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Posts posted by packhead

  1. That is just about as "classless" of a statement that I have ever read on paulding.com. YOU are laughing over the misfortunes of the builders (who by the way just made a living by fulfilling an obvious need). Do you realize how many people in the State of Georgia and across the nation are affected by the building industry and are suffering right now? Is that really what you want - for other human beings to suffer?


    I am very thankful right now to still have a job and am very thankful that I have other things to fall back on if that is not always the case but YOU making fun of and laughing at other people's misfortunes is just about as "classless" and "ignorant" as it gets. I will continue to say daily prayers for you surepip because with this kind of attitude, you really, really need them. I could say a lot more but I will refrain.


    Wow. I guess we really do read into things what we want.. I may be wrong but I took it that they(RBMB) may become extinct due to voting certain people out of office, not honest builders losing business due to the economic conditions that presently exist.


  2. <looks for picture of broken record>


    <looks for orginal thought in painfuls post>




    Guess 1 out of 2 ain't bad.


    If UGA lost to Ga Southern there would not be a single person in Ga calling for the coach's head. If Ga. lost to Tech 4 years in a row prior to that their would not be a person calling for the coach's job. This is basically what happen at Michigan.


    Oh, and my wife is the alumni, I am the wanna be because I went to (and graduated) from a higher rated school in my field but since they don't have a football team no one down here knows that the school is even there. Now, how many more times are you going to talk about a game that happened a season and a half ago and means nothing at this point in life?


    I've got to agree, time to let that one go....So, how does Toledo strike you? :lol: :lol:


  3. I doubt it. Enforcing traffic law is an awesome tool to use to find other criminal activity that is aloof. I only give out coupons to folks that are total asses to me and for only a few violations. The rest, I either give a warning to or tell them not to do it again and to have a good day.

    I may stop someone for speeding but I personally am not enforcing the speeding law. I speed and am no hypocrite. I don't write speeding tickets. I stop speeders in order to have contact with them. I am about to shock a lot of people that will half way read my next statement. I profile! I profile certain types of cars and the drivers demeanor and how they react to the sight of a cop looking at them. Is this illegal? HELL NO it aint. It is NOT bias based profiling and has nothing to do with race creed, color, sex, religion, etc.

    So I stop you cause you were speeding and this is a legal stop. I can then lawfully speak with you and conduct an investigation. I find numerous wanted people, suspended drivers, and drugs by doing this.

    Now are there some officers that are out to just write tickets? Sure there are. Some don't even bother running the driver on the state system to see if they are wanted or have a valid license. They just wanna write tickets. I don't care for this practice cause half of them will pull away from a traffic stop and run 80mh down the road after writing someone for speeding.


    Trust me, I know why we have a bad name but we ain't all bad. I don't think feelip was saying that we are all bad either.



    I had 7 tickets within one year of getting my license! I HATED the freakin popo!!!!! It was their fault and they were picking on me is how I looked at it. Then I grew up and became responsible! ;)


    Hey, what gives?? Here I had you pegged as just another A-hole cop with a badge,a gun and God complex. Now you go and post these rational thoughts. What the hell am I suppose to think now? eyepop.gif


    I've been let go when I thought for sure I was going to be busted, and harassed(usually by some rookie or worse yet Kennesaw cop :ph34r: ) for no real reason other than a bug up the arse. But I usually write those off figuring it's just the scales balancing out.

  4. I disagree....if we ran the same game plan in the 1st half as we did in the 2nd it would have been a different ballgame.


    Not so fast. Bama ran a prevent defense most of the 2nd half dropping 8 and even 9 in coverage causing GA to use a lot of clock to score. On offense the RAN the clock until GA started getting close then scored easily when they chose to.


    Where GA got beat(or beat up) was at the line by big physical lineman. Watch out for any other physical team.


    Let me add, I am not a GA fan and certainly not a bama fan.

  5. I believe the RC this person keeps mentioning stands for radio controlled, as in model. Notice I didn't say toy so as not to offend anyone.


    You keep saying you are not an expert yet you continue to argue something that was answered with the first post.


    While not an expert myself, my interest in military aircraft goes beyond being a hobby.

  6. it is the B 52 Stealth Bomber. If it was the RC F 117 bomber it would have a fin in the center of the two outter rear fins .


    You're joking right? There is no B 52 Stealth bomber. Also the "F" in F 117 makes it technically a fighter.

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