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Posts posted by packhead

  1. Some reason I didn't think you were a Falcons fan . Huh ,









    Never said I wasn't a fan. I had season tickets long before the dome was built. Just don't like bandwagon jumpers, on or off.

  2. The refs screwed the Falcons out of having a last minute drive to end the first half. They took five minutes to review White's catch and still got it wrong. That was clearly a catch. The ball didn't come out until he was out of bounds and hit the ground. That's the kind of stuff that the NFL needs to be looking into. What's the point in having replay if they still don't get it right? At least Carolina didn't score when they got the ball back.


    Agreed. White took 3 steps(4 if you count his right foot hitting the ground twice)before going ob and losing the ball. Completely misinterpreted of the rule.


    It really seems to have broken their rhythm.

  3. Yeah they lost , they are still a good team . Especially during reorganization . Best team we've had here in 10 years . And I've always been a fan and always will be !








    Really?? They have been to two NFC Championship games and 1 Super Bowl over that time. This year will be a struggle to make the playoffs. Still better than the last few years but hardly the best in ten years.


  4. [snip]


    "Mrs. McCain's staff went through the Web site as any member of the general public would - no string-pulling, no phone calls, no involvement of Senate staff," Rogers said. "Just because she is married to a senator doesn't mean she forfeits her right to ask for cell service as any other Verizon customer can."


    Verizon spokesman Nelson said. "I am not going to talk about individual customers and their requests."


    [end snip]



    Soooo.... we go through the website, complain about the service on Buchanan Hwy, and voila! A portable cell phone tower appears? :huh:



    :nea: I think not.


    Are you offering the use of your land for free??


  5. During both of the hoya injuries over half the EP players on the field did not take a knee. Not a great impression to make on national tv. Did anyone else notice this or was it just me? As for the game bad decisions and sloppy play led to the loss for the raiders. I think the procedure call on the screen may have been a make up call for letting raiders have four timeouts. I also was wondering is 17 hurt or was he just having bad game?

    What does taking a knee have to do with anything? Unless it's a southern thing that I don't know about, the practice of taking a knee is more about getting off your feet and resting than any show of respect.


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