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Everything posted by GRAYCE

  1. which Book, I got the Almanac. Any wheather tales Markdavd?
  2. Congradulations on the 24th anniversary..we just had our 23rd it's work but, worth every minute. Hope your dinner is Perfect! BTW have you heard the song Gettin you Home by Chris Young...google and listen, it would make for a perfect setting!
  3. Pizza Farm, longhorns, chili's
  4. Pickles and Ice Cream
  5. Tacos.....outdone myself last night. Homemade salsa is gonna be the

    NC 17

    I tried to pm you and thank you for the Maters but you pm box is full
  7. Do you watch Glenn also...I know whatever he says it's gonna be the opposite Your right about the Book
  8. I have Heard that the thicker the Hull on Hickory Nuts the Colder the Winter will be. Squirrel Nest Being built High up in trees.....Cold Winter The little fuzzy things that cross the roads, the darker the Colder....... What'cha got?


    Never heard of that......I need to start a spinn off thread
  10. Maybe they are waiting on him to turn back to his natural color
  11. Bermuda today. I would love to travel like he does......without the Hurricanes
  12. Alert Here, love the Rain hate Lighting
  13. Just as I was about to take BEAUTIFUL pictures of the Geese and 4 deer in the back yard
  14. Dinner was GGGGRRRREEEAAATTTTTT! And the kitchen is clean
  15. Come on over Girl! your's sounds good to me
  16. smells good.....I know it;s gonna taste better
  17. Dinner is served at 6pm
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