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Posts posted by packhead

  1. I try to ignore an occasional misspelled or misused word. However, the repeated disregard of the rules of grammar and punctuation do tend to wear on me. When forced to wade through disjointed thoughts, the original point of the post gets lost.

    Just my opinion.


    P.S. Not calling anyone out either.

  2. :rolleyes: 72 miami was only 16-0 N.E.Pats was still 18-1 better season record of all time


    Miami went 17-0 and won the Super Bowl. NE went 18-1 and lost the Super Bowl. NE may have won more games but were not undefeated. I don't care for either team, but unless they changed how percentages work, 17-0 beats 18-1.

  3. I am cold turkey as well still going strong after a month


    Great job, keep going. It gets easier over time.



    I too quit cold turkey 16 years ago after 15 yrs of trying to kill myself.

    My best advice is to never buy or otherwise possess any butts. I know it sounds simple, but they can't tempt you as easily from afar.

    You have to REALLY want it. Weak will and weak mind will not work.

  4. To add.....I did mine because I'm in thick woods and I had to mount the dish on a 10' pole on top of the chimney to 'see' over the trees. DTV installers wouldn't touch this one.


    I'm just weird that way.... :p


    You also made a good lightning rod.

  5. Good MOrning...


    I am here for awhile...


    My Daddy is holding his own... he has had a lot of company this weekend., and it has kinda wore him out...


    but he is still the same not any worse not any better... nurse will be out tomorrow..


    she does think it has gone to his brain now, and plus he has been having bad headaches.. so with each day something new happens that gives us a sign he is getting worse..


    So sorry to hear that. Treasure EVERY minute you have with your dad.

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