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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. I like looking at used furniture. Go to that estate sale website, I bet you can get a pretty good deal on good quality. Besides, most of the sellers are estates. Old people have good stuff.
  2. OK, maybe that was a bit dramatic. I just don't trust Craig's List especially when you have to go to their house.
  3. No. Go to a second hand store. Please.
  4. Instead of attempting to insult, why not just CORRECT yourself?
  5. Huh? Given these numbers, you pay 285,914,604.50 a year in taxes. I have a good accountant, I'm willing to share.
  6. So Georgia, something came to light in this thread that is pretty disturbing. Our insurance commissioner submitted inflated numbers representing premiums due on Obamacare on behalf of the state of Georgia. In other words, instead of doing his JOB, he took the opportunity to play party politics. So, when ALL of us are paying inflated premiums instead of blaming the program perhaps we should look to this bonehead. http://www.georgiahealthnews.com/2013/08/state-grudgingly-oks-insurance-rates-exchange/
  7. Hey HWM, you better go out and get that ticket because this article backs up what you said. http://www.scu.edu/ethics/practicing/focusareas/technology/internet/privacy/computer-errors.html
  8. Can you imagine needing a washer and dryer and the only thing standing between you and getting them is a way to get them to your house? I'm glad to make the offer of help. I like the concept.
  9. You are welcome and just so you know....my word is good. Just let me know.
  10. The entire world has been beaten up with the financial stress. Everyone is done and looking for alternatives to war. War is very, very expensive.
  11. How much do you pay now? You know for all those people who just walk into the emergency room with no intent or means to pay for it? Your intent to not pay for anything that is not your business.......that ship left the port a very long time ago. Just like I have to pay school taxes but I don't have kids. I still have to pay for your kids.
  12. Congrats and best of luck. I saw where you posted about a lack of a washer & dryer. Give a shout out here because you never know what people have things that would love them to be just gone. If you need help getting something to your house.....PM me. I have a big ass truck.
  13. If you have an opinion than state it. If the only opinion you have on this issue is that you don't want to read my posts then please feel free to put me on ignore.
  14. Yes. Congress is a roadblock and they need to be gone. They are aspiring to be known as the worst congress ever. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2012/07/13/13-reasons-why-this-is-the-worst-congress-ever/
  15. Yeah, whatever. http://www.slate.com/blogs/weigel/2013/07/12/do_nothing_congress_how_many_bills_has_congress_passed_in_2013.html
  16. As usual, the question mrshoward posed has no clear cut yes or no. The handling of "The Dream Act" as referenced in the link is further explained in the following. http://www.snopes.com/politics/immigration/dreamact.asp
  17. When I have an additional 3 hours it would take to break this down, I'll let you know. When we have such a USELESS congress, these are the questions that come up.
  18. The president, any president has the authority of the executive order. In Obama's case he is forced to use this authority because Congress stonewalls him at every turn. Now, look at the attached. So far, Bush used this authority 290 times vs Obama using it 162 times. Where was the outrage when Bush used this authority? http://www.archives.gov/federal-register/executive-orders/disposition.html While I'm sure you would like to think you can control how people are allowed to respond to your comments, fortunately you can't.
  19. Who made this mess? Leave me alone .....you sound like a troll.
  20. Again, like I said to Beach Bum, this is my experience. This is our experience, me and my husband. Sorry you are not in the position to enjoy the new found advantages. Really.
  21. What are you looking to buy now? I thought you were done. Edit - Nevermind, I remembered you are selling your house in Smyra. 4 contracts? That's pretty promising.
  22. As I respect your opinion. When I said ""we" I was referring to me and my husband because that's a no spin zone, because that's what I know. I know a realtor who is going gangbusters, I know the real estate industry is much healthier these days, this much I know. Living where I live, I have to rely on the fact that the housing has picked up significantly on what I see and what I read. You mean it hasn't?
  23. And this is exactly why I hate party politics NJ. Back and forth............. I tell you this much......we are in much better shape today then we were. That's the truth. That's the reality of it. That's what I know.
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