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Everything posted by GRAYCE

  1. Baby Back Ribs Baked Beans Cole Slaw French Fries Garlic Bread


    When they are ready your welcome to all you want! I love watching the Deer out there...they are coming around now that they have started turning. Sure, there is plenty. I have only read that they are good after the 1st frost, they may be good now. I am not gonna be the one to try them though so if anyone finds out and wants to come and get'em they are here.


    My dog does also they are turning orange now!
  4. I have several trees in the yard if anyone eats them. I have read that they are good after the first frost A persimmon, known to the ancient Greeks as "the fruit of the gods"[1] is the edible fruit of a number of species of trees of the genus Diospyros in the ebony wood family (Ebenaceae). The word persimmon is derived from putchamin, pasiminan, or pessamin, from Powhatan, an Algonquian language (related to Blackfoot, Cree and Mohican) of the eastern United States, meaning "a dry fruit".[2] Persimmons are generally light yellow-orange to dark red-orange in color, and dep


    I hope I pm'ed everyone back and gave good directions to the one's that are coming. I hope I have enough for all that has ask, I will call the one's that sent their # if any are left. Thanks, Rhonda


    I put 3 cups of figs, 3 cups sugar and 2 small boxes of Jello bring to a boil and put into jars. you can take a Potato Masher and mash the figs


    I have made every kind of Jelly with Figs.......never liked regular figs
  8. Anchorage, no reports of damage at this time
  9. LOL, Cheaper by the dozen........................False!
  10. GRAYCE


    Do you want some figs? Won't be long till they are gone. Let me know and I will meet you over at the Property(Hiram Sudie Area). You can Pm or call me 404-787-4627
  11. I need some more totmatoes......if anyone has any let me know....pm
  12. thanks, it was nice to meet you and snik........put faces with names Canned or Froze
  13. don't you know it's gonna be good this winter
  14. Good, If you have more maters let me know Have ya tried the Jelly?
  15. Canned: Tomatoes Peppers Salsa Jelly: Raspberry Blackberry Peach Strawberry Grape Froze: Corn Okra Tomatoes Purple Hull Peas Squash with Green Tomatoes I think that's all
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