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Everything posted by cranemec

  1. All in the family Except Blondie and I are both Archie. Grumpy old curmudgeons.
  2. Right. I saved the link where he outed himself. Ms. Howard has it too. Not that it matters. Your whole hidden mod thing is moronic at best. So what if Pip is a mod. He actually makes a good one. Better than most of the other idiots you made one.
  3. CC is that you? It turns the robot cleaner, lights and waterfall on and off. Don't judge me monkey. I want the iPad app.
  4. It's a one man show now that the only other mod is recovering from hip replacement.
  5. Oh you kill me!! That's funny sheeze right there. I don't even know if it is possible!
  6. WERD! And there ain't much of that around these here parts!
  7. Blondie had some little skank knock on our door and asked if we owned the horse pasture beside our house. Her car was in it. From street level to ground level is about 6 feet. She Dukes of Hazzarded that ravine and ended up in the pasture. Stupid meth heads.
  8. If one of you ladies lost your black leather purse today around 2:30 at Kroger at 278 and 61, I found it. Customer service has it inside the store. It had a very distinct wallet inside so don't think you can just go up there and say your looking for your lost purse.
  9. Just ask this Detroit top cop. Detroit— Fed up with crime, some armed Detroiters have developed itchy trigger-fingers — and Police Chief James Craig said lawbreakers are getting the message. http://www.detroitnews.com/article/20140716/METRO01/307160034
  10. The place was full this past Sunday.
  11. It actually wound up being right at 6 1/2 feet deep. I told them I was 5 foot 11, when I stand in the deep end, I wanted water to cover my head so they dug about 8 feet.
  12. I wonder if it's going to be "chocolate" prison? It's Bush's fault.
  13. We were going for that deep Caribbean blue and this was pretty close.
  14. They are actually using a product called Wet Edge. CSD Pools likes it better and they have a better warranty. Pebble Tec is just the one many people know. Here is the look we are going for as far as water color. I never knew there were so many freaking choices to water color in a pool.
  15. Yes, it is. I made it for a family gathering one time. they ask for it every time now.
  16. Spicy Pasta Salad with Smoked Gouda, Tomatoes, and Basil § 12 ounces, weight Mostaccioli § 1/2 cup Mayonnaise § 1/4 cup Whole Milk § 4 Tablespoons White Vinegar § 1-1/2 teaspoon Adobo Sauce From Chipotle Peppers (or One Minced Chipotle Pepper) § 1/2 teaspoon Salt § Ground Black Pepper To Taste § 10 ounces, weight Grape Tomatoes, Halved Lengthwise § 1/2 pound Smoked Gouda Cheese, Cut Into Small Cubes § 24 whole Basil Leaves (chiffonade) Cook pasta until done. Drain and rinse in cold water until no longer hot. Set aside. Mix mayonnaise, milk, vinegar, salt, pepper
  17. Yes, it will be salt water. We can't wait to see the finished product either!
  18. Currently, this is where we are. The concrete was sealed yesterday. The deck guys are supposed to be back tomorrow to finish the steps to the concrete and tidy up a few loose ends. We are on the list for Pebble Tech, the guys are running behind from large work load and rain the past few weeks. The fence will go up after the Pebble Tech. After that, we hired a landscaper to come in and make it pretty and the painter will be there after the deck guys finish. We are so ready to be done with it all! The rock to the right is the jumping rock, the one to the left is pointy side up and just
  19. Good news. Nice shooting for the veteran. Too bad he didn't kill the thug or pick off a few more of the thugs that were shooting at them. Less drain on the system.
  20. You will like this recipe. Every time we have a family get together I am asked to bring it. This coming from the family who always wanted my mother to make tater salad!
  21. Blondie and I will sit on the beach and make up discussions little boys on the beach have, except the little boys cuss like sailors. ie: One time 2 little boys, maybe 4, had a stick and were contemplating just exactly what you do with a Jellyfish that had washed up on shore. They were passing the stick back and forth. Our conversation for them went something like this - Poke that mother effer! I'm not poking that sumbitch, you poke the mother effer. Eff you, I ain't the GD stupid, you poke the effer. etc etc So, yeah, little 4 year old boys cuss like sailors in our twisted world. We
  22. http://www.tpnn.com/2014/01/08/msnbcs-rachel-maddow-caught-lying-about-koch-brothers-refuses-to-retract/+ BAM!
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