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Posts posted by packhead

  1. It doesn't matter what you "think" should be the law, but rather what is. Accidents happen when someone does the unexpected, such as stopping the flow of traffic to let someone cross traffic. Stop being the Jesus of the roadways and obey the laws.

  2. Our house was hit by lightning last year. We lost most electronic/electrical equipment. Oddly enough all the computers were spared. Some phones literally melted though.

  3. The Falcons made the right move in trading him - If you get a chance watch a special on ESPN Classic called Top 5 reason you can't blame....They do one on why the Falcons were right to release the party boy that had a horriable game or two. NO ONE not even Green Bay thought he would turn out to be the QB that he did.


    I will miss watching him play but maybe now the Lions can win a game against the Pack.


    Ron Wolf was a scout for the Jets and according to him had planned on drafting Favre right after the Atl. pick. Next year he was hired as GB GM and sent a #1 pick for him to Atl. He apparently thought very highly him to give up a 1st round pick for a partier like Favre.


    Think Kitna will shoot his mouth off again this year?

  4. June Jones should be remembered as making the most stupid move ever made in the NFL. I think he let his religion get in the way of making good, sound football decisions.


    Anyone remember who the quarterback was that June Jones picked over Brett Favre?


    Chris Miller. Now there's a Hall of Famer.


    Jones was merely the QB coach then so I doubt he had much say in the trade. Glanville was head coach and I think Ken Herok was GM or personnel director. Remember the owner?? Not a good track record there.


    They went to the playoffs that year and Miller was no slouch either. He threw for 3100 yards that year. Concussions were his downfall.


  5. Just so everyone knows the proper way to say DST is Daylight Saving Time there is no S at the end of saving.


    Oh oh!! Spelling and grammar Nazis again. Remember, we must not constrict the free flow of ideas with your silly English rules. :p :p :D

  6. Find a GOOD orthodontist. We were refereed to one for our daughter. The dentist thought she needed braces. The Otho said he'd be happy to put braces on her if we really wanted to waste our money. He said she would need braces again once her perm. teeth all came in. Instead she received an expander to make room in her mouth. She had that about 6 mos. or so.

    She has braces now at 13.

  7. I gave up on quitting so good luck to you. I am going to quit again when I can afford the Chantix. I got so dang moody everybody was mad at me so I decided that I cant quit until I get some Chantix to help my moodiness.


    Sorry to hear that. I was really pulling for you. At least now you know the challenges you face and next time you can be better prepared for them. Don't quit on quitting. It was the second best decision I ever made.

  8. Antidepressants, a whole lot of them!!

    Actually just your understanding that you may be more moody and recognizing when that happens along with his understanding of the same.

    Oh yeah, and sex, lots and lots of sex. It may not help you but I'm sure he will appreciate it.

  9. Fantastic!! I actually got a little choked up looking at those wonderful pictures.

    Thank you and your entire family for enduring the hardships that come with having a loved one in harms way.

    Thank your son for being a man we can all be proud of.

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