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About dr4160

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    Paulding Com member
  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WVriFjaLvjU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7T5hYlUsQ0s http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5_Y22aDaY0
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WUdlaLWSVM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxuThNgl3YA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1aU1wbFSTs
  3. As I said earlier, I am indebted and grateful for you and all who sacrificed for us. Im sorry for what your still going through because of nam. I've seen how it affects my loved ones and I only wish you the best.
  4. Apparently you can't read, wasn't defending him! I have a nephew over there now. I also have family that served in Nam who suffer to thls day!!!!!! I have lost dear friends. You are not the only one who has suffered loss and still seeing the after effects on people you love and care about still suffering!!!!! Thank you Grumps and everyone else who has served this country! I have only respect and gratitude for you!
  5. Nope, not his mouthpirce, I just can't stand bullies and people who are constantly nasty. I agree with those marines pissing on those rag head mother truck#%^. The only mistake they made was getting caught. My nephew is in the trenches as we speak USMC, damn proud of Him. Why mess with an older man who is just stating Gibberish?Why threaten and the other BS that Comes out of "it's" mouth. Just put him on Ignore, dayum. I'm putting it on ignore right now. My dad served and my nephew is serving now, I know the hell they go through. I'm no ones mouthpiece like I said just can't
  6. Haha! Your such a bad ass! TP should be shaking In his boots! /s You love to threaten people, why don't you just Ignore him if he bothers you do bad? While your at it STFU
  7. Thanks, I'm glad someone else finnaly sees my point. Hey, does it count since I only have 331 posts ? lol
  8. Lady my point is kids not participating in dance or cheer are not any less succeptible to being preyed upon. Predators to not discriminate. Your the childish one calling parents trashy who allow their kids to participate in dance and cheer. You specifically called out those two activities. As far as hard truths being hard to hear, contrary to your arrogant self, your words are not everyone's truths. I could go on but your not worth it. I have one question though. Why do you keep posting on a message board that you obviously have such distaste for? You are a very judgemental,
  9. LMAO at those last three posts! As GT said, damn...just damn!
  10. Came by a few nights ago and had some killer wings! Customer service was great too. In the famous words of Arnold "I'll be baaaack."
  11. Point is, no child is safe regardless of what sport they participate in, dance or cheer that they do. Your a piece of work comparing young girls to streetwalkers looking for johns! Don't flatter yourself, I may follow a few around here, but def not you. I'm just astounded by what you type. Totally mystified. I'm sure I'm not the only one who notices and I don't mind calling you out on your perverted way of thinking.
  12. I take it somebody likes Aerosmith? Good taste in music. Yeah baby!!! Go DAWGS!!!
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