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Everything posted by Munky

  1. Keep the tips coming, I have been trying to find ways to do little things to make my life a little greener
  2. 10:00am-2:00pm Flyer says "Free Moon Walk, Free Face Painting, and Free Food" and then it list about 20 vendors names
  3. Fall Festival at BodyPlex in Hiram Saturday 10/24
  4. Does anyone know which funeral home she will be at?
  5. you could let them build a raft and float around in the basement, that will be fun for them for a little bit just kidding Sorry that you have flood damage
  6. The FreeCreditReport.com commericals drive me insane! and they keep making new ones
  7. no the worst for me were those stupid dating shows on VH1
  8. Oh.... Yeah I see that, let me correct that statement I did not donate any money to the Duggars.... I donated my time two an episode or two of their show which pays them, but no actual check sent to them
  9. I wondered the same thing. But on a side note I think its going to be kind of funny to watch Chuck Lidell dance. He is making me watch Dancing With The Stars for the 1st time
  10. Someone asked why it bothered me and I explained why it bothered. You getting upset with my opinion is not goint to stop it from bothering me. I can't help how I feel
  11. It bothers me because everytime I watch that show, her older daughters are having to help play mom to her kids. Those girls shouldn't have to be acting like mom's until they are actually moms. Children should have the right to be children even at 14 and 15. Another reason it bothers me is because I don't feel like she can give proper attention to 18 kids. And lastly if they hadn't lucked out and got a TV show those kids would be living in that same cramped little house as they did in the original documentary, and living off donations from people like me. no joke
  12. here's a link pretty much sums it up: Dana White, Chuck Liddell UFC 97
  13. Yeah, Dana pretty much did the retiring for him I will find the link hang on one second.
  14. Some things bother me in life.....and this one of those things, 18 is enough!
  15. Yeah made me sad to see that he was doing dancing with the stars, just not what I want to see Chuck doing. But to answer your question, Dana White already retired Chuck from the UFC the last fight he had, and promised that you would never see him in the octagon again fighting. But he will do promotional stuff for them and was inducted in their hall of fame
  16. Yeah that is something I have always had a desire to do, but you aren't lying they don't pay nearly enough for all the work and emotions that go into it
  17. that sounds like the best job I have ever heard of so far oh yeah? What do you love about it? I know I love shopping at Sephora!
  18. I always hear people talk about jobs/careers they hate, but never hear about one's they love. Just curious if their is such a thing as a career you can love, and if so what is it? Tell me about jobs you have or have had that you loved doing.
  19. I never knew that! That's Awesome!
  20. The Illustrator... been to other places for piercings and they always end up infected. No issues at all with them, and Debi babied me a little which was much needed haha
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