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Everything posted by michaelsudan

  1. Sounds like Vietnam, huh? I never figured why I was on the other side of the world "fighting communism" when our next door neighbor, Cuba, was oppressing their people likewise.
  2. Call (770-443-3010) the sheriff, Gary Gulledge, and ask him.
  3. If you don't care one way or another why don't you just save your breath and your fingertips.
  4. My wife and I have two MacBook Pros, one iPad, and two iPhones.
  5. Today the U.S. Supreme Court is deciding whether, or not, to end the Voting Rights Act. This law has required the so called "racially" charged Southern states to get permission from the Department of Justice before changing any voting policies. This law has discriminated against the South since 1965 without requiring all states to adhere to this law, as if we are more discriminating than other states. The Supreme Court should make all states get permission to change voting policies or repeal it completely for all states.
  6. For some of the older locals it was the Sweetwater Inn, sometimes referred to as the "Roundhouse Inn"
  7. Comers get 15 yrs apiece
  8. I think you mean "minimum" wage, not "maximum wage" and "every other" not "ever other".
  9. How many "dummies" does it take to spell "cruse" correctly?
  10. It's as natural for man to seek new highs as it is for a spider to spin new webs.
  11. I come in everyday from work and change the remote to Westerns that I have recorded. (Lawman, Have Gun Will Travel, Matt Dillon, Gunsmoke). I don't like Rawhide or Wagon Train too much.
  12. I am up there almost every day. Anyone else go? I go to shoot pool. Come join us.
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