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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. They work. I just put it on my belt loop and go on about my business. I really disliked spraying the repellent directly on my skin.
  2. They are coming to Villa Rica!!! :swoon: Half joking. But only half. Thanks momof 3!
  3. Well, if he is a good little boy, that can be his treat. Not to wax poetic about cupcakes but they are pretty extraordinary. Let me know what you'se think about them.
  4. Thank you, I appreciate it but I don't do Facebook. But thanks anyway. They really are tasty morsels aren't they?
  5. You put it very eloquently. Of course, I was not involved in the case at all but that is one person I would not mind seeing tortured to death....very, very slowly.
  6. I'm not sure but I want to say two weeks or so, depending on use. You will need refills! Once you buy the fan part, the repellent refills are not too expensive.
  7. I've used them for the past two years. Our garden tractor has a roll bar on it and when I mow the tree line, all kinds of critters are showered down on me. I'm telling you, not a bite, sting...nada. I'm a happy, happy girl!
  8. Well then, you got very, very, VERY lucky. Btw, you can't see them, at least I never have, until they get under your skin.
  9. I'm excited to try that place. First part of next week?
  10. Good. That "man" was a sick animal.
  11. No! Know why? Because when I'm doing that kind of stuff I wear my handy, dandy "Off" fan. It works. I despise chiggers with a burning hate.
  12. Heads up! There is a cupcake store upstairs in the Johnny's NY pizza place on Dallas highway, across from the Avenues. These cupcakes are FABULOUS! Full sized cupcakes at $3.00 each. High quality ingredients which shows in how they taste. I had the hot fudge sundae......cake part was really, really good and all the toppings were great. I don't say this lightly but they rival honeymoon bakery in Rome. So glad I found them. Just a heads up for my p.com buddies.
  13. No, not at all. They are making money off the backs of the American taxpayer. Legally being non-ethical. You shop there, I won't. I am not rallying for redistribution of their wealth. I don't want any of their wealth. How the heck this topic got turned around to all this speak I'm not sure. This is the extent of my power on this topic, I won't shop there and I will continue to make fun of the obvious fools that you see in those photos that do.
  14. Wealth envy? No. You are missing the point entirely and relying on "speak."
  15. I could not agree with you more Surepip. :good:
  16. NJ, politics have nothing to do with why I don't shop at Walmart. Really.
  17. Don't you have a pit bull? I would make that dog sound like a monster! I'm with Blondie....don't answer the door when you are alone.
  18. Yes. THE RAPE of this nation. http://www.indyweek.com/indyweek/whats-wrong-with-wal-mart/Content?oid=1196009 This is just one community. They use the same practices across the country.
  19. If you say so. Profit is only one piece of the puzzle. Walmart has been called on the carpet many times for rather unsavory business practices. It's not up to you to tell me where to shop mrshoward. That is up to me. I tend to support local business, if possible. If you want to feed the machine that is Walmart, that is your right.
  20. You expect an answer to that? Really? :rofl: :rofl: Look, you shop there if you like. I banned them a long time ago. I wasn't into supporting the Chinese, or the corporate greed they practice.
  21. That is not for me to say because I don't control their business practices. What do you say should be their profit?
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