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Posts posted by packhead

  1. How has this line not spawned a multitude of jokes? :lol:


    I thought the same thing. :lol:


    I could have swore this was titled "for the guys". So far it's mostly women and people talking about the time.


    Sense of humor, but it must match my sense of humor. I HATE having to explain my jokes or quips. Intelligence is important, but I have met smart women with the personality of a slug.


    And yes girls, you can be too thin. I need something I can hold on to and squeeze w/o the fear of breaking you in half.


    Color me bad but I am a T&A man, always have been and it's too late to change my primal urges now.


    All this is moot of course since I am extremely happily married to the woman described above.



  2. Way to go!! As others have said it has as much to do with keeping your hands busy as anything else. You may also have to break other "habits" to be successful. What I mean is that if you always had a butt while sitting on the front porch or reading a book you may have to not do those things during the initial quitting period. If I had a drink I had to have a smoke so I drank coke or water or whatever so not to have a connecting habit. Best of luck.

  3. While agree the deputy is wrong in her actions, I do have a couple of questions about the statement of the suspect in the video:


    #1. He states thet he hit heavily on his right side and that his right side is still numb. However, in the video it clearly shows him landing on his left side?


    #2. He states that he is "quadriplegia" which means "Complete paralysis of the body from the neck down". The video again clearly shows that he has the use of both of his arms?


    Condition can also mean from the chest down as in a C7 spinal injury.

    I don't care if he was in a chair for a broken leg, he still should not have been dumped like that.

  4. I take it that the Peppermint Cream is helping???? I sure hope so!


    So...Did you hold out on giving her the Valentine's Basket or did you cave in??? :lol:

    She is going to be so excited when she sees it...I just know she will!


    I made one yesterday afternoon very similar to hers only in another Fragrance that was very pretty! (Again, don't even want to say the fragrance or she will KNOW it is hers!...you ladies are very smart!) He said he was going to have a hard time hiding it from her! :lol:


    Good to see you again, tell the Mrs. hello for me. We will be seeing you very soon! ^_^




    No, it is very well hidden and driving her crazy! Is this what foreplay is like? :lol: :lol:


  5. I believe he is partially correct. The higher ups turned a blind eye to the problem. They fell in love with the revenue and the fact that baseball was increasing its popularity because the fans flocked to see players hit 70 home runs a year and pitchers throwing 100mph. In turn players who juiced and became superstars signed the huge contracts....the ball was rolling down hill from there as everyone jumped on the bandwagon looking for the mega contracts.

    Did not the players union put the kibosh on an earlier attempt by MLB to install some kind of testing? Yes, MLB and the owners share in the blame. However, the players and their reps. are as well. He accepts no responsibility himself. It's like blaming the cop for not pulling you over before you crashed.

  6. John Rocker claims he flunked a drug test ordered by Major League Baseball in 2000.

    Full story here: John Rocker AP Story


    Do you remember when he played for the Braves? What do you think about steroid use in pro sports?

    Yeah, I saw/heard this on tv. He is placing all the blame on the commish. He must have learned that in his MLB ordered therapy sessions--blame someone, anyone but yourself. Next he'll blame the makers of the drugs or the guy selling them, or you and I for supplementing his use by buying tickets to see him pitch. <_<


  7. hmmm.....Mr. October huh...ha ha thats funny. You must be JK Rogers......


    Let me make this clear. I am not a candidate or supporter of any candidate in this race. My comment was directed at your insinuation that other candidates may be "outsiders".


    I personally don't care where a person is from but rather their experience(s), ideas, and past successes.


  8. It is your cat so do what YOU want. We have three cats in the house. Two are declawed from a previous owner and the last from the shelter is not. Our leather furniture has not been clawed. We just have other more appealing options for him. The only marks actually come from the hind claws when they jump off.

  9. well I try to be sweet..and a Nice guy too..


    Stay safe. If you should happen to see a little Saturn flying down 278, please ignore it. Wifey will be hurrying home to spend what is left of the day with us. :D

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