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Everything posted by GRAYCE

  1. I want to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers through this, Please keep her Husband, Kids, Parents, Sister and Brother in your prayers they are going to need alot to get through this. I will say Crystal had a Beautiful service today as she was a Beautiful Person inside and out.
  2. We had heard he was going to Clarks, My prayers are with you and your family! Sam and his staff are great . We have used his services for many years even when he was partners with another local Funeral Home. God Bless and many prayers to help your family through this!
  3. She would not change a thing if she could! She was a person who the odds were always against her and she beat alot of those odds!
  4. She was always FULL of life, no matter what she faced she always found a smile.
  5. WC Abney I think is the only Elememtary School, and East Middle and East Paulding High
  6. Crystal was my cousin, after 15 and 1/2 hours of heart surgery yesterday she did not pull through. She has had a heart problem all her life and went through so many surgeries and this one, knowing going into it her chances were against her but she really had no choice! The Dr.'s said her heart was in such bad shape she could of not lived very long. She is a Angel in Heaven now looking over those 3 babies that were left behind. Sandra, Jackson, Julie, Russell and Breanna my Heart and prayers are with you all!
  7. I am So sorry, I know how it feels to have lost a father. Prayers for you and family, The Lord had a Plan for him. God Bless you and give you the strength to get through this. Nothing like a Fathers love.
  8. That's what you call a dumbass call for a police officer....they have more important things to take care of than Spit!....GEE some people need to get a life
  9. Instead of cows we all get to look at the lovely PVC farms all over the County!...........That's what I call them anyway.
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