. Deerlick is not very close.

  7. I know 4 different people who have seen this. They say that it is the best show they've ever seen. The music is outstanding and the story is very entertaining. The story is about Frankie Valley and the Four Seasons, their life story. I did hear that the language is VERY VERY BAD. So, if you have really young ones, you may want to consider that.

  8. Have backup plans indoors. It is suppose to rain.

    Backup plans = sitting around and looking at each other = no fun. I guess we could at least go to MacFarlanes for a bit of fun, eh?


    You guys are da bom! Got some really good ideas here! I guess when you live here all your life and you've done just about everything "touristy" when you have visitors, it's hard to come up with new ideas. I really do have some stuff to consider!


    THANKS! :wub:

  9. I was married to a crack-head. Note that I said was. It's very hard to do the right thing. CH sister will ruin everyone around her until she gets help and gets off of that mess. Sadly, even when they have dried out, they usually go back to it eventually. Chalk it up to a very hard life lesson and hopefully it will have made a deep enough impression on your children that they will be vigilant and advocate a drug free life and have drug free friends.

  10. Since the holiday weekend is coming up, what are some fun things to do? My in-laws will be in from Kansas City for the long weekend and we were looking for something fun for the family to do. I have 2 girls, 7 & 8.


    Do you know of any activities that may not be posted in the paper or on line. Or give me your review of something that may be posted on line. We're just looking for any good ideas!


    Thanks!!! :good:

  11. I have a friend who was born in South Africa as her parents were South Africans. They are white. It is very offensice to her that black Americans call themselves African. She says they are no more African than she is American, even though she resides here and will eventually be a citizen one day.


    I think it's wrong that they have a seperate category for what they claim to be. An American is an American....black or white if you must but really.....does it matter?


  12. My brother did that to his 15 year old son one time. They were coming home, down Senator road before it was paved. He kept warning his son that he had heard enough....poor Matt, he kept on talking.....My bro pulled over, parked the car and looked at him and said GET OUT! My brother said that his son just sat there and looked at him. He had to tell him one more time. My nephew got out of the car. My brother locked the doors and left. Matt walked the remaining 2 miles home in the dark at 9pm. They lived with me at the time. When my nephew got home, he sat down on the couch and said "Dad, I can't believe you left me". My brother simply said "I mean what I say and I say what I mean". I think that drove the point home. They never spoke about it again but occasionally I have to tease him about it. My nephew is now 27 and in law school. He says it's funny now but he learned his lesson.

  13. A heck of a lot nicer than the old Hoggly Woggly they tore down to build the new one?


    IGA's are getting scarce.

    I remember the old Piggly Wiggly down off of Main. It was horrible. Every time we went in there it smelled like bleached pee. It sure has changed down there!

  14. My Dr just added Zoloft to my meds to help with PMDD.

    Anyone ever taken it?

    Did you have side effects?

    Never took it but I know what its like having PMDD. Have you tried calcium and vitamin D? It really helps lessen the symptoms. Sorry you have that to deal with, it really stinks.

  15. WT~how much time, effort and money have you invested in yourself to insure that you will be able to provide a life for yourself that you are now and will be comfortable with in the future? Are you going to depend on social security when you are too old and feeble to work or do you make enough money to put some away for that time? Some people think that if you're making enough to save or invest, you're making too much. Who are you to judge the worth of a person? Have you endured the same personal risk, monetary and time investment of doctors or hospitals, lawyers? What were you doing while your doctor was spending his time (12 years) with his nose buried in medical books, most likely neglecting his/her own personal life in order to be able to help people for a living? Chances are, the doctor started his/her pursuit of higher education while in high school in order to go to the best school available. Why should he/she not be compensated for his talent and dedication to helping heal people? The doctor endures countless hours of continuing education and spends leisure time reading medical journals. For most of them, it's not just a job, it's a way of life.


    Besides, who has more to lose....a doctor or a union employee? If a doctor makes a mistake, he could lose his license, practice, career, livelihood......a union employee has a union steward go to bat for him and at the worst...he looses his job.


    Public officials must make their salaries public. They must be forthcoming with their money due to the nature of their "chosen" profession. They know that going in.



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